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2018-2019 NBA Regular Season Thread


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Dec 25, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Hoopla Cash
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The only reason I think not is because @dtgold88 isn't a total asshole.

His opinions and repetive tendencies are an awful lot like Wiggy's, but I don't think Wiggy would have the self restraint to go back and forth with me for more than 3 posts without name calling if it were an alt.

He can't even go 1 post normally.
Thanks? Does that mean I'm a partial asshole? The margarin of assholes? At least I've got that going for me.

As mentioned, I have been on the opposite side of him in a discussion and didn't see what you are saying, but can't say I haven't seen those tendencies towards me from others in this discussion. All good though.


Well-Known Member
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To add to that, he would have to be 3 different posters, not 2.

Stakes says Gold migrated from the same site.

So, he'd need to be in on it to vouch for an alt.

Who has that kind of time on their hands and who would be THAT pathetic?
I did migrate from another site and I have to say some there just lurked here and made it out to be some combative hellhole, which I think is absurd. The 2 forums aren't much different in that regard. I also think there are more over there who will under no circumstances say they are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
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cmon man- you think that LeBron should have actually CALLED and spoke to Kyrie and tried to smooth things out after it became apparent that the main reason Kyrie wanted out was LeBron?

That even though LeBron wanted to play with Kyrie- that LeBron had some responsbility to actually talk to Kyrie and find some common ground?

lol.....hey dont get so crazy.

LeBron and Kyrie's ego's put the Cavs into such a bad situation.

you have Kyrie- literally not talking to anyone at practice for weeks on end.

you have Kyrie- telling the front office he wanted to be traded after the team won the championship which is just mind boggling on its own

you have Kyrie- telling the front office that he hates playing with LeBron so much that he will elect to have knee surgery and miss a huge portion of the season if he is not traded

you have Kyrie- who believed LeBron was trying to get him traded

and LeBron refuses to even call him and try and straighten things out because LeBron has a huge ego and feels its beneath him.

that- and LeBron just condescends him in every press conference he gets a chance- saying "he is giving the young kid the blue print", etc. over and over and over again.

I am sure LeBron wanted to play with Kyrie but all of his actions were driving Kyrie away and it came down to both guys immense ego's and neither one of them willing to reach out to the other to attempt to fix it.

The Cavs had been internally trying to keep it together for a long long time, but once it became clear that LeBron was leaving, and Kyrie's name got leaked (by LeBron's camp according to most sources) for Bledsoe and George- it was pretty much beyond repair.

the only thing that could have repaired it was LeBron actually picking up the phone and swallowing some pride--- instead everyone got what they got. Kyrie is crying in Boston on a team that is underacheiving. LeBron is crying in LA tried to get his whole team traded and is hilariously out of the playoffs right now- and the Cavs are tanking for Zion.

when you think about it- LeBron pretty much pissed on the last 2 years that he was the best player in the NBA- last year and this year- with how he handled the situation.
Amazes me how all these points get overlooked/ignored. Many are factual and backed up by Lebron.

I have to say I was stunned when I heard about Kyrie not speaking at all to teammates. That guy is a different kind of strange.

And you are correct....Cavs are far better off now than Had they kept Kyrie. If they had, Gilbert would have been ripped for keeping a guy who couldn't even play in the playoffs when it was clear Lebron wanted out and it was their last shot to win with him.


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Jul 17, 2014
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and one of the biggest indictments of LeBron's camp is that even though Kyrie had asked out well over a YEAR before- after the title run (And David Griffin has said he asked out even before that), that no one knew about it.

the Cavs did not leak it, Kyrie's camp did not leak it - no one knew.

The people that actually leaked that Kyrie had finally became entrenched on his trade demand were LeBron's camp.

That is something that pisses me off more than almost anything.


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Amazes me how all these points get overlooked/ignored. Many are factual and backed up by Lebron.

I have to say I was stunned when I heard about Kyrie not speaking at all to teammates. That guy is a different kind of strange.

And you are correct....Cavs are far better off now than Had they kept Kyrie. If they had, Gilbert would have been ripped for keeping a guy who couldn't even play in the playoffs when it was clear Lebron wanted out and it was their last shot to win with him.
yah when i heard that Kyrie had not spoken to teammates in weeks i was like ?what the hell? it made no sense.

Totally so strange.

Griffin came out in his interview and said that Kyrie had been asking to be traded for a LONG time before LeBron's party leaked that last trade demand.

the Cavs had always been able to talk him down- but it became clear that it was beyond repair at that point.

I truly think that if LeBron picked up the phone and could ahve smoothed things out they would have been able to have one more run- but LEBron had no interest in doing that- he is The King in his mind- he doesnt have to do that kind of stuff and Kyrie should have been licking his boots.


oh well

its in the past.

its just another reminder of the shit that you have to put up with LEBron- its well worth it- but you can tell from wherever he has been- whether Cleveland, Miami, or LA- that there are aspects of having LeBron James that are a pain in the ass and take away from winning for any franchise that he plays for.


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Jul 17, 2014
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it is why i do give Steph Curry credit.

RW, Durant and his cry baby attitude, Harden, LEBron, Kyrie, Kawhi, now Davis, Embiid cries all the time, Wall is a terrible teammate from all accounts (while he was a "super star"), Butler is a total asshole

how many super stars do you just get no drama from?

very very few. Steph- and thus far Giannis (but dude is only 24).

He is a little weasel with weak ankles that loves throwing his mouth guard - but he looks out for his franchise and that is a RARE thing for an NBA super star.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Hoopla Cash
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yah when i heard that Kyrie had not spoken to teammates in weeks i was like ?what the hell? it made no sense.

Totally so strange.

Griffin came out in his interview and said that Kyrie had been asking to be traded for a LONG time before LeBron's party leaked that last trade demand.

the Cavs had always been able to talk him down- but it became clear that it was beyond repair at that point.

I truly think that if LeBron picked up the phone and could ahve smoothed things out they would have been able to have one more run- but LEBron had no interest in doing that- he is The King in his mind- he doesnt have to do that kind of stuff and Kyrie should have been licking his boots.


oh well

its in the past.

its just another reminder of the shit that you have to put up with LEBron- its well worth it- but you can tell from wherever he has been- whether Cleveland, Miami, or LA- that there are aspects of having LeBron James that are a pain in the ass and take away from winning for any franchise that he plays for.

Have said numerous times I do not like Lebron and really don't care for Gilbert.....but appreciate what each did to bring us a title I thought I'd never see.

sure wish Gilbert had a baseball itch he wanted to scratch (and could do it here).


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Hoopla Cash
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yah when i heard that Kyrie had not spoken to teammates in weeks i was like ?what the hell? it made no sense.

Totally so strange.

Griffin came out in his interview and said that Kyrie had been asking to be traded for a LONG time before LeBron's party leaked that last trade demand.

the Cavs had always been able to talk him down- but it became clear that it was beyond repair at that point.

I truly think that if LeBron picked up the phone and could ahve smoothed things out they would have been able to have one more run- but LEBron had no interest in doing that- he is The King in his mind- he doesnt have to do that kind of stuff and Kyrie should have been licking his boots.


oh well

its in the past.

its just another reminder of the shit that you have to put up with LEBron- its well worth it- but you can tell from wherever he has been- whether Cleveland, Miami, or LA- that there are aspects of having LeBron James that are a pain in the ass and take away from winning for any franchise that he plays for.
do you have a link regarding Kyrie asking to be moved after the title season? Not saying I don't believe it, just wondering if anyone reported it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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