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2015 Seahawks roster, the best ever?


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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I think it is. I know it's actually to early to know for sure. Once they ink RW some painful cuts could happen and who knows how the rookies and second year players actually pan out. Still I feel like this roster looks fantastic.
I know the OL is a worry, but I like that they are bringing in young guys to compete and I feel like for once...maybe the OL stays healthy ( still worry about Okung) that alone should help make for a better OL.
STs just got a huge upgrade barring injury. The pass rush looks like it should improve with Cross, Marsh and Jordan Hill. LBs look solid. Secondary is the biggest concern due to studs having to rehab from injuries, but they are studs and with the better pass rush should be fine. The run defense looks to be in great shape with Mebane returning a healthy Wagner and the addition of Rubin and as a long shot Jesse Williams.
On offense the addition of Graham and Tyler with a healthy OL makes me smile.

All in all I'm stoked for 2015 season. SB champs is what I'm expecting.



Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I think it is. I know it's actually to early to know for sure. Once they ink RW some painful cuts could happen and who knows how the rookies and second year players actually pan out. Still I feel like this roster looks fantastic.
I know the OL is a worry, but I like that they are bringing in young guys to compete and I feel like for once...maybe the OL stays healthy ( still worry about Okung) that alone should help make for a better OL.
STs just got a huge upgrade barring injury. The pass rush looks like it should improve with Cross, Marsh and Jordan Hill. LBs look solid. Secondary is the biggest concern due to studs having to rehab from injuries, but they are studs and with the better pass rush should be fine. The run defense looks to be in great shape with Mebane returning a healthy Wagner and the addition of Rubin and as a long shot Jesse Williams.
On offense the addition of Graham and Tyler with a healthy OL makes me smile.

All in all I'm stoked for 2015 season. SB champs is what I'm expecting.

I don't think the Patriots are coming to Seattle.....


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Nov 19, 2014
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Yep way too early. As fans most of the time we think we did great in FA. Then we wait for the draft were we once again feel our team did well. Even all the head scratchers for NE and Seattle. The we see who gets cut from our team and who we bring in from others. Then camp comes along and we hope new talent thrives. Then the season starts and we find out for real. Funny how SoS is based off last years teams/records... I know they get updated but to me it's comical we even talk about it pre draft/pre season.

Good draft for both NE and Seattle. As usual some head scratchers but hey we would be who we are without them.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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For this time of year, this is the best I've felt about a Seahawks roster, that is all I'm saying.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Two years ago we had just traded for Harvin and were coming off that tough playoff loss in ATL after busing on the scene in the '12 season. Lots of optimism and a great roster going into the '13 season. Then last year it was the thinking/hope that we would actually have Harvin healthy and on a team that had just won the SB. Now we are sort of back to where we were 2 years ago with a new weapon joining a SB team. It seems like a roster as good as either of the 2 before it. I remember being pretty optimistic after '83 season. Curt Warner was a rookie who had a great year, team made the playoffs (AFCC loss to Oak) for the first time ever, and going into '84 the Hawks were the popular choice to come out of the AFC. Hopefully this season ends better than that one did.


Apr 22, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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I dont think this team altogether is as good as the 2013 team was, mainly because of depth. No team will ever be as good as that team was top to bottom (our bottom CB was Maxwell..., bottom WR was Kearse...), especially for a training camp team. I think the starters may be the best for this team ever but we have nowhere near the depth of a couple years ago. I cant wait for this season to see our new offense go to work!


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
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I dont think this team altogether is as good as the 2013 team was, mainly because of depth. No team will ever be as good as that team was top to bottom (our bottom CB was Maxwell..., bottom WR was Kearse...), especially for a training camp team. I think the starters may be the best for this team ever but we have nowhere near the depth of a couple years ago. I cant wait for this season to see our new offense go to work!


I can see the argument for starting units, but 2013 beats all comers with its depth.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The depth of 2013 was great in hindsight. Until we see how this team develops players and handles injuries this upcoming season we won't know much about the depth.

I do agree with Harold as of now. I think that Lockett is the real deal and will be a 2nd and 3rd contract kind of guy. Moving on from Carp and Unger is a positive, honesty, I'd rather have less talented guys who can stay on the field. And how I felt about the Harvin trade pales in comparison to the Graham addition and the potential it brings.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Definitely reason for optimism in Seattle. Too many variables to know what will happen but starting out definitely looks like one of the top-3 rosters in the league. Injuries can definitely change things in a hurry and is the one concern I do have for the Seahawks considering they have played quite a few more games than any other team in the league over the last couple of years and with Lynch another year older he will at some point hit that RB wall. For your sake hopefully not this year or next kind of thing. The other part of this for the Seahawks in my opinion is the OL. While yes having Lynch and Wilson helps mask some of the deficiencies of the OL I do wonder how that unit will play out. Should be fun to see you guys week 1 of the preseason and see how the moves both our teams have made begin to take shape.