I prefer the huge pictures myself. The thread lacked a lil something so I added some pizazz.
This kinda pizazz???
I prefer the huge pictures myself. The thread lacked a lil something so I added some pizazz.
I believe you. But just to prove you know how to do it, go ahead and resize your gargoyle pic and show me. Then you can teach Max. OK, go.
No thanks. I don't need to prove a thing. I like the big picture, 'nuff said.
Micro, I'm going to teach you how to size pics.
use the link I gave Max.
1) save any pic any size to your CPU.
2) upload the pic using the link I've given you.
Make sure to choose 'message board' size in the drop down box.
I'm glad you put up our best players as choices then.
Shit, looks like I really could use a couple hours of community college.
Meh- I spent a year at a CC before moving on to a university, and I still don't give a shit about sizing pics. I think anyone who pats themselves on the back over such a difficult to master skill-set probably didn't get enough attention as a child...
I'm glad you put up our best players as choices then.