Suck My Brine
In excellent news
Kyle Kendrick .... the only "ace" the phillies have .... dear god
Kyle Kendrick .... the only "ace" the phillies have .... dear god
Actually, none of us are here. We're all just a figament of your warped imagination. You're currently in a coma having gone to happy hour with Tony LaRussa. On the way home, you were in a car crash (Tony was driving of course).
You were thrown from the car and landed in a pile of dirt. Hence there is a poster named Dirt. Your head hit a Rock. Hence a poster named Rock
This was close to a field with a bunch of Ox in it. Hence Ox.
It was hot the day of the accident. Hence Heatwave.
While in your hospital coma, your family members sit by and play the card game Uno. Hence Uno.
They eat pickles and cereal while they wait for you to wake up. Hence pickles and me. They even order in Japanese food and drinks to the hospital. Hence Sake.
You're going to have quite the story about your internet adventures to tell them when you eventually come out of it.
make me a mint julep ....
Ummm...pretty sure the only person that showed any emotion towards the jokes was Rock.
make me a mint julep ....
In excellent news
Kyle Kendrick .... the only "ace" the phillies have .... dear god
Ummm...pretty sure the only person that showed any emotion towards the jokes was Rock.
Pretty sure I said "have at it" and then followed it up with a joke about chemically castrating you and your daughter for the betterment of the gene pool....
In which you been allabout ever since...
thats an odd request
thats an odd request
Pretty sure you are wrong about that because there are plenty of Red Sox fans that left permanently on that day like World...oh wait, he is back.
um ... kentucky derby is tomorrow .................
Will do.
Where the hell is Pure Steel. I need some horses for tomorrow's race.
Nah it was ok! My bad for letting my diatribe create that perception. Just wanted to use it as a method to point how much of a bitch guys like World can be for being so hypocritical about jokes about death. If they are dead Cardinals its ok, Dead and injured tourists visiting Boston, then there is something wrong.apparently Cowboy didn't like it. :frown:
So I didn't write what you said I wrote, and I need to "write smarter"?
How about you "read smarter" instead?
what happened to vance worley?
Pickles is in the Derby spirit. It's like NASCAR but with horses.
yeah tomorrow.....dont tell me you drink egg nog on days other than christmas too