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So now PG says that no other player is criticized as much as he is.
Lol I wouldn't go that far. He's top 10 though of active players (playoffs only) but he brought it on himself
So now PG says that no other player is criticized as much as he is.
Quite honestly, i think the outcome of game 6 is gonna be decided by the play of THIS man...
Lol I wouldn't go that far. He's top 10 though of active players (playoffs only) but he brought it on himself
I guess Barkley blasted him pretty good for it too. lol
And PG actually deserves a large chunk of what he gets.
Yep he did. Only thing I'll say is this new age criticism is different due to social media. Back in Barkley days all they had was sports talk radio when it comes to ways fans can voice their criticism so i think this era of players deal with more criticism only because of that reason
And PG actually deserves a large chunk of what he gets.
But even in this era...he's trying to say he's more criticized than, I don't know...Lebron?
If you expand to other sports, I'm not sure he'd even be top 10.
Yeah not top 10 if we are including other sports. Bron, Simmons, and Hatden at least are ahead of him for the nba
Yeah not top 10 if we are including other sports. Bron, Simmons, and Hatden at least are ahead of him for the nba
Durant gets more. Curry has gotten more, although not as much recently.
The better you are and the better your team is the more criticism you get.
Although, PG does have a point. All the other players he get criticized more are legit franchise superstars. He isn’t.
I don’t know about all that. I’d like for them to get to the finals because they’re a good team.@Chrisper4Prez Your Suns are going to the finals tomorrow. Redemption for 2007.
Both Pacers and Suns fans like ourselves know all about bullshit suspensions, but it’s also easy to forget you guys also had the Donaghy factor against you in 2007…
The NBA be righting some wrongs tomorrow with a big Suns win.
So now PG says that no other player is criticized as much as he is.
We'll see, but it wouldn't exactly piss me off...Suns going to end this tonight
Lol @Skip Brainless. He still swears up and down Dak Prescott is just as talented as Patrick Mahomes...I don't think that PG could handle Skip Bayless being up his ass for even 15 minutes like Lebron has had the last 15 years.