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Time for the Roy Williams slobberfest to end


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Jun 27, 2013
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Calipari pretty much started over from scratch at UK. He had Patterson and.....

You're trying to paint the picture that Roy inherited a roster full of Championship contenders.

Which is it?

Roy inherited an NIT team. You know how I know that? Because they went to the NIT.

You can argue over how "not unc" the UNC roy inherited was, but my point still stands, he didn't inherit the UNC that Guthridge or Doherty did.

Which is what? I said Roy inherited champ talent. Comparison was both are stronger recruiters than coaches. inheriting McCants, May, and Felton is about as good as any coach has been blessed with.


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Oh save your pious bullshit for somebody that gives a fuck. Your first post in this thread you started spewing a bunch of bullshit about how people that are critical of JB are just jealous. And had your panties in a wad before I even posted a reply to you, and you were the one that wanted to compare JB to other coaches...

So fuck off.

I explained what my criticisms of JB are, and instead of addressing them, you want to bitch and moan about disrespecting him. If what I've said is true, then it isn't disrespect, it's simply the fucking truth. If it isn't true then fucking prove it. But if all you're going to do is fucking bitch and moan because people are as nice to poor ol' JB as you like, get used to disappointment (you probably already are, unless you're content with Sweet 16 appearances) because the criticism isn't going to stop.

I'll also remind you that this horseshit was started by a Cuse fan, bitching about Roy Williams. If you want to lecture someone about respect, track that drunk fuckstick down and lecture him.

My post was to those who disrespects him on the regular. For the millionth time it the same type of people I was posting to that would say K should get fired for his loss to Mercer.

Why else would people continually and blatantly talk shit about him (I'm not talking someone saying it in passing)? A lot of it is either a critical fuck who has nothing to stand on or someone who wish they had a coach like him.

Some of what you've said isn't true though, that's the thing. You've said some things that are true, but you've also said some shit that isn't. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's the truth.

What post did I bring up a comparison of other coaches? You mean the one where I said people that think K is fireable over a few early losses, or Self, or Roy doesn't make them bad coaches. The whole point of that post was basically sticking up for the top coaches out there who have suffered early losses. It was also to say JB isn't alone, meaning when you coach for a while it happens. In no way did I ever say JB was better, I never did, no matter what you may think you read you read it wrong buddy.

After reading up on Lacey Holsworth story (donate people if you can) I could care less about this trivial bullshit with someone who thinks there opinion is gold. Keep your dick out of your mouth.


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By the way it was Orton, Liggins, Miller, and Patterson that Calipari inherited. Not what Roy inherited, but some solid ball players


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Oct 21, 2013
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Why else would people continually and blatantly talk shit about him (I'm not talking someone saying it in passing)? A lot of it is either a critical fuck who has nothing to stand on or someone who wish they had a coach like him.

Fuck you and your "it's just the haters" bullshit. People can be critical without being haters. Haters can be critical and still be right too, for that matter.

Some of what you've said isn't true though, that's the thing. You've said some things that are true, but you've also said some shit that isn't. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's the truth.

Well then tell me what isn't true, fucknuts. Don't just say that I said "something" that isn't true. Call me out! Show everyone how wrong I am! Prove to the world that you know more than me! Make a public mockery of me so that I might learn my lesson once and for all!

I'll be waiting. (but to be honest, I'm just expecting more bullshit excuses, and not a goddamn thing of substance to counter anything I've said)


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2013
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By the way it was Orton, Liggins, Miller, and Patterson that Calipari inherited. Not what Roy inherited, but some solid ball players

He didn't inherit Orton. He was a Gillespie recruit but he hadn't committed. (iirc he almost went to OU when Gillespie left but Calipari talked him into staying for almost a whole semester)

Liggins and Miller were mostly "glue" guys especially that first year.


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He didn't inherit Orton. He was a Gillespie recruit but he hadn't committed. (iirc he almost went to OU when Gillespie left but Calipari talked him into staying for almost a whole semester)

Liggins and Miller were mostly "glue" guys especially that first year.

Orton already committed. Agree that Liggins and Miller were roll players, but very important pieces to the puzzle. Freshmen and Patterson took the leading parts. Still a solid base and not a reclamation project


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Orton already committed. Agree that Liggins and Miller were roll players, but very important pieces to the puzzle. Freshmen and Patterson took the leading parts. Still a solid base and not a reclamation project


Orton decommited. Calipari still had to convince him to (re)commit.

