Launchpad McQuack
The only way Mania can be saved from this Reigns bullshit is if the GOAT Rollins cashes in and wins. Reigns is beyond trash.
the streak ending was overdue. it lost its appeal after the 2nd hbk match imo. ill take the holy shit moment last yr because we really don't get those anymore. wwe is so boring in its current state. the biggest feuds only have half of the guys there every wk. bray and triple h talking to themselves and reigns giving stupid looks to heyman's comments
I think the WWE has done a good job setting up WM.
I think they failed in some aspect though. I think Sting and HHH should be more exciting, maybe put Sting vs Undertaker. Even if the streak is over, it still would be incredible. I'm not that into the Lesnar vs Reigns match. It's just another "big guy" vs Lesnar.
I do think the writers did a great job with the Intercontinental Championship. R-Truth has been hilarious from calling people by the wrong names and stealing the belt only to give it away. I also think, in some weird way, they made the IC belt relevant. There's a lot of great performers there.
I think what would be amazing for the US Belt is Rusev give an open invitation at WM, and Kurt Angle comes out and beats the living crap out of him. Kurt Angle would be the perfect guy IMO to break his undefeated streak. But I would stick with Cena to wrestle him, and possibly beat him.
I think the Andre the Giant Battle Royal is a good one. I like Axel-Mania. Curt does an amazing job with that. I would like to see Daniel Bryan go into that and win, as the Authority tries to screw him over.
I think there will be some great moments, and possibly be the best PPV since last year's. But I don't think it will be among the best WrestleManias.
well, I care about Sting and HHH, think it will be the match of the night. There is constant story theres the story from WCWdays, maybe you havent been following it, but sting keeps stepping in on the authorities plans. Now its bat vs sledge hammer and with HHH on the board of directors now, he will probably get beat and eventually sting will take over raw.
Just opinions, maybe they are thinking everyone knows of the monday night wars. Maybe more play on Sting deciding to stay home and collect his guaranteed money instead of coming to WWE. They really should have had some Sting beat downs and other wrestlers coming to his aid, but if you were more WCW than WWF back then, the story is well known. We hated everything about WWF, putting classic wrestlers like Owen Hart in a blue costume. Terry Funk stuck as a clown, sheep hearders, even gold dust. WWF was a joke. Bischoff ran a better program.The story is really really weak. Sting doesn't like The Authority. They just took a lazy approach
It should be, but the door was open with Orton with Kane and Big show being sent home, Seth throwing the midgets in the back, and punishment for the dick pics. Unless its a cage match, you just know Orton will be beat down.Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins will be the best match IMO.
Did you also notice that "stacked" banner they have, Brock, Reigns, Cena, HHH, Sting, Daniel Bryan, Rusev, Undertaker, but the promos have nothing with Daniel Bryan?