Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
i didnt say making the playoffs was this huge accomplishment
i just said the Clippers have been relevant the last few years having multiple all stars, winning a playoff series, getting bought by a billionaire who has changed the culture around there ---- especially compared to their co-tenants who havent won a playoff game for the better part of a decade---i didnt say the Clips were some amazing organization----Cp3 to Griffin is worth the price of admsision-- just that at least they have been entertaining and fun t owatch-- but i guess that threatens you.
ok, you can say "relavency" is fun and all that, but the "co-tenants" have have 16 shining O'Briens that say NONE of that matters without titles. but hey, guess they can be "fun to watch" underachieving if that's all that the game means to certain folks...
all I'M saying is i'm not impressed. oh, and i wouldn't pay one thin dime to watch Blake Griffin play. just putting that out there...