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wonder What A Slave Might Think About This Asinine Statement

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Nope. Outside of superstar contracts like QBs and Khalil Mack types, the average NFLer makes under $1 mil a year for 3-4 years then leaves the sport with no career.skills for the real world. I make way more than that over 20 years.
The average NFL player is guaranteed a minimum of $400,000 to $435,000 per year. That's enough to buy a nice home with an reasonable mortgage and invest wisely. Please forgive me, but that's not the wages of any slave ever in the history of this nation. There is no comparison to an NFL player who is set for life, free to spend his money as he please, owns his own home and car if he invests wisely and puts money aside to start his own business to take care of him after his sport is done for him. The slaves got no money, have no luxuries, and barely had room, board and food. They were beaten and were considered the private property of the owners.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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a pro football player makes more in a year than 90% of us make in 20 years so in the paraphased words of Eva Peron " Don't cry for them America"
Exactly - the average guaranteed salary is $400,000 for the first year. $400,000 *.40 = $160,000 which leaves 260,000 home. That guaranteed salary can go a long ways to buying a home, having a reasonable mortgage, a nice car and the amenities to with the house and cars. My nephew had to get a PHD in order to start at 100,000 per year and the taxes leaves him with 60,000 for housing and transportation. And a person earning $60,000 a year is not even close. Even the general managers in fast food average $24K a year - that's almost poverty level - Want to talk about slave labor - talk about those people - but the NFL players are not comparable to slaves - that's BS


Dysfunctional Member
May 3, 2017
Camino Espinoza
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I get his point.

NBA players have far more power than NFL players. But that is because the NFL has arguably the weakest players union of all of the professional sports. That's on them, not the owners.

Unfortunately, because of his poor, played out analogy, folks are likely to be more focused on that than NFL players having a lousy deal.

"Thousandaires" who are paying hundreds of dollars to watch millionaires play a game, tend not to take slavery comparisons very seriously.
Guys getting paid to play a game...hard to take them seriously


Dysfunctional Member
May 3, 2017
Camino Espinoza
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I have a hard time not thinking he was saying being a white guy is a bad thing. If what he said was not racist I don’t know what is.
But of course society turns a blind eye when its a black guy making racist comments. Then he goes further down the ignorant hole by making anti-Semitic comments... "Jew Money".

"Oh, but I meant it as a compliment" Bullshit, LeBron. You are ignorant. Your interviews prove that every time. Also tired of hearing how he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and overcame poverty. BIG FUCKING BULLSHIT right there. Once, he showed he could dribble a basketball a little better than everyone else he had everything handed to him.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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The average NFL player is guaranteed a minimum of $400,000 to $435,000 per year. That's enough to buy a nice home with an reasonable mortgage and invest wisely. Please forgive me, but that's not the wages of any slave ever in the history of this nation. There is no comparison to an NFL player who is set for life, free to spend his money as he please, owns his own home and car if he invests wisely and puts money aside to start his own business to take care of him after his sport is done for him. The slaves got no money, have no luxuries, and barely had room, board and food. They were beaten and were considered the private property of the owners.
For fuck sake I am not comparing NFL players to slaves.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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But of course society turns a blind eye when its a black guy making racist comments. Then he goes further down the ignorant hole by making anti-Semitic comments... "Jew Money".

"Oh, but I meant it as a compliment" Bullshit, LeBron. You are ignorant. Your interviews prove that every time. Also tired of hearing how he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and overcame poverty. BIG FUCKING BULLSHIT right there. Once, he showed he could dribble a basketball a little better than everyone else he had everything handed to him.
I don't begrudge the money he earns, and I don't fault him for making it - He put in hard work and earned it - that's what people do and the rest of us would have done the same thing if we had that talent, but please spare me the bullshit that a person starting in the NFL earning $400,000 a year for playing 16 games in the regular season and the playoffs if they go that far - is the equal of being a slave. A lot of people would give much for that

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Guys getting paid to play a game...hard to take them seriously
It's a game and it's entertainment - Nothing more - and nothing less. I watch them when my team is winning, I don't when they are losing. I am not entertained when the Lakers are guaranteed to lose - I have missed a lot of games the last five years :sad2:


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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It's a game and it's entertainment - Nothing more - and nothing less. I watch them when my team is winning, I don't when they are losing. I am not entertained when the Lakers are guaranteed to lose - I have missed a lot of games the last five years :sad2:
Real die hard fan you are


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Again. That’s all fine.