Daniel Orton Decommits from UK


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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You have to young. Cuse used to get amazing recruits in the hey day of the big east. I always thought JB started to veer away from some as one and done became the norm. The Pearl, Coleman, Sherman, Autry, Moten, Wallace, Carmelo, etc. I know I missing a bunch, but that is just of the top of my head.

You named 6 players spanning what....a 30 year period? Mentioning Colemand and Douglas in the same sentance with Carmelo....what is Anthony one of Coleman's kids? Sherman Douglas is 50 years old. Almost as old as me btw.

Yes John Wallace was Mr. NY State in his senior year of high school, but he wasn't pick of the litter by any means. Same with Moten.

Now name how many 5 star recruits UNC, KU, UK and Duke since Coleman came to SU. When it comes to recruitng, SU is a cut above the mid majors and a long way from the four I mentioned above.

Stay with Texas sports.


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You named 6 players spanning what....a 30 year period? Mentioning Colemand and Douglas in the same sentance with Carmelo....what is Anthony one of Coleman's kids? Sherman Douglas is 50 years old. Almost as old as me btw.

Yes John Wallace was Mr. NY State in his senior year of high school, but he wasn't pick of the litter by any means. Same with Moten.

Now name how many 5 star recruits UNC, KU, UK and Duke since Coleman came to SU. When it comes to recruitng, SU is a cut above the mid majors and a long way from the four I mentioned above.

Stay with Texas sports.

What UK gets in a year, Cuse gets in a decade. You can say that for the other big name programs as well.


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Let's give in on one thing: He's a great recruiter , always has been. Of course we recently found out he's pretty good at getting those recruits the extra academic help they need, but that's another discussion. Williams has been treated like God by the media forever , why I don't know. He's a HORRIBLE game coach and proved it again for the world over the wkend. I'm tired of him being hailed as one of the best , he clearly isn't.

Let's get this part straight...this happens in EVERY school in EVERY conference for just about EVERY team.

The rest can be debated, and has been, and will forever be...lol


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The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
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Let's give in on one thing: He's a great recruiter , always has been. Of course we recently found out he's pretty good at getting those recruits the extra academic help they need, but that's another discussion. Williams has been treated like God by the media forever , why I don't know. He's a HORRIBLE game coach and proved it again for the world over the wkend. I'm tired of him being hailed as one of the best , he clearly isn't.

This is still true.

Williams wins in 2005 and 2009 were when he was one of the top 2 or 3 in terms of talents.

What team has he dragged to a final four?

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
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awfully convenient they were able to drag this out past the final four...and it will magically near its end shortly after the FF.


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awfully convenient they were able to drag this out past the final four...and it will magically near its end shortly after the FF.


There's also absolutely nothing to 'Cuse and North Carolina being in the Final Four. Nothing at all.


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Jan 8, 2014
way the hell up north
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This is still true.

Williams wins in 2005 and 2009 were when he was one of the top 2 or 3 in terms of talents.

What team has he dragged to a final four?
how 'bout his yrs at Kansas? How many times did he fuck up with great teams there? He wins one with Matt Dougherty's team and wins one with a team that was supposed to win. I can think of 3 teams Boeheim has taken to the final 4 that had no business being there. They almost won all 3 times and I'm not counting this team which is the worst of them all.

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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how 'bout his yrs at Kansas? How many times did he fuck up with great teams there? He wins one with Matt Dougherty's team and wins one with a team that was supposed to win. I can think of 3 teams Boeheim has taken to the final 4 that had no business being there. They almost won all 3 times and I'm not counting this team which is the worst of them all.

Roy needs to be happy that the 09 FF was in Detroit and he got to sidestep that UConn team that only had 1 loss before Jerome Dyson went down.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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I been tough on Old Roy this year. He has frustrated me the last couple of years. He still has a problem recruiting shooters. I dont get it. Now I know his recruiting strategy is to recruit athletic players that can play multiple positions but damn get some shooters. I know he doesnt like 1 and done players but it would be nice to get one every other year at least.

Overall I have to give him credit. He really got these kids playing great right now.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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I dont want to hear from Kentucky and Duke fans who try and buy a championship every year(with 1 and done players) and fail most of the time. Roy likes to build teams. He has done a great job at UNC. He has the 4th most Final 4's. Now dont get me wrong he does frustrate me with some of his recruiting but not to give him any credit is just silly.

Who ever mention Matt Dougherty is a Moron. He was a terrible coach.