Rodman: LeBron resting shows he's not Jordan
if lebron retired TOMORROW he would have played in more games than Jordan.
He'd have rested more times too.
Rodman: LeBron resting shows he's not Jordan
if lebron retired TOMORROW he would have played in more games than Jordan.
The Lakers have never built thru the draft, and probably never will, they will get a big time free agent soon.
if the Lakers got LaVar Ball
Not looking good for Miami....and Boston being down 16 at half doesn't help. Feels like they need to win 3 of their final 4 to make it.
Who the Lakers might get during the offseason?
Hayward would be good. A top wing still in his prime.
man, this team REALLY needed Waiters. shit luck he had to go down now...
you can say "losers mentality"- Ill say- actual strategic planning.
that's the thing though. was hoping to see more development outta Ingram...
Congratulations on yet another "Wiggyruss Stupidest Post of the Day" Award.![]()
so you are saying the a free agent is the same thing as a trade
Congratulations on yet another "Wiggyruss Stupidest Post of the Day" Award. You're close to beating Tristan's Ironman streak.![]()
Now that the retarded Buss is gone, and Magic is running the ship, free agents will go there.
Don't believe me just watch
It really was the opposite with the Cavs.
There was no strategic planning.
It was bad basketball teams, bad drafting, but lucky lotto balls.
The Blatt hire is all the proof one would need to know Gilbert wasn't planning on James coming back that summer.
They will definitely listen. With Short Buss, the Lakers couldn't even get a meeting with some of the guys they wanted to target over the last 2 FA periods.
With Magic, they will at least meet with the Lakers out of respect for who he is. From there, it will be a matter of whether or not he can close them.
PG will be in a Lakers uni soon, and Cousins after that, plus Lonzo and then you got the Snitch and Ingram.