Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Can your power forward do this?
Well Lebron can...but he is gone now

Can your power forward do this?
I'm not sure why you keep saying this Shit.
You called me a former Clippers fan weeks ago and I told you then that you were on sherm.
Since ya'll keep shitting on my facetious MVP rankings, here's my real ones:
1) Giannis
2) Steph Curry
3) Kawhi Leonard
4) Joel Embiid
5) Lebron James
Fun fact: Kawhi Leonard has only played in 5 more games than Steph this year.
I don't like your list
Middleton would have to play the same position as Jackson, Bridges, Warren.Why in the world would Middleton go to Phoenix? Middleton is going to get offers from a bunch of teams including the Bucks.
Heck, I doubt Rozier would sign with them.
Horford might because he's on the cusp of being washed. He would take a last payday that contenders wouldn't give him.
Lots of bottom feeders have tons of cap space that they can't use.
fight me
in that case trade them Kevin Love and take back Anderson's bad deal! he will only make 30M and has a game that has never been based on ahtleticism....nice floor stretcher for Ayton, rebounder and ball mover...etc.
You got me i dont necesarily think "no one is signing there".....a lot of young talent, phoenix is not a bad place to live....i mean, id rather sign there than Milwaukee.
Love would actually be really interesting there--- and htey have the assets and cap to afford/get him if they wanted to. Its a pretty good fit but for the front court defense of a pairing of Ayton and Love.....which might be scary....but Ayton would absolutely crush it with the spacing Love providess- and those 2 togetheer would kick some ass on the boards--- and Love is the rare big man who is a very good passer, especially in transition.
I actually would like Love to the Suns.
The young hoppers still do folks still do sherm stick...?
Yeah....Love would actually be really interesting there--- and htey have the assets and cap to afford/get him if they wanted to. Its a pretty good fit but for the front court defense of a pairing of Ayton and Love.....which might be scary....but Ayton would absolutely crush it with the spacing Love providess- and those 2 togetheer would kick some ass on the boards--- and Love is the rare big man who is a very good passer, especially in transition.
Not if they are bottoming out.Wouldn't the Wiz be looking for something better than a future protected 1st for Wall?