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2024 training camp thread


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Aug 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That is because they are biased…their jobs rely on it and that is old school thinking.
I'm not sure that "bias" fits here, I'm more comfortable seeing them as cautious, probably more than necessary at the expense of the limited amount of time that the players and coaches have to perform well with what they have and oddly enough, don't have.
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US ARMY retired /mod.
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ada mi
Hoopla Cash
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From my POV, it's not a matter of not having enough players, but not the right type of players.
If there was a poll taken among players, and coaches, asking whether or not they would prefer to do what was necessary to win in 2024 or wait until next year, to begin winning, 100% of them would be behind winning now.

I know that this positioning is a "glass half full or half empty" proposition with the more cautious (half empty) thinkers, wanting to build from weaknesses, but there is another POV to consider and that's making assessments from a position of strength. Winning (Half full) teams do it all of the time. Neither is wrong or out of place given the history of the organization, but, again if we polled the new ownership group with the question being a choice between wearing the mantle of the previous management team or something new, 100% would choose the latter.
i say coach the players on this team now to a WC and assess what we actually have in terms of what the new regime wants in players . save our resources until we know exactly what we need . yes , try and win but lets not spend 30 mil on a guy just to be 9-8 or a WC contender . recognize the lack of talent here and hope our staff can milk some victories out of them . if and only if a must have player becomes available do you make the move


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2023
Hoopla Cash
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I don’t think we have enough players to be in the playoffs . And I don’t want to give up future resources just to contend for a WC spot .coach this team to a WC spot this year and assess what you have
playoffs in 2024 for this team won,t happen.2025 is my hope.7-10 would be awesome.