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Why do the Pats


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Aug 15, 2014
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Harping? Hating? Really? It's all good fun man. Don't take the opinion of the majority personally. :suds:

At first I wanted to see a Pack / Colts SB, but I gotta admit, the idea of seeing How BB would prepare for the Seattle defense is quite intriguing. I truly believe Seattle is in a league of their own. I don't see how any team dethrones them. But I guess if any team had a chance, it would be the Patriots.

Oh I agree. I think how they do against Green Bay will be a good reality check as well.

As far as Bellichick and Brady go I think both somehow, someway would find any number of suitors if they decided to leave NE.

So if the question was "Would you support your team if it hired Bellichick, a know cheater" about many would say "Hell yes!"


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Nov 1, 2014
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Wholly crap!! Somone get the NFL Commish on the phone. I just noticed in that photo I posted it appears you can see coaches at the bottom of the screen giving signals, one of which looks like he could be Harbaugh.

1. OH NO the sideline was filmed giving defensive signals!! It's the crime of the century.

2. Umm two coaches are reacting to the Pats formation by sending in further information on how to defend instead of calling a time out if they thought something was not right. (Gut feeling from my experience in the sport is that they are signalling to go to a base zone defense so they don't need to burn a time out.)

LOL at whiners :pound:


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From Peter King who was at the Pats Ravens game.

"I timed the three plays in question to see if Baltimore had been unfairly disadvantaged by the Patriot ploy, using NFL Game Rewind as my resource. Playing the NBC telecast back, I clocked the amount of time between referee Bill Vinovich’s in-stadium announcement of the “non-eligible player” (it sounded like that was what Vinovich called the spread-wide faux fifth lineman). By my count, seven, 10 and seven seconds elapsed between the announcements and the snap of the ball."

:nod::pound: at whiners


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Belichick said when pressed about whether the league should look into the way he lined up his players. “I mean, that happens all the time. You come in on a punt team, ineligible guys report as eligible. They line up as guards and tackles on the punt team. The center, the center’s numbers in the NFL are eligible players that report ineligible. Then they cover punts. We’ve seen it on offense. We see it particularly a lot on special teams, the kicking game, punting game — not so much on the field goals because you have your linemen protecting there. But I’d say it happens every game on the punt team. You’re allowed to do that. I don’t really understand what the question is. If you want to talk about the rules, you should talk to the NFL rules people about that. They’ll tell you about it.”

Belichick is right that it happens all the time on punts, but no one seems to remember ever seeing anything like it on offense. Part of Belichick’s genius is that he thinks of things that no NFL coach had ever thought of before. That’s not cheating, it’s good coaching.


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Belichick said when pressed about whether the league should look into the way he lined up his players. “I mean, that happens all the time. You come in on a punt team, ineligible guys report as eligible. They line up as guards and tackles on the punt team. The center, the center’s numbers in the NFL are eligible players that report ineligible. Then they cover punts. We’ve seen it on offense. We see it particularly a lot on special teams, the kicking game, punting game — not so much on the field goals because you have your linemen protecting there. But I’d say it happens every game on the punt team. You’re allowed to do that. I don’t really understand what the question is. If you want to talk about the rules, you should talk to the NFL rules people about that. They’ll tell you about it.”

Belichick is right that it happens all the time on punts, but no one seems to remember ever seeing anything like it on offense. Part of Belichick’s genius is that he thinks of things that no NFL coach had ever thought of before. That’s not cheating, it’s good coaching.
....but.......but.....tex,.........it.......it. ......it's.........c....c....c...h..e..a...t...I..ng......according to all those patriot-haters,......*and harbough's one of them*.


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....but.......but.....tex,.........it.......it. ......it's.........c....c....c...h..e..a...t...I..ng......according to all those patriot-haters,......*and harbough's one of them*.



Jul 30, 2010
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Took a quick tally for now . Surprisingly the 5 posters that believe the patriots abuse of the system have an adverse effect on the nfl are patriots fans :noidea:


Jul 30, 2010
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Ask a serious question get replies like "haters gonna hate", deflections and talking in circles. The New England liberals :L


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wow this is still going on?:L


ESPN Defector
Jul 8, 2013
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wow this is still going on?:L

LOL, that's what I was thinking.

