Viva El Gordo!
This thread is making my brain Rot..
You'll never leave either now that the Orioles are relative

This thread is making my brain Rot..
I'm guessing he's most disturbed at losing his monkey av.
John Buck was a throw in with the Dickey deal 7Hr's 22 rbi, not bad
Then what took you so long to answer?? Guess you're not smart.
So earlier today Rock swore up and down and that a source told him those were Staties. Now they are National Guard.
Now what was the black box in the dudes hand and why were they running AWAY from an area they are stationed to defend.
yeah scal you're starting to see my point of view arent you
the guys answering mail at cbs must be getting a few laughs at least
it cant be done...because deep down every one of us love taking a swipe....may not be today or even tomorrow...but we always do
_____________Your's alex jones right? I read that same shit and laughed...
You're REALLY naive to trust anything Jones puts on his website...some of his bildeberg stuff in insteresting, until he gets to the point that it's all a plot to reduce the worlds population by 90%...
Well.. today's topic of the day isn't helping
Neither is having no Dirt, JD, SJM, Pickles, World or Zig... Or even Brock for Brock sakes..
He guessed "staties" you guessed "government hired mercenaries involved in the bombing"
Rock was markedly closer in his guess...
Hey rock, if you want to provide some damning proof, try to make sure you ACTUALLY read what you are presenting. I guess you missed this part...
I have no clue what you're talking about
rock and snoogins are not ruining this thread tomorrow
I'll blow the bitch up
rock and snoogins are not ruining this thread tomorrow
I'll blow the bitch up