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The Smith situation:

Albert Breer:
Per league sources, Peyton Manning has informed clubs that he plans on making a final decision on his future on Monday or Tuesday.
I should be taking my own advice of never looking too much into things but I read this and got depressed by it for some reason.
Man there is some Cazic like hatred of Smith. Yeah hes average but he made some big plays last season. Yes the defense carried the team But Alex did a lot to help the team achieve. I am not saying not to upgrade to Manning but lets get real Alex made some plays lead a few comebacks most noticablely the Saints game. He still is nothing more than a two to three year stopgap but really now this pure hatred shows nothing but ignorance and pettiness.
I dont think you understand what i was saying and its written in the article above.
Payton doesnt want to be the reason Eli doesnt make it to the big dance. How doesnt that make sense??? He rather play is little brother in the big dance so they both could say we made it to the ultimate goal.
For me personally, if i have to play my brother then i have to play him regardless. I dont care what round it is, we still have to face the situation of making one or thee other sad.
I've read the entire thread and haven't seen any hatred of Smith. Unless the overwhelming amount of hope and glee over the possibility of getting Manning is hatred in some people's eyes. I like Alex. I just like the potential of Peyton on this team a whole lot more.
Well that post up there with the shitty cartoon fits the bill. I support Alex but if the FO thinks Manning still has it i trust in them.
However he will be going on 37 by the next Super Bowl and the greats don't last past 38 usually - and regardless of how many physicals he passes, he still has a surgically repaired neck and is football-old. plus he's never been good in the playoffs - the Colts won that Super Bowl almost despite him - and they went 1 and out 7 out of 11 times in his career 9-10 all time in the playoffs 5-10 in the non-Super Bowl years - all of this adds up to the possibility that he's a bit overrated.
Now he's never played with a defense like ours and it would be interesting to see what could happen, but one big hit he's out we're stuck with CK and that makes me nervous.
It seems to me that both would argue the ultimate goal is WINNING the Super Bowl, not just making it to the Super Bowl.
Wouldn't it be fair to see that if Peyton doesn't visit the 49ers facility in the next couple of days that the chances of us getting him are basically none?
Does a visit to the facility really indicate if a player will sign with that said team?
No, but since the visiting of the training facilities seems to be so important to Manning's process, i would think he would want to at least view the 49ers facility before he would sign.
i was thinking maybe he didnt visit ours because of how discreet the organization was trying to be about the process?
That's possible, but now that everyone knows what is holding him back?
Might also be due to the fact the facilities are overrun with construction equipment so it's probably not the best place to tour right now.
Also both the Broncos and Titans need to pitch their teams to Peyton to convince him. I mean the Titans weren't even on his radar till they came to him.
We already have our pitch which is "You want another ring or two? Than we're you're team. If not than have fun maybe making the playoffs with Denver or Tennessee and getting knocked out the 1st round or 2nd round if you're lucky before you retire"
In fact you can argue not visiting is a good sign because we didn't have to come in and sell him on our team and make a circus about it.