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2015 Rosterbation


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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The Giants are NOT likely to bring back the same team for 2015, as two key players signed elsewhere : Panda and Morse. Panda is obvious, but without Morse's HUGE first two months with us we wouldn't have made the post-season. His pinch-hit home run that tied the game in the NLCS wasn't chopped liver either.

You're being kind of pedantic here...they are bringing back the core of the team. They replaced Panda with Panda lite. The only change is the dropoff, if any, from Panda to McGehee. Without Lincecum's midseason run maybe they don't make the playoff either (weird, right?)

They will count on a full year of Cain and Panik and Pagan and Peavy to get them back...will it work? Maybe.

2011 and 2013 were not IDENTICAL teams to 2010 and 2012 either. They didn'tmake any splashy additions in the offseason after those rings and it appears they will do the same this year. I hope you see my point.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
San Francisco
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A farm system is there just to help you 2-4 years down the road. If you have a window to keep winning rings, shouldn't you use those future assets (of uncertain quality) to help win today? Yes you eventually run out of ammo (unless you draft really well every year), but if you squeeze 2-3 more rings out of it, isn't that a good idea?

You bring up an interesting point...we've talked about the 'problem' of having 2 ML level backup catchers, but 1 of them seems to make Lincecum into a decent pitcher. Maybe we can afford to let Susac go since we will probably keep Lincecum in the rotation?

Trolling me early in the New Year I see.....:suds:


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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Trolling me early in the New Year I see.....:suds:

LOL...naw man, just yakking. As you know I don't think we're doing anything else. And I don't want to deal Susac either.


Huge member
Mar 7, 2012
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You're being kind of pedantic here...they are bringing back the core of the team. They replaced Panda with Panda lite. The only change is the dropoff, if any, from Panda to McGehee. Without Lincecum's midseason run maybe they don't make the playoff either (weird, right?)

They will count on a full year of Cain and Panik and Pagan and Peavy to get them back...will it work? Maybe.

2011 and 2013 were not IDENTICAL teams to 2010 and 2012 either. They didn'tmake any splashy additions in the offseason after those rings and it appears they will do the same this year. I hope you see my point.

No, I was pointing out that two KEY PLAYERS weren't re-signed. I'm trying to think of any key players in 2010 or 2012 that weren't re-signed. Well, there was Melky Cabrera in 2013, but for good reason. Uribe after 2010, but I wouldn't call him 'key', just a starter. Nothing like Morse's or Panda's contribution in 2014.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
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So no Shields or Scherzer

Rotation as of now locked in to be Bum, Cain, Peavy, Hudson, Lincecum (don't understand why they keep having faith he'll turn it around, but oh well)

If price of Zobrist on a one-year deal is Crick or Susac. It's not worth it.
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I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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So no Shields or Scherzer

Rotation as of now locked in to be Bum, Cain, Peavy, Hudson, Lincecum (don't understand why they keep having faith he'll turn it around, but oh well)

If price of Zobrist on a one-year deal is Crick or Susac. It's not worth it.

They were out on Shields the minute they signed Peavy, I think.

They are hoping Lincecum can just be good enough as a 5th starter...he had a stretch midyear where he looked very good including the no hitter. And heck they play the Pads 19 times.
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I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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No, I was pointing out that two KEY PLAYERS weren't re-signed. I'm trying to think of any key players in 2010 or 2012 that weren't re-signed. Well, there was Melky Cabrera in 2013, but for good reason. Uribe after 2010, but I wouldn't call him 'key', just a starter. Nothing like Morse's or Panda's contribution in 2014.

Panda in the regular season was pretty good, but not irreplaceably...he was obviously a beast in the postseason. McGehee will be less good but not that much. Panda gave 3.4 WAR, McGehee was a 1.1 WAR player last year. They are obviously hoping for 2 or so, but it's a downtick.

Morse is gone, yes, but for good reason: nowhere for him to play, did we really want him in left all year?

I guess it's not the SAME team but it's pretty close. And if they get Zobrist it's even closer.

They did what many thought they would this year, I bet they do a lot more in 2016. And they have every chance to get a wildcard if a few breaks go their way mainly re health of guys like Pagan, Cain. And if they are in the mix they will make a deal or two at the deadline like they always do. Then of course in the playoffs no one will want to face them.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Lincecum did have the great May (2.86 ERA), and a 3.6 ERA in June. But in the four other months his combined ERA was nearly 6.

I just feel like FO (as much as I love them and they are smarter than me), are clinging to a thin, wet paper mache thread of hope


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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Lincecum did have the great May (2.86 ERA), and a 3.6 ERA in June. But in the four other months his combined ERA was nearly 6.

I just feel like FO (as much as I love them and they are smarter than me), are clinging to a thin, wet paper mache thread of hope

Timmy in 2014 was 12-9 with a 4.74 ERA, -0.7 WAR, was worse in 2012...that's textbook 5th starter. And if he sucks too hard midyear they will go get someone and be done w him (understandably, so it won't hurt the chemistry), or bring up Crick or whomever. But if he gives you in 2015 what he did in 2014, that's good enough for your 5th starter. The money is a sunk cost.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
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C'mon, man, 'may be'? You know other teams have players to offer TB too, right?

And if someone else wants to give more than that package, more power to them.

