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Virginia Tech 2014 Recruiting Target List


Ut Prosim
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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and FWIW -- if we lost most of those "great" prospects to the other in-state school, then you might have a little point ... but we don't ...

some schools, for many reasons, will get theirs, even in the state of virginia ... just like some kids who live in michigan go to live in ohio state and some kids living in ohio go elsewhere

and if you want a list of schools with less competition than VT:
Notre Dame << and don't even come with Purdue
Ohio State << sure, there is Cincinnati but there is only ONE team in that state than ANYONE gives a shit about

and I'm sure I could come up with more

You could say that Ohio St. has to deal with Michigan coming down and snaking their players. From what I understand, Meatchicken does an incredible job of recruiting the Buckeye state.

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
Old Dominion
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Your definition of "poor" is alot different than mine. Look at Georgia, where UGA should dominate the state in recruiting, especially with GT running a less traditional offense. Yet, they landed (according to Rivals) less top 20 prospects in GA compared to VT in VA:

2012: 4 of the top 20 (UGA)/11 of top 20 (VT)
2011: 10 of the top 20 /3 of the top 20 (VT)
2010: 5 of the top 20/8 of the top 20 (VT)
2009: 6 of the top 20/7 of the top 20 (VT)
2008: 11 of the top 20/8 of the top 20 (VT)

This year we already have 4 of the top 20 with good chances with Allen, Green, Teller, Reid, Hamilton and Rolin (247sports). This was going to be a tough year, but it's turning out much better than 2011 and could be a great year considering we have ourselves with one of our better OOS classes despite small size. And we have set ourselves up very well for 2014. That could be a very special class.

Don't forget we went into Georgia and got some of them guys too. :wink:

Georgia is in the heart of the Southeast where the talent far exceeds any other geographic region in the US. There are so many more kids down there that teams want. They have to compete with schools in their own conference, but even going at 4 outta 20 (2% of the top 20 in 2012) they are going to get some really good athletes eslewhere. They are probably get 2-5% of the top twenty in the rest of the SE states to go with that. When all is said and done in the SEC, most of the teams are going to have kids from Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Bama and Louisiana. All of these states have talent pools as deep (or in most cases deeper) than in Virginia. I think that the fact that Virginia Tech is getting around half of the top 20 kids within this state is a testament to what they have become on the National Stage. For whatever reason or another foozball, some top notch kids are going OOS every year. That doesn't mean they aren't impressed with VT or vice-versa, it just means they don't fit or they want something different. There isn't a program out there that is going to get 75% of their kids..While everyone wants this school to be in the MNC conversation every year, we are not there yet..getting there, YES..but not there yet. I think Foozball, MattB, and some others have set their expectations A LITTLE too high...let the program get there on its own without criticizing it too much. Be a bit more patient..


May 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Don't forget we went into Georgia and got some of them guys too. :wink:

Georