Mecca of the “B” Team
It's 90 here...lolGuess who's getting a snow day tomorrow?
It's 90 here...lolGuess who's getting a snow day tomorrow?
It's 90
its northeast Ohio. Have you ever heard the term "lake effect snow"? have got to be kidding me- closing businesses because of snow? I have heard of closing schools- but businesses? no freaking way.
People always ask me why I don't go on more vacations or travel more and I'm just like, "Why? I live near 15 minutes away from the #1 beach in the world"
I like the Keys more. But Tampa strip're not doing it wrong.
Yea, used to live next to Mons, used to go there for New Years every year, and I know the guy that runs 2001 Odyssey across the street so he allows us to bring a cooler of beer in there, which is cool since there's no alcohol allowed for full nude.
Getting lap dances while on ecstasy is phenomenal btw, everyone should try it.
There's no doubt he's an easy target for criticism. But he brings most (if not all of it) upon himself. And if he hasn't figured out to just shut the fuck up by now he never will.
thats not fair.....though....we dont have to contend with earthqaukes, wildfires, landslides, droughts, and a porous border in Ohio.It's 90
gulf side or atlantic side?People always ask me why I don't go on more vacations or travel more and I'm just like, "Why? I live near 15 minutes away from the #1 beach in the world"
thats not fair.....though....we dont have to contend with earthqaukes, wildfires, landslides, droughts, and a porous border in Ohio.
gulf side or atlantic side?
gulf side is way nicer----- atlantic side way skeezier, but funner to party on.
thats gorgeous...a couple years ago- my family and i went and stayed on Gasparilla there on the gulf side- it was just gorgeous...Gulf
Clearwater Beach was named number one Beach in the World this past year, I live about 15 minutes away, tons of bars/clubs, awesome place.
Gasparilla is a lot of fun, I usually go to the night parade instead because every time I go to the day parade I get way too hammered.thats gorgeous...a couple years ago- my family and i went and stayed on Gasparilla there on the gulf side- it was just gorgeous...
my dad caught a 160lbs. tarpon out on a charter.....and one day we crabbed off of our friends dock...
ill tell ya- crabbing is a freaking FUN.....putting the chicken neck down there and pulling it up hoping a crab is on board is
Been too friendly on here today. Can we start fighting again?
It is a permanent ban
its northeast Ohio. Have you ever heard the term "lake effect snow"? have got to be kidding me- closing businesses because of snow? I have heard of closing schools- but businesses? no freaking way.