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Was LaBron being disrespectful to the Knicks?


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Jul 17, 2014
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I don't really care either way about either one who feels disrespected or whatever. They make enough money that both of them should be able to stand a bit of storm without falling apart and both should be mature enough to let it go when they don't like something. I doubt Phil Jackson will be there much longer any way. He has done a horrible job except for robbing the owner of another 10 million dollars per year.
drafting Porzingis was a great move- but he was prob the best player on the board by a pretty broad consensus.....

other than that he has been a dumpster fire there. If I had an absolutely loaded hall of fame roster- id want Phil to coach my team---- with a young roster, or being my team's GM? HAHAHAHAHA....i really dont know why Dolan thought he was qualified for the job in the first place. Front offices are being run by ivy schools mba's that work 60 hours a week with a heavy focus on analytics, modeling, etc....Phil is just so thoroughly out of his element in the modern NBA its kind of embarrassing for him.--- but i have to give him credit- he tricked Dolan into paying him a lot of money---- but it seems that Dolan has been tricked into giving unqualfiied individuals a lot of money for over a decade now, lol.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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prob worked better when his team was good. lol. now he just looks like an asshole.

He looked like an asshole when he did it with good teams. But folks tend to be more patient and willing to put up with more when they're winning.

I believe that is why things tend to end badly for him everywhere he goes despite all of the winning. Eventually, people get sick of the crap.

Now, it looks like things will end badly with the Knicks, just minus the winning.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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drafting Porzingis was a great move- but he was prob the best player on the board by a pretty broad consensus.....

other than that he has been a dumpster fire there. If I had an absolutely loaded hall of fame roster- id want Phil to coach my team---- with a young roster, or being my team's GM? HAHAHAHAHA....i really dont know why Dolan thought he was qualified for the job in the first place. Front offices are being run by ivy schools mba's that work 60 hours a week with a heavy focus on analytics, modeling, etc....Phil is just so thoroughly out of his element in the modern NBA its kind of embarrassing for him.--- but i have to give him credit- he tricked Dolan into paying him a lot of money---- but it seems that Dolan has been tricked into giving unqualfiied individuals a lot of money for over a decade now, lol.
four year contract and 40 million dollars right down the toilet and the irony is that it has been bad business as usual for New York and the fans getting screwed and in the mean time - the Lakers have rebuilt their team and moving toward contention in the last three years already and will be contending in two years at the most.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Meh..no biggie.

The better team won...but I don't place any blame of disrespect on LeBitch.

It was petty and childish vindictiveness disguised as boredom.
He's a damn good player, who had a little ax to grind against Phil, but at the end of the day he's just a thin skinned hypocrite.

I do hold Coach Tyronn Lue and his staff accountable though.

I wonder if he'll let his players break out a deck of cards for a friendly game of black jack on the bench the next time his team is up by 30.

You'd never see a stunt like that from a Greg Popovich coached team..or from any number of other head coach's teams.

Just sayin'

He is just get back at Phil, that is the literally theonly reason. Phil will learn to keep his mouth shut after Lebron embarrassed his sorry ass team.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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prob worked better when his team was good. lol. now he just looks like an asshole.
He is trying to make them good and he did the same thing before the Lakers weren't champions - He is Phil


Mar 12, 2015
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When you are the best player ever in the NBA, you get way with stuff like that. If Kyle Kroger or alwmar Odom did it, then yes.....disrespectful.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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That's the way Phil has always handled his stars - He critiques them to the press to put pressure on them.

There is a pretty big difference, IMO, between a coach taking that approach and a GM doing it. The coach is in the locker room every day with the players. The GM isn't. Phil needs to get out of the way.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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There is a pretty big difference, IMO, between a coach taking that approach and a GM doing it. The coach is in the locker room every day with the players. The GM isn't. Phil needs to get out of the way.

No argument with me there and I agree. Personally I was convinced that he wouldn't make a good GM, the year he wanted Mitch to trade Kobe Bryant for Jason Kidd. Now Jason Kidd was a pretty good player, but I don't think he was good enough to bring the Lakers two more championships in addition to the first three, but that is just my opinion


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Jul 17, 2014
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Let's start with LeBron James. No matter where you stand on the use or connotation of the word "posse," fallout from Jackson's using the term to describe James' friends isn't good for New York in a bottom-line sense.

