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Was LaBron being disrespectful to the Knicks?


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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You don't want them playing bottle games, give them something to concentrate on. Like a little competition.
it is a little humiliating to see a teams starters sitting on the bench playing games like the "water bottle challenge" in a 30 point blowout on your home floor- when the game was over shortly into the3 rd qtr. for all intents and purposes----

at least i would suspect so.


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it is a little humiliating to see a teams starters sitting on the bench playing games like the "water bottle challenge" in a 30 point blowout on your home floor- when the game was over shortly into the3 rd qtr. for all intents and purposes----

at least i would suspect so.
Oh well.


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your the little crybaby talking about not watching the heat because of their injuries- i have seen almost every single game of Kyrie Irving's career- from his rookie year through now- I was even AT the Cavs game they broke their 25 game losing streak against the Clippers- a freezing your ass off January (or February game) in a hopeless season--- so you can shut your big fat trap about shit you know nothing about! lol :thumb:

and ill keep on enjoying this iteration of the Cavs dominate- and ill especially enjoy it when they beat the shit out of the teams i dont like. If that gets you all hot and bothered- COOL! Stew in it.

And you will keep disappearing when the cavs lose meaningless regular season games

Tai Chi≈Surfing

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Meh..no biggie.

The better team won...but I don't place any blame of disrespect on LeBitch.

It was petty and childish vindictiveness disguised as boredom.
He's a damn good player, who had a little ax to grind against Phil, but at the end of the day he's just a thin skinned hypocrite.

I do hold Coach Tyronn Lue and his staff accountable though.

I wonder if he'll let his players break out a deck of cards for a friendly game of black jack on the bench the next time his team is up by 30.

You'd never see a stunt like that from a Greg Popovich coached team..or from any number of other head coach's teams.

Just sayin'


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Jul 17, 2014
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Meh..no biggie.

The better team won...but I don't place any blame of disrespect on LeBitch.

It was petty and childish vindictiveness disguised as boredom.
He's a damn good player, who had a little ax to grind against Phil, but at the end of the day he's just a thin skinned hypocrite.

I do hold Coach Tyronn Lue and his staff accountable though.

I wonder if he'll let his players break out a deck of cards for a friendly game of black jack on the bench the next time his team is up by 30.

You'd never see a stunt like that from a Greg Popovich coached team..or from any number of other head coach's teams.

Just sayin'
maybe tomorrow they will play some black jack on the bench in the 4th vs. the Heat???


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Stephen A. on the Cavs/Knicks game and LeBron going after Phil

"they were not bored at all, they were having fun and perfectly willing to humiliate the knicks on the basketball court and humiliate PHil Jackson in front of the Garden Fans. LeBron JAmes is a professional extraordinaire, he is incredibly classy, he is one of those individual's that would respect the competition enough to refrain from doing that kind of that kind of thing during a game , -taking the pictures and having the fun, and doing all of these little handshakes, and all of that stuff BEFORE a game, is DIFFERENT, but once the game is in process he would never be so blatantly disrespectful,

this is emanating from what he perceived to be PHil Jacksons disrespect towards him and his quote unquote Posse, and he came to the Garden hellbent on making Phil Jackson pay for it and embarrassing him and the other players joined in"

...they did not care because they wanted to embarrass and humiliate phil jackson and they succeeded- very very conspicuously if i may add in doing just that- it was a snub at phil jackson- he brought it on himself- and the line of the night came from Mark JAckson during the Clippers/WArriors game- he said 'LeBron James and his crew came to Madison Square Garden and handled their business"".


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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now Phil is going at it with Melo through the media...i gotta think this guy is either blatantly trying to run himself out of town or finally is just one toke over the line.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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now Phil is going at it with Melo through the media...i gotta think this guy is either blatantly trying to run himself out of town or finally is just one toke over the line.
That's the way Phil has always handled his stars - He critiques them to the press to put pressure on them.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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we ARE talking about LeClown...

basketball player? great. human relations? not so much...
Took the words out of my mouth - As I said - I would expect nothing less than childish and boring and unprofessional:lol:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Stephen A. on the Cavs/Knicks game and LeBron going after Phil

"they were not bored at all, they were having fun and perfectly willing to humiliate the knicks on the basketball court and humiliate PHil Jackson in front of the Garden Fans. LeBron JAmes is a professional extraordinaire, he is incredibly classy, he is one of those individual's that would respect the competition enough to refrain from doing that kind of that kind of thing during a game , -taking the pictures and having the fun, and doing all of these little handshakes, and all of that stuff BEFORE a game, is DIFFERENT, but once the game is in process he would never be so blatantly disrespectful,

this is emanating from what he perceived to be PHil Jacksons disrespect towards him and his quote unquote Posse, and he came to the Garden hellbent on making Phil Jackson pay for it and embarrassing him and the other players joined in"

...they did not care because they wanted to embarrass and humiliate phil jackson and they succeeded- very very conspicuously if i may add in doing just that- it was a snub at phil jackson- he brought it on himself- and the line of the night came from Mark JAckson during the Clippers/WArriors game- he said 'LeBron James and his crew came to Madison Square Garden and handled their business"".
I don't really care either way about either one who feels disrespected or whatever. They make enough money that both of them should be able to stand a bit of storm without falling apart and both should be mature enough to let it go when they don't like something. I doubt Phil Jackson will be there much longer any way. He has done a horrible job except for robbing the owner of another 10 million dollars per year.


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Nah. It was just a Dasani bottle. If it had been some Evian? Now that is some disrespect.