i'll have the last laugh
Are they going to learn to hit? to get on base? pitch? or just swing as hard as they can.
Saturday perfect example - At one point, the yankees had 6 hits, 5 runs, Jays had 7 hits 1 run. And how the hell does Bautista get picked off of second base!!!
Heat, they are a horrible team. I know 4 games of bashing the Giants and the Sox worst starter got you and your buddy all worked up... but, I know baseball and I know that the Jays are not they type of team that will fight back from a 3 run defecit (that means losing) let a lone a 10 game defecit. They will all pad their stats, you will hump them...and they will finish in last place.
oh.. and since you don't know shit about baseball. the jays faught back from defecits of 6 7 5 runs to win games this year. against the rays and the redsox . but but but.. the jays don't come back from defecits.. (that means losing)