One of LeBron's close friends is Rich Paul, an agent and the founder of Klutch Sports, which represents several top NBA players (including James). As long as Jackson is president, it's hard to imagine the Knicks landing a Klutch client in free agency if that player is choosing from a group of suitors.

And then there's Jackson's recent comments about Anthony, which were made during an appearance on the CBS Sports Network earlier this week.

On the show, Jackson was responding to a question from panelist Lisa Leslie, who asked if there is a "conflict of interest" having a player like Anthony in an offense that requires frequent ball movement.

This was Jackson's response: "He can play that role that Michael Jordanand Kobe Bryant played. It's a perfect spot for him to be in that isolated position on the weak side because it's an overload offense, and there's a weakside man that always has an advantage if the ball is swung. Carmelo a lot of times wants to hold the ball longer than -- we have a rule: If you hold a pass two seconds, you benefit the defense. So he has a little bit of a tendency to hold it for three, four, five seconds, and then everybody comes to a stop. That is one of the things we work with. But he's adjusted to [the triangle], he knows what he can do, and he's willing to see its success."

Jackson's critique of Anthony's tendency to hold on to the ball too long isn't unique. Plenty of NBA analysts have given similar takes over the years.

But it's different when a team president delivers this criticism of his star player publicly, rather than behind closed doors. That was Anthony's message when talking about the issue on Friday. He also said he wants to keep any negativity away from the Knicks at a time when they're playing well. Others in the organization felt the same way, with one questioning what Jackson's public comments are doing to help the Knicks win games.

So what does all of this add up to?

In the worst-case scenario, Jackson has upset his star player and one of the top agents in the NBA. Anthony said on Friday the issue is "over" as far as he's concerned. But no one around the team would describe Anthony and Jackson as best friends, and it's unlikely that Jackson's critique did anything to bolster their relationship.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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Lebron paints on his fucking hair. Nobody should ever feel disrespected by him.
He had a hair transplant last year but he's still ugly.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Let's start with LeBron James. No matter where you stand on the use or connotation of the word "posse," fallout from Jackson's using the term to describe James' friends isn't good for New York in a bottom-line sense.

One of LeBron's close friends is Rich Paul, an agent and the founder of Klutch Sports, which represents several top NBA players (including James). As long as Jackson is president, it's hard to imagine the Knicks landing a Klutch client in free agency if that player is choosing from a group of suitors.

And then there's Jackson's recent comments about Anthony, which were made during an appearance on the CBS Sports Network earlier this week.

On the show, Jackson was responding to a question from panelist Lisa Leslie, who asked if there is a "conflict of interest" having a player like Anthony in an offense that requires frequent ball movement.

This was Jackson's response: "He can play that role that Michael Jordanand Kobe Bryant played. It's a perfect spot for him to be in that isolated position on the weak side because it's an overload offense, and there's a weakside man that always has an advantage if the ball is swung. Carmelo a lot of times wants to hold the ball longer than -- we have a rule: If you hold a pass two seconds, you benefit the defense. So he has a little bit of a tendency to hold it for three, four, five seconds, and then everybody comes to a stop. That is one of the things we work with. But he's adjusted to [the triangle], he knows what he can do, and he's willing to see its success."

Jackson's critique of Anthony's tendency to hold on to the ball too long isn't unique. Plenty of NBA analysts have given similar takes over the years.

But it's different when a team president delivers this criticism of his star player publicly, rather than behind closed doors. That was Anthony's message when talking about the issue on Friday. He also said he wants to keep any negativity away from the Knicks at a time when they're playing well. Others in the organization felt the same way, with one questioning what Jackson's public comments are doing to help the Knicks win games.

So what does all of this add up to?

In the worst-case scenario, Jackson has upset his star player and one of the top agents in the NBA. Anthony said on Friday the issue is "over" as far as he's concerned. But no one around the team would describe Anthony and Jackson as best friends, and it's unlikely that Jackson's critique did anything to bolster their relationship.
Carmelo Anthony in my book was stupid to re-sign with Phil Jackson who has never liked Carmelo - He called him a "ball hog like Kobe Bryant" and when some one pointed out that Kobe won titles and how good Carmelo is, Phil asked a rhetorical question how did it work out for Carmelo - indicating that he won nothing. In Kobe's case, Phil Jackson was welcomed back because Kobe knew they would win more championships. Carmelo will never win squat in New York - He would be better off in Los Angeles


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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Carmelo Anthony in my book was stupid to re-sign with Phil Jackson who has never liked Carmelo - He called him a "ball hog like Kobe Bryant" and when some one pointed out that Kobe won titles and how good Carmelo is, Phil asked a rhetorical question how did it work out for Carmelo - indicating that he won nothing. In Kobe's case, Phil Jackson was welcomed back because Kobe knew they would win more championships. Carmelo will never win squat in New York - He would be better off in Los Angeles
I agree- I think the Knicks should have traded him and razed it to the ground and rebuilt around Porzingis....instead you have Joakin Noah for the next 4 years at a substantial contract- and a team that is decent- but not good.

LA would be an interesting place for Carmelo to land and the Lakers have the assets to get him if they really wanted him. If they could get the Knicks to take back Luol Deng's corpse that would be a coup.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I agree- I think the Knicks should have traded him and razed it to the ground and rebuilt around Porzingis....instead you have Joakin Noah for the next 4 years at a substantial contract- and a team that is decent- but not good.

LA would be an interesting place for Carmelo to land and the Lakers have the assets to get him if they really wanted him. If they could get the Knicks to take back Luol Deng's corpse that would be a coup.
I personally don't like Carmelo as a player and would hate to see him come to Los Angeles though. He is a selfish player that stops player movement and he is an aging player. He has some good life in him left, but not enough to contribute after the Lakers current roster is playoff ready past the first round of elimination. Carmelo would be a better fit in Miami where they could use him to rebuild.

What I like about the Lakers roster now is that there is a real effort to play team ball, passing and unselfish play. I think Carmelo could wreck the chemistry if he isn't on board with the right attitude.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree- I think the Knicks should have traded him and razed it to the ground and rebuilt around Porzingis....instead you have Joakin Noah for the next 4 years at a substantial contract- and a team that is decent- but not good.

LA would be an interesting place for Carmelo to land and the Lakers have the assets to get him if they really wanted him. If they could get the Knicks to take back Luol Deng's corpse that would be a coup.

The Lakers finally start showing promise after moving on from Kobe and they trade for a slightly younger, worse version also on the downside of his career.

I would be very upset at the thought of that if I were a Lakers fan. It does sound like something Buss would want to do though.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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He is just get back at Phil, that is the literally theonly reason. Phil will learn to keep his mouth shut after Lebron embarrassed his sorry ass team.

lol @Phil keeping his mouth shut. Lebron is just embarrassing himself by keeping up the bullshit about Phil calling his posse a posse.

Why didn't Lebron cry about it when Phil referred to the same guys as his posse in his book?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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LA would be an interesting place for Carmelo to land and the Lakers have the assets to get him if they really wanted him.

Fuck no!! That would be incredibly stupid of the Lakers. The biggest reason for the early success the Lakers had before the injuries was the ball movement Luke has taught them.

Carmelo would bring that to a screeching halt.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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I agree- I think the Knicks should have traded him and razed it to the ground and rebuilt around Porzingis....instead you have Joakin Noah for the next 4 years at a substantial contract- and a team that is decent- but not good.

LA would be an interesting place for Carmelo to land and the Lakers have the assets to get him if they really wanted him. If they could get the Knicks to take back Luol Deng's corpse that would be a coup.

Melo to the Lakers...?!!

you just PROVED you're nuts...:crazy:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Melo to the Lakers...?!!

you just PROVED you're nuts...:crazy:

The time to get Melo, if such a time ever existed, would have been a couple of seasons ago when Kobe was working him to join the Lakers. The 2 of them would have either been an epic success, or an epic failure culminating with the 2 of them rolling on the court fighting over the ball. Resulting in the first ever jump ball involving teammates.

Either way, it would have been incredibly entertaining. lol