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Yankees let the Twins score 4 runs, Pettitte passes Whitey & Tim Thomas the Flyer?

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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I got this from Wiki:

In the Illinois state legislature, Obama opposed the Induced Infant Liability Act[6] and repeatedly voted against requirements and restrictions intended to stop what opponents label "born alive" abortions.[7][8] Obama said his opposition was because of technical language he felt might have "interfered with a woman's right to choose" and said Illinois law already required medical care in such situations

Obama expressed displeasure with the Supreme Court ruling that upheld a ban on "partial-birth" abortions saying the ban didn't sufficiently consider the mother's health

So, I'm reading that he opposed the legislation due to a woman's rights taking a back seat...At least that's what I'm getting...

the language in the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is frightening if you take the time. it basically says "need an abortion? good luck!"

its always language and agreeing on generic vernacular that does neither side a service or disservice, which is nearly impossible


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I got this from Wiki:

In the Illinois state legislature, Obama opposed the Induced Infant Liability Act[6] and repeatedly voted against requirements and restrictions intended to stop what opponents label "born alive" abortions.[7][8] Obama said his opposition was because of technical language he felt might have "interfered with a woman's right to choose" and said Illinois law already required medical care in such situations

Obama expressed displeasure with the Supreme Court ruling that upheld a ban on "partial-birth" abortions saying the ban didn't sufficiently consider the mother's health

So, I'm reading that he opposed the legislation due to a woman's rights taking a back seat...At least that's what I'm getting...

So when called on it, he claims there is some questionable wording in it. What's new. He doesn't go on record as fully for or against anything. He's a politician.

Mike Oxlodge

I'm better looking than U
Apr 17, 2013
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He's not my boy, he's our President...

Disgrace? Sure, he's been one hell of a letdown, but a disgrace?

Here's his idea of America, hit him with a problem, he makes it fucking worse. That's his legacy.


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the language in the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is frightening if you take the time. it basically says "need an abortion? good luck!"

its always language and agreeing on generic vernacular that does neither side a service or disservice, which is nearly impossible

The part I support is where it says, paraphrasing here, "if you need to stick scissors in the back of the head of a baby, then you are doing something that should be illegal"

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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this will be the only thing i say about this and i won't comment again on it.

1. Name me one president that as soon as he was set to be in office had the opposite side aiming to destroy any policy he drew up because they wanted to make him a "1 term president"

2. when he came into office the national debt was already on the rise. no president would have stopped what was going on at that time. in fact he saved the auto industry and had that fallen we would actually be worse than we are now.

3. The disrespect and push back from him even becoming President has been the worst of all time. the things said to him and done to him in public by his constituents would not be tolerated on any level by any other president. why?

like i said i won't get into this political shit cus all of those people are scum. but lets call it what it is.. this was and has been an attempt to make him look bad from day one. and when you don't have help from the senate and congress working together. this is the shit you get. :lame:

this is actually...pretty smart


Ask your lady, she likes.
Apr 16, 2013
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this will be the only thing i say about this and i won't comment again on it.

1. Name me one president that as soon as he was set to be in office had the opposite side aiming to destroy any policy he drew up because they wanted to make him a "1 term president"

2. when he came into office the national debt was already on the rise. no president would have stopped what was going on at that time. in fact he saved the auto industry and had that fallen we would actually be worse than we are now.

3. The disrespect and push back from him even becoming President has been the worst of all time. the things said to him and done to him in public by his constituents would not be tolerated on any level by any other president. why?

like i said i won't get into this political shit cus all of those people are scum. but lets call it what it is.. this was and has been an attempt to make him look bad from day one. and when you don't have help from the senate and congress working together. this is the shit you get. :lame:



Ask your lady, she likes.
Apr 16, 2013
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So when called on it, he claims there is some questionable wording in it. What's new. He doesn't go on record as fully for or against anything. He's a politician.

Yes, he's a politician...

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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The part I support is where it says, paraphrasing here, "if you need to stick scissors in the back of the head of a baby, then you are doing something that should be illegal"

yes, but if the language also prohibits OTHER abortion procedures...where does it end?

maybe you should write legislation

Mike Oxlodge

I'm better looking than U
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It's quite clear, and I'd bet every dollar I had saved in the bank, if this was Reagan in office and we spoke the same way, Heatwave wouldn't give us his 2 cents of the matter.

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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Ask your lady, she likes.
Apr 16, 2013
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King Arthur >>> This shit

Kate Upton

Hotter than Kate Upton
Apr 16, 2013
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I'm sure Rock's upcoming vote for Hillary in 2016 will be because she's "so relatable" and because she "used to party"

Right Rock?

Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaaa

Paul Fizzle

The Godfather of Troll
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Listen, for all of you haters who continue to bash Obama, you have to remember this one important fact though:

Black people have smaller brains than white people, so Obama is at a disadvantage when compared to his caucasian counterparts.

He's doing the best he can ... so cut him some slack

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm sure Rock's upcoming vote for Hillary in 2016 will be because she's "so relatable" and because she "used to party"

Right Rock?

Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaaa

id never vote for hillary

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqr302azdPo]Mitt Romney Gaffs and Bloopers! - YouTube[/ame]


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
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but he showed he was flawed and human

he smoked butts

he played hoops

he had a rough marriage that eventualy smoothed out


did drugs in college

made mistakes

people can relate to a lot of that

mitt was none of that. "my dad was a governor and ran a car company". everything he ever had was literally, handed to him from his old man...from bain capital to his other positions.

plus the whole weird mormon thing most people cant relate to either

Don't get me wrong Rock...I'm as anti-romney as you are...he's a political opportunist and a slimeball...no arguments here.

But that doesn't speak anything of Obama...who's just as slimy....the guy was bought and paid for by government unions, insurance companies and George Soros. AKA "special interests".

About Romneycare...and it being a precursor for Obamacare...this is patently false. Yes..they are both socialized health care. A major difference? MassHealth was overwhelmingly supported by the taxpayers in Mass...it's why a political opportunist like Romney supported it.

The problem is trying to create a NATIONAL system that fits the spectrum of cultural and demographical differences in this country. It's impossible. And anyone who tells you different is either a complete narcissist or a slimeball politician.