That’s not the. Stratford being spun.

That can’t be argued. It’s a good things there’s still a small amount of decent journalists to expose such fraud by LeBrons camp

Not sure what this has to do with the post you quoted. :noidea:

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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Not sure what this has to do with the post you quoted. :noidea:

Magic is clearly identified as a minority owner.

LeBron is made to sound like he contributed the entire 10m himself.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Guys getting paid to play a game...hard to take them seriously

Yeah, I agree to a point. I think it's great that they want to be involved in societal issues. Their money and celebrity definitely gives them a platform to speak from and the ability to do some real good in the world.

Unfortunately however, it also doesn't make them immune from saying stupid things. Or trying to comment on things that they don't really know much about.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Magic is clearly identified as a minority owner.

LeBron is made to sound like he contributed the entire 10m himself.

Magic wasn't clearly identified as a minority owner at the time. In fact, for awhile, a lot of people thought Magic had bought the Dodgers himself.

As for Lebron, I've never heard or read anywhere that he donated all of the money himself and I haven't heard him make that claim.

So, as far as I can see, the impression that he did (and I agree that's the impression that has been given) has come from how the media has chosen to report on it.

The same thing happened with Magic and the Dodgers. Magic pitched in the least amount of money...but it was reported as "Magic was saving the Dodgers".

Heck, I think the sale may have been 2 weeks old by the time I read an article where they listed the other investors and how much each of them had contributed. lol


Dysfunctional Member
May 3, 2017
Camino Espinoza
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Yeah, I agree to a point. I think it's great that they want to be involved in societal issues. Their money and celebrity definitely gives them a platform to speak from and the ability to do some real good in the world.

Unfortunately however, it also doesn't make them immune from saying stupid things. Or trying to comment on things that they don't really know much about.
Couldn't agree with you more. If LeBron wants to hold forth on how to break down a defense he certainly has credibility. Socio-economic issues? No. I am more educated and informed than he is.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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Couldn't agree with you more. If LeBron wants to hold forth on how to break down a defense he certainly has credibility. Socio-economic issues? No. I am more educated and informed than he is.
But no one cares what you or I think. Celebs have the mic


Dysfunctional Member
May 3, 2017
Camino Espinoza
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Again. That’s all fine.

That’s not the. Stratford being spun.

That can’t be argued. It’s a good things there’s still a small amount of decent journalists to expose such fraud by LeBrons camp
90% of what LeBron or his handlers say is pretty much bullshit. They have crafted this humble poor kid makes good legend and its again, 90% BS. He didn't have food in elementary school because his mom refused to work and was more interested in scoring drugs and screwing men. He didn't live with his mom most of his childhood. He lived with coaches. He got a free ride to a very nice private school and all he had to do was play basketball. He wasn't there for his intellectual acumen. He has spent most of his life in a privileged insulated world.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Real die hard fan you are


TLF gonna TLF.

Personally, I watch all of the games and watched them all during the dark times. I figure, if I'm going to support them when they are good...I should do the same when they aren't.


Dysfunctional Member
May 3, 2017
Camino Espinoza
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But no one cares what you or I think. Celebs have the mic
Again, I agree with you. It's the name that gets the platform. Like Trojanfan said, celebrity status doesn't prevent stupid. You and I do however get to choose whether we listen or give it any credence