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Kubiak Hosptalized


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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The same place you got your blind homer glasses.....And no I wanted to see PM succeed to show Irsay for the drunken idiot he is and make him suffer....
Unfortunately he happened to do that by dragging the Donkeys out of obscurity and make them relevant again even if only for a little while before their drunken GM drags them right back down again...
You don't need a medical degree to tell you what common sense does....Breaking News : Red light means STOP....
Well at least to people that have an I.Q above that of a frog...:rolleyes2:
Sadly, you've left behind the plane of reality again to live in your unhinged fantasy world.


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Mini Stroke = High Risk, unless he is not of the human species....Work on that FACT, and then maybe you can get past your own biased opinion....

Isn't being MORE active one of the best ways to prevent a recurrence after a TIA? It seems age, blood thinners, and physical health are the largest predictors of future stroke from what I remember of my grandfather suffering from that, not sure if there's new developments. Is there any evidence at all that working increases future risk of strokes?

I guess if I was going to make a case that he should retire, I'd want to find proof first that giving up on something he loves to do is a big risk factor for his health. Or proof that his family wants that from him. I'm not his doctor, I'm not Mrs. Kubiak, so those aren't really for me to even weigh in on to be honest.


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
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Sadly, you've left behind the plane of reality again to live in your unhinged fantasy world.

Well you seem to always be there to greet me...



It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
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Isn't being MORE active one of the best ways to prevent a recurrence after a TIA? It seems age, blood thinners, and physical health are the largest predictors of future stroke from what I remember of my grandfather suffering from that, not sure if there's new developments. Is there any evidence at all that working increases future risk of strokes?

I guess if I was going to make a case that he should retire, I'd want to find proof first that giving up on something he loves to do is a big risk factor for his health. Or proof that his family wants that from him. I'm not his doctor, I'm not Mrs. Kubiak, so those aren't really for me to even weigh in on to be honest.

Activity is vital for good health in general but stress is the culprit that needs to be focused on in his case especially....
It's his call, I'm waiting to see what that is...I like the guy and wish him well...


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Activity is vital for good health in general but stress is the culprit that needs to be focused on in his case especially....
It's his call, I'm waiting to see what that is...I like the guy and wish him well...

You still haven't answered about all the scientific proof that retiring early can be just as much of a health risk as him continuing on under stress. I mean there is actual scientific proof that early retirement is directly related to a lot of huge health risks. So to me this is a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation which is why I hate the idea that you keep bouncing this thought that him not retiring is selfish.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Mini Stroke = High Risk, unless he is not of the human species....Work on that FACT, and then maybe you can get past your own biased opinion....

WE could also work on the fact that you are basing most everything you have said here on very little information and that you have very little background if at all in the medical field. So this would be like me trusting your opinion on this as that of taking everything on the internet to be true. You have produced nothing to show beyond the idea that a TIA puts him in a higher percentage of having a stroke later on. You have completely ignored the fact that he has made major changes to diet, exercise, lifestyle, work schedule, and so on. And like in my last post and others before it that you keep ignoring you seem to be glossing over the fact that there are just as many health risks from him retiring as there are from him continuing on.

And again my opinion from the beginning of this whole thing has been I trust he is listening to the right people and if he chooses to retire I will respect that and if he keeps on coaching I respect that decision as well. I'm not the one calling him selfish...that would be you. I'm saying I don't have enough information to say one way or the other but I am trusting the people who do.


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Jul 16, 2013
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don't wish that on anyone, that sucks.

However, my mind has to go to Archer when Kreager says "Ha, she slapped you so hard you literally died" when a coach gets ill after a loss.



It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
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You still haven't answered about all the scientific proof that retiring early can be just as much of a health risk as him continuing on under stress. I mean there is actual scientific proof that early retirement is directly related to a lot of huge health risks. So to me this is a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation which is why I hate the idea that you keep bouncing this thought that him not retiring is selfish.

I swear, sometimes I think you are on crack, man...You have to be retarded to believe that stress is not a major factor in stroke victims and even higher when they have already had one...And where is your proof otherwise, as if it even matters.....:rolleyes2:


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Jul 17, 2013
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I swear, sometimes I think you are on crack, man...You have to be retarded to believe that stress is not a major factor in stroke victims and even higher when they have already had one...And where is your proof otherwise, as if it even matters.....:rolleyes2:

And I swear that many times you don't even read what you are responding to. I have never once said that stress is not a factor in strokes. I have said that Kubiak has made necessary life changes to help prevent an actual stroke from happening. That doesn't mean one won't happen at some point just that he has done a lot to keep it from happening again. There are not guarantees though. And what I have been saying is that retiring early causes just as many health risks for a person. So to me when you say he is being selfish for continuing to coach because of the health risks involved I'm saying he also has maybe even more from retiring. It is a risk either way for him and his family so if his doctors tell him to continue and his family tells him to continue then I think he should continue and that isn't him being selfish. And again we have no clue what his doctors are telling him. I'm guessing the Broncos wouldn't let him keep coaching if they thought the risk was too high.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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And I swear that many times you don't even read what you are responding to. I have never once said that stress is not a factor in strokes. I have said that Kubiak has made necessary life changes to help prevent an actual stroke from happening. That doesn't mean one won't happen at some point just that he has done a lot to keep it from happening again. There are not guarantees though. And what I have been saying is that retiring early causes just as many health risks for a person. So to me when you say he is being selfish for continuing to coach because of the health risks involved I'm saying he also has maybe even more from retiring. It is a risk either way for him and his family so if his doctors tell him to continue and his family tells him to continue then I think he should continue and that isn't him being selfish. And again we have no clue what his doctors are telling him. I'm guessing the Broncos wouldn't let him keep coaching if they thought the risk was too high.
It's a nice effort, but ultimately useless. Oldschool has already made up his mind that Kubiak is selfish, and he's convinced he's in a better position to make that call than Kubiak, his family, or his doctors.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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It's a nice effort, but ultimately useless. Oldschool has already made up his mind that Kubiak is selfish, and he's convinced he's in a better position to make that call than Kubiak, his family, or his doctors.

I guess we should start coming to Oldschool about all medical questions since he seems to know more than doctors even without actually knowing what happened on Sunday.