OKC beating GS would be an upset. But they're not just beating them, they've absolutely clowned them the last two games. Making that worse, their 73-win season was in response to everyone calling them out for getting so lucky in their run last year. So getting roflstomped out of the WCF this year would be a double wammy of sorts. Entering the playoffs, and even before that, people were putting up them among the greatest teams ever, not just single season, but dynasty.
The Pats lost a single game, in fairly devastating fashion, but they didn't have the benefit of a 7-game series. Single-elimination playoffs are a lot more susceptible to upsets by design.
Yah, I wasn't implying the Pats were ranked 1 in the past.
Ms were up there for sure, but they never won a World Series in the past nor did they break the record (only tied).
If OKC goes into GS and clowns them again, then yah... gotta easily be #1.