Well-Known Member
LOL... I'm goodDid you mean to use this word?
LOL... I'm goodDid you mean to use this word?
Heh, you're a fellow Seahawks fan, but for crissakes, this is absolute nonense. Like guys of our generation were John Waynes.
OUR grandparents said the same shit.
I dunno. There were only 2 genders when I grew up and I'd never heard of a "metrosexual" neither. Plus we didn't have trigger warnings, safe spaces, cultural appropriation, micro aggressions or a whole bunch of other nonsense that seems to be going mainstream nowadays.
You are right that our grandparents said the same shit. And they were right too. It's getting worse with each generation. Maybe I'm getting old and bitter, or maybe I'm right. Now, get off my lawn!
Actually Adam Carolla wrote a whole book about the pussification of American men. He makes some good observations in there. Check it out.