While Crick has list some luster, he is still a stud prospect. He isn't chopped liver.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Timmy in 2014 was 12-9 with a 4.74 ERA, -0.7 WAR, was worse in 2012...that's textbook 5th starter. And if he sucks too hard midyear they will go get someone and be done w him (understandably, so it won't hurt the chemistry), or bring up Crick or whomever. But if he gives you in 2015 what he did in 2014, that's good enough for your 5th starter. The money is a sunk cost.

For a 5th SP at AT&T Park in the NL West, he should be better than a 4.74 ERA.

He also took advantage of a SD lineup that has added Will Myers, Matt Kemp and Justin Upton. Won't have as much success dominating them this season.

I could deal with a "meh" 5th SP, but our lineup has Casey McGehee, Gregor Blanco and will be without Pagan for 1/4 of the season.

I'm fine with this being a "throw away" season. But might as well give a young SP a shot in 2015. Lincecum's had three years of chances to redeem himself
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I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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For a 5th SP at AT&T Park in the NL West, he should be better than a 4.74 ERA.

He also took advantage of a SD lineup that has added Will Myers, Matt Kemp and Justin Upton. Won't have as much success dominating them this season.

I could deal with a "meh" 5th SP, but our lineup has Casey McGehee, Gregor Blanco and will be without Pagan for 1/4 of the season.

I'm fine with this being a "throw away" season. But might as well give a young SP a shot in 2015. Lincecum's had three years of chances to redeem himself

Why does everyone here keep doing this? Bringing back the same team isn't 'throwing away' the season. It's what they did in 2011 and 2013 and they were pretty competitive especially in 2011. They will make mid year deals if they need to.

If they get some breaks they are back in the playoffs, this is not a bad team. If they don't...they were thinking long term AS THEY SHOULD. They are stuck with Tim one more year, they are hoping to get a break on him being ok enough. In 2016 they will make moves because they will have payroll to spare.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
Sacramento, CA
Hoopla Cash
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It's a "throw away" season because they didn't make any long-term contract commitments and have a bunch of money available next year for a much bigger FA crop.

Casey McGehee will be here one year.

2015 can be "throw away". Probably don't have enough to seriously contend again. So you make temporary additions, keep the farm system and long-term money in tact for post-'15 moves

Have to be realistic. 2015 roster as of now isn't a strong team.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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It's a "throw away" season because they didn't make any long-term contract commitments and have a bunch of money available next year for a much bigger FA crop.

Casey McGehee will be here one year.

2015 can be "throw away". Probably don't have enough to seriously contend again. So you make temporary additions, keep the farm system and long-term money in tact for post-'15 moves

Have to be realistic. 2015 roster as of now isn't a strong team.

It's not one of the strongEST teams but with some breaks it's definitely good enough to get a wild card (especially since there are 2 now). As mentioned, if Cain is good and Timmy is decent enough as a 5, if Panik and Peavy play all year like they did in 2014, if Pagan stays healthy, if McGehee gives you 1.5-2 WAR, if Belt stays healthy and does what he's capable of...lots of ifs but none of them impossible.

Teams that on PAPER are definitely better: LAD, Washington, St Louis only ones for sure, MAYBE Florida or San Diego...injury luck will matter as it always does. Every year teams that are 'supposed to' be good aren't, and ones that are supposed to suck are competitive instead.

I guess my point is it's WAY too early to just give up on 2015. If indeed they fall short, we've all agreed that's ok considering their recent success. 2015 was not a good year for them to make big moves. 2016 will be different.


Lefty 99
Aug 11, 2010
San Francisco
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,064.42
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For a 5th SP at AT&T Park in the NL West, he should be better than a 4.74 ERA.

He also took advantage of a SD lineup that has added Will Myers, Matt Kemp and Justin Upton. Won't have as much success dominating them this season.

I could deal with a "meh" 5th SP, but our lineup has Casey McGehee, Gregor Blanco and will be without Pagan for 1/4 of the season.

I'm fine with this being a "throw away" season. But might as well give a young SP a shot in 2015. Lincecum's had three years of chances to redeem himself

I don't think you understand what a 5th starter is...the average 5th starter doesn't get more than a dozen starts a season. You're thinking more of a #4 guy.
Aug 18, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Why does everyone here keep doing this? Bringing back the same team isn't 'throwing away' the season. It's what they did in 2011 and 2013 and they were pretty competitive especially in 2011. They will make mid year deals if they need to.

If they get some breaks they are back in the playoffs, this is not a bad team. If they don't...they were thinking long term AS THEY SHOULD. They are stuck with Tim one more year, they are hoping to get a break on him being ok enough. In 2016 they will make moves because they will have payroll to spare.

What have you guys done to MGS? So much optimism oozing, and I don't think he's called the Dodgers on winning the division yet!


Aug 12, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,936.29
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What have you guys done to MGS? So much optimism oozing, and I don't think he's called the Dodgers on winning the division yet!


I guess winning 3 WSC's in 5 years can make an optimist out of anyone.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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What have you guys done to MGS? So much optimism oozing, and I don't think he's called the Dodgers on winning the division yet!

Well, to be fair, I did say the Dodgers are better on paper. I think the division is theirs assuming decent health. Pessimism restored!