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Why do the Pats


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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You're telling me good workers like Ted Dibase, Ricky Steamboat, and Jake Roberts were using steroids?

I have no idea. Haha. That was bad ass wrestling back then tho. It was real when is was 9 years old. Fuckjng awesome

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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I have no idea. Haha. That was bad ass wrestling back then tho. It was real when is was 9 years old. Fuckjng awesome


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Nov 19, 2014
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I do agree that in this instance it was legal but BB knew that the incompetent refs would screw things up and leave him with an advantage. Pretty cheap especially in a playoff game. Every week it's something...

I have an idea for you. It will even make the Phins relevant. No type of trick play allowed because that would be an advantage for the offense. Instead of a snap count the QB will call out the play they're running.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Cerealboi u do realize that you can't honestly even answer my question.

Do you honestly think that was the only time they video taped a team?

And if you got busted for doing what everyone else was doing, then why the half million dollar fine and loss of 1st rounder? :scratch:

Thats straight bullshit and ya know it.


I already said I believed the probably videotaped other opponents. I know you got caught talking out of your ass and want to avoid addressing it, but for the last time:

You made a comment that the Pats were fined and penalized for videotaping the Steelers before the 2001-2002 AFCCG. You appear to contend that the NFL made a pretext of the Jets punishment in order to really punish the Pats for 2001 misdeeds (it is odd you didn't mention the Rams which is more evidence that your really have no idea about this subject).

Whether or not the Pats taped the Steelers, there is zero support for the claim that the NFL punished them for it. It's illogical and doesn't make sense.

To be correct, you'd have to believe the following:
1) That the NFL knew about the 2002 taping by September 2007 despite the fact there has been no published stories, allegations, or reports about the taping prior to that time.
2) That the NFL, despite allegedly being in cohoots with the Pats and wanting the preserve the brand, ALSO wanted to severely punish the Pats. If your "preserve the brand" conspiracy were true, why wouldn't the NFL in fact give the Pats the minor slap on the wrist like it was no big deal? If the NFL was in cohoots with the Pats, why punish them at all?
3) If the NFL really did want to kick the Pats in the ass and teach them a lesson for 2001 misdeeds (or as you seem to think videotaping all other teams in the league), why did they wait 5-6 years? Remember the punishment was handed down in September 2007 by the NFL. If what you claim is true Goodell must have known by that time about 2001 and 2002.

Literally nothing about your grand conspiracy theory makes sense. And yes I know you're going to reply with a but but but . . . . Ray Rice! You still haven't explained how the Ray Rice incident relates or demonstrates NFL motivations.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Wake up BB knew the refs would be all messed up that's why he took advantage otherwise why do it. Because of it he had wide open receivers...until they could get their heads out of their asses. It's fine to run a trick play the Edelman play was great but to abuse the officials to gain an unfair edge is a little too much. Even the boys on the NFL channel were joking about how bad that was.

Should using a ref as a pick illegal, sneaky, within the rules? You make the call.


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Nov 19, 2014
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:nod: a lot of question marks surrounding their success.
* the tuck rule
*eligible receivers
* Brady " we have something for the colts next week"
They are sketchy

Oh my God what has the NFL come to? They are now allowing "eligible" receivers:doh:
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Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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I hate to be the one to tell you boys that there is no Santa Claus, but unless you're talking about greco-roman or freestyle wrasslin it ain't real and it ain't never been real.


Long Member ; )
Jun 20, 2010
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I already said I believed the probably videotaped other opponents. I know you got caught talking out of your ass and want to avoid addressing it, but for the last time:

You made a comment that the Pats were fined and penalized for videotaping the Steelers before the 2001-2002 AFCCG. You appear to contend that the NFL made a pretext of the Jets punishment in order to really punish the Pats for 2001 misdeeds (it is odd you didn't mention the Rams which is more evidence that your really have no idea about this subject).

Whether or not the Pats taped the Steelers, there is zero support for the claim that the NFL punished them for it. It's illogical and doesn't make sense.

To be correct, you'd have to believe the following:
1) That the NFL knew about the 2002 taping by September 2007 despite the fact there has been no published stories, allegations, or reports about the taping prior to that time.
2) That the NFL, despite allegedly being in cohoots with the Pats and wanting the preserve the brand, ALSO wanted to severely punish the Pats. If your "preserve the brand" conspiracy were true, why wouldn't the NFL in fact give the Pats the minor slap on the wrist like it was no big deal? If the NFL was in cohoots with the Pats, why punish them at all?
3) If the NFL really did want to kick the Pats in the ass and teach them a lesson for 2001 misdeeds (or as you seem to think videotaping all other teams in the league), why did they wait 5-6 years? Remember the punishment was handed down in September 2007 by the NFL. If what you claim is true Goodell must have known by that time about 2001 and 2002.

Literally nothing about your grand conspiracy theory makes sense. And yes I know you're going to reply with a but but but . . . . Ray Rice! You still haven't explained how the Ray Rice incident relates or demonstrates NFL motivations.

