Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
It takes a man to do that. Still waiting for Wiggy to admit he was wrong about the Heat.
lol, i'll say it again. you're in for a LONG fuckin' wait...

It takes a man to do that. Still waiting for Wiggy to admit he was wrong about the Heat.
It takes a man to do that. Still waiting for Wiggy to admit he was wrong about the Heat.
Don fucking Rickles died.....did you guys hear that? Sucks.
Yeah, heard it on my way home. Sucks.
This season was never about winning, it was about development. They are developing pretty well and they like playing for him. With the complete lack of development that took place under Byron, he was essentially handed a core group that consisted of 6 rookies.
I mean, please tell me you weren't expecting a playoff run.
And serious shit went down in Syria.
Wiggy is a massive troll, and a pretty good one, he gets you guys to eat his shit up on a daily basis.
Wow. Complete douchebag...
pretty sure you guys realize by now, this guy will literally say ANYTHING to draw attention to himself. he's already proven that there aren't ANY lines he won't cross...