I was just playing around with my contributions to this thread yesterday. I can't believe this is still being called out and defended this much.


Jul 30, 2010
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Still not one serious reply from a patriots fan. I'm a bit disappointed I expected at least one pats fan would give a well thought out post defending their history. But I'm starting to feel as though there is no defense


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Aug 15, 2014
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Still not one serious reply from a patriots fan. I'm a bit disappointed I expected at least one pats fan would give a well thought out post defending their history. But I'm starting to feel as though there is no defense

Actually I think the thread is getting exactly the type of answers it deserves.


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Still not one serious reply from a patriots fan. I'm a bit disappointed I expected at least one pats fan would give a well thought out post defending their history. But I'm starting to feel as though there is no defense

Here's one I dropped last week that none of you clowns wanted any part of:

Let me ask you this. Being that field signals are made out in the open in front of everybody to see, by what manner would you guarantee that a team may use the same signals each week? Are the opposing players and coaches supposed to look the other way? We know that signal taping is common but suppose there was never any such thing as a video camera.

Would a team use the exact same set of signals week one through 16 and then game one, game two and then in the Superbowl?

The entire notion is absurd. They tape to force the other team to change shit up. The more disciplined team, the easier that is. Simple as that. The Patriots broke a rule over a common practice. When holding's cheating, then fine, standing in the wrong spot with your camera is cheating. If any team is too lazy or unorganized to change what they do out in the open, then too damn bad. This is not a copy of the opposing teams' playbook which is what's commonly implied by the unknowing and academically void.

....and please, before a ton of drivel, answer the simple questions I posted. Yes or no, should a team be able to use the same signals each week? If so, how will you ensure that?

So Clarktroll, how ya gonna accomplish this protecting signals made out in the open in front of thousands of people?


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Actually I think the thread is getting exactly the type of answers it deserves.

PF it shouldn't be getting any answers or responses, Pats fans should not respond, like he deserves an answer. In life people cheat and break rules every sec of the day. If you cheat in school, work, gf,wife, 5 extra min at lunch, come in 2 min late, drink and drive, dont stop completely at a stop sign, go over the speed limit, parking meter expires , etc etc. Unless someone has never done any one of these , then they deserve an explanation


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Aug 15, 2014
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And you are incorrect still no answer to the questions

Nope completely correct. Oh Tons of legitimate and correct answers have been given and ignored in favor of your sad whine.

"Oh why do people like the Patriots, when they're so bad?"

"Why would fans give their testicle for that evil Bill Bellichick (Future HOFer) to be the coach of my team"


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
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Here's one I dropped last week that none of you clowns wanted any part of:

Let me ask you this. Being that field signals are made out in the open in front of everybody to see, by what manner would you guarantee that a team may use the same signals each week? Are the opposing players and coaches supposed to look the other way? We know that signal taping is common but suppose there was never any such thing as a video camera.

Would a team use the exact same set of signals week one through 16 and then game one, game two and then in the Superbowl?

The entire notion is absurd. They tape to force the other team to change shit up. The more disciplined team, the easier that is. Simple as that. The Patriots broke a rule over a common practice. When holding's cheating, then fine, standing in the wrong spot with your camera is cheating. If any team is too lazy or unorganized to change what they do out in the open, then too damn bad. This is not a copy of the opposing teams' playbook which is what's commonly implied by the unknowing and academically void.

....and please, before a ton of drivel, answer the simple questions I posted. Yes or no, should a team be able to use the same signals each week? If so, how will you ensure that?

So Clarktroll, how ya gonna accomplish this protecting signals made out in the open in front of thousands of people?

You don't understand how signals work, the impact they hold on a game or why the patriots recorded them do you :L here's a rebuttals that shows the flaws in your theory. Look into the raiders/ bucs Super Bowl signal scandal it will give you a better understanding of how it works. You also haven't covered any if the other sketchy patterns of the New England patriots under bill bellicheck. You can answer the questions or continue to deflect throw your blinders in and be a homer. Eventually someone will give an intelligent answer