Pretty simple they did let it go as it wasn't good for the leagues integrity. A few people said stop this BS so they issued a memo. BB believes that he is above the law so at that point they had no choice but to make an example of him. It cleaned the slate at that point.

As per filming today with technology of course it's hard to stop you have cameras the size of a pencil that's why they set up the helmets to the O and D.

To answer the tools Q the ref on the field is part of the game you have an opportunity in most cases to avoid him on a pick. But when you aren't given enough time to line up for a play on D you have no chance...but of course BB likes it that way as he's not confident enough to beat a team man against man.


Dec 11, 2014
Springfield, MI
Hoopla Cash
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I hate to be the one to tell you boys that there is no Santa Claus, but unless you're talking about greco-roman or freestyle wrasslin it ain't real and it ain't never been real.

Oh I knew that since I was 10. I don't watch it now as much as I did from 1991-2001


Long Member ; )
Jun 20, 2010
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I have an idea for you. It will even make the Phins relevant. No type of trick play allowed because that would be an advantage for the offense. Instead of a snap count the QB will call out the play they're running.

What are you even talking about are you on some bad crack or something? Wow just wow...


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Literally nothing about your grand conspiracy theory makes sense. And yes I know you're going to reply with a but but but . . . . Ray Rice! You still haven't explained how the Ray Rice incident relates or demonstrates NFL motivations.

Helmet special u are young pats cheater..

Ray rice elevator video was "not known of" by the NFL. But TMZ found it?

And the Pats video tapes from 2000-2002 were burned.

Are u that fuggin stupid? Sit there and act like the NFL doesn't bullshit and cover shit up? C'mon we're all adults here. It's not hard to figure out. Unless ... :lol:

Ahhhh denial. But I admire you defending your team.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Videos and the NFL :whistle:


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
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Just so everyone knows....Belichick informed the officials prior to the game that they might use a seldom used formation. Every coach is required to inform the officials if they intend to do anything out of the ordinary prior to the game. It includes trick kicks or punts, odd formations or anything that may require the officials to be aware so that they don't throw a flag incorrectly or do anything that would embarrass themselves or the league.


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Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Pretty simple they did let it go as it wasn't good for the leagues integrity. A few people said stop this BS so they issued a memo. BB believes that he is above the law so at that point they had no choice but to make an example of him. It cleaned the slate at that point.

As per filming today with technology of course it's hard to stop you have cameras the size of a pencil that's why they set up the helmets to the O and D.

To answer the tools Q the ref on the field is part of the game you have an opportunity in most cases to avoid him on a pick. But when you aren't given enough time to line up for a play on D you have no chance...but of course BB likes it that way as he's not confident enough to beat a team man against man.

FFF can you cite for us the actual rule that bans the filming of the opponents sideline? I'd like to take a look at it and how it reads.

For example here is the rule that is relevant to the ineligible player.

Article 1 An offensive player wearing the number of an ineligible pass receiver (50–79 and 90–99) is permitted to line up in the position of an eligible pass receiver (1–49 and 80–89), and an offensive player wearing the number of an eligible pass receiver is permitted to line up in the position of an ineligible pass receiver, provided that he immediately reports the change in his eligibility status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team.

He must participate in such eligible or ineligible position as long as he is continuously in the game, but prior to each play he must again report his status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team. The game clock shall not be stopped, and the ball shall not be put in play until the Referee takes his normal position.

See all the rules are readily available, so you shouldn't have to much trouble finding it and posting it.

We'll wait.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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So why the $500,000 fine and loss of a 1st round draft pick?

Denial is deep with this one..


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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So why the $500,000 fine and loss of a 1st round draft pick?

Denial is deep with this one..

No one in the history of the NFL ever got that punishment


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
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Bill Bellicheck has made a career out of exploting the rules. If it's gray, he'll do it.

I don't know that they got mad at being called out so much as Brady just said that Harbaugh needed to read the rules.

Not that the Ravens are angels either. They cut block on every play, so Harbaugh can zip it.

I was specific that it was in the rules though. Just because it's in the rules doesn't make it right


Long Member ; )
Jun 20, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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FFF can you cite for us the actual rule that bans the filming of the opponents sideline? I'd like to take a look at it and how it reads.

For example here is the rule that is relevant to the ineligible player.

Article 1 An offensive player wearing the number of an ineligible pass receiver (50–79 and 90–99) is permitted to line up in the position of an eligible pass receiver (1–49 and 80–89), and an offensive player wearing the number of an eligible pass receiver is permitted to line up in the position of an ineligible pass receiver, provided that he immediately reports the change in his eligibility status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team.

He must participate in such eligible or ineligible position as long as he is continuously in the game, but prior to each play he must again report his status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team. The game clock shall not be stopped, and the ball shall not be put in play until the Referee takes his normal position.

See all the rules are readily available, so you shouldn't have to much trouble finding it and posting it.

We'll wait.

We need to do this again and again for you....are you special needs? So they penalized the pats for doing something perfectly legal...ok you win.

Brainiac the bolded portion of your post is the problem. The refs didn't give the D enough time to set up especially since brady was trying to snap the ball instantly after reporting. Its a flaw that BB took advantage of what else do you need to know???:doh: