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What is LeBron's legacy if he loses 5 times in the finals?


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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Titles are a bad measuring stick imo

You put lebron on any championship team and he is by far the best player out their the last 10 years...I mean any team....Lebron gets knocked for losing in the finals but it really was never his fault...It was the team, he was always the best player on the court

Lebron got more finals mvp votes than curry last year in a losing effort

I think he def needs at least 1 more title just for basic fan perception

In basketball you have so much control over what happens to your team. This isn't baseball where you can't control if your pitching sucks or the infield is consistently committing errors. This isn't football where you can be clicking on offense, but your defense has as many holes as swiss cheese.

Lebron's also had the more talented team and lost in a Finals in 2011 and arguably in 2014.


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In basketball you have so much control over what happens to your team. This isn't baseball where you can't control if your pitching sucks or the infield is consistently committing errors. This isn't football where you can be clicking on offense, but your defense has as many holes as swiss cheese.

Lebron's also had the more talented team and lost in a Finals in 2011 and arguably in 2014.

Lebron only had the more talented team once in 6 times he has been in the finals...All the other times he did not even have homecourt.

Lebron avg 40 a game last year...1 player can not win a series no matter who it is

  • 2011 Miami Heat (ranked 10th out of 62 teams that made the Finals)
  • 2012 Miami Heat(ranked 21st out of 62)
  • 2013 Miami Heat(ranked 39th out of 62)
  • 2014 Miami Heat(ranked 55th out of 62)
  • 2015 Cleveland Cavaliers (ranked 60th out of 62) 24th pre injury
  • 2007 Cleveland Cavaliers (ranked 61st out of 62)
So basically in all 6 times he had a pretty bad ranked supporting cast...For example jordan and kobe had top 10 even a 1 and 2 ranked team....Makes a huge difference


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In basketball you have so much control over what happens to your team. This isn't baseball where you can't control if your pitching sucks or the infield is consistently committing errors. This isn't football where you can be clicking on offense, but your defense has as many holes as swiss cheese.

Lebron's also had the more talented team and lost in a Finals in 2011 and arguably in 2014.

Funny how 60-win teams can suddenly be considered so terrible as soon as they lose in the Finals. "LeBron needs more help!"


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Top 10 guaranteed

If Bron makes it to the finals again (this year) he absolutely needs to win it to avoid the 3 peat no player wants (3 straight finals loss)

That's a stain on Lebron's resume that will be hard to overlook when fans and experts talk legacy

I see him winning at least one more, which would put him somewhere in the top 5 or 6. If he wins 2 more then he's in the discussion for top 3 or 4.


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Funny how 60-win teams can suddenly be considered so terrible as soon as they lose in the Finals. "LeBron needs more help!"

Did you not see the Atlanta Hawks last year?

60 win team swept in the semi finals


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
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Lebron only had the more talented team once in 6 times he has been in the finals...All the other times he did not even have homecourt.

Lebron avg 40 a game last year...1 player can not win a series no matter who it is

  • 2011 Miami Heat (ranked 10th out of 62 teams that made the Finals)
  • 2012 Miami Heat(ranked 21st out of 62)
  • 2013 Miami Heat(ranked 39th out of 62)
  • 2014 Miami Heat(ranked 55th out of 62)
  • 2015 Cleveland Cavaliers (ranked 60th out of 62) 24th pre injury
  • 2007 Cleveland Cavaliers (ranked 61st out of 62)
So basically in all 6 times he had a pretty bad ranked supporting cast...For example jordan and kobe had top 10 even a 1 and 2 ranked team....Makes a huge difference

Where are you getting these numbers from? Are you simply pulling these from thin air?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Duncan? He's part of the same weak generation.
Not really because he won another recently and he has sustained since he became a player and his team was in the discussion many times even when they didn't win. Personally as a player I would rather have had a Tim Duncan over Lebron James if given the choice.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Where are you getting these numbers from? Are you simply pulling these from thin air?

That list is shit. No way in hell should any Heat team from 2012-2014 be ranked lower than the 2011 team.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Where are you getting these numbers from? Are you simply pulling these from thin air?

When one has their head as far up their own ass as l23j does, I'd imagine one is likely to see all kinds of crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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Lebron only had the more talented team once in 6 times he has been in the finals...All the other times he did not even have homecourt.

Lebron avg 40 a game last year...1 player can not win a series no matter who it is

  • 2011 Miami Heat (ranked 10th out of 62 teams that made the Finals)
  • 2012 Miami Heat(ranked 21st out of 62)
  • 2013 Miami Heat(ranked 39th out of 62)
  • 2014 Miami Heat(ranked 55th out of 62)
  • 2015 Cleveland Cavaliers (ranked 60th out of 62) 24th pre injury
  • 2007 Cleveland Cavaliers (ranked 61st out of 62)
So basically in all 6 times he had a pretty bad ranked supporting cast...For example jordan and kobe had top 10 even a 1 and 2 ranked team....Makes a huge difference

Lebron beat the Pistons by himself in 2007, so that's crap. Lebron had the most talented team in all of his years in Miami. Hell, you could make the argument that OKC had the more talented team in 2012, yet they still lost.

Lebron had the more talented team then the Spurs. Duncan is well past his prime, although a still very good player. And Parker isn't what he used to be either, same with Manu. Their number 1 player was/is Leonard. But Miami had the more talented team - the Spurs won because of system and coaching.

The only excuse I give Lebron is 2007. That was by far the best title team that the Spurs put out there and Lebron brought scrubs with him to the Finals. The talent disparity wasn't that significant in any of Lebron's other losses.

In sports there's a saying that Urban Meyer came up with, and I'm paraphrasing here - "The minute I start making excuses, it allows my team to have the same mindset".

Point being - quit making excuses.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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If anyone played in a weak generation, it was MJ. MJ was at his best just after the league expanded and the talent level hadn't caught up. By the time Kobe was in his prime, the overall talent level was starting to catch back up and it has gotten even better since Lebron entered his prime.
MJ invented the six steps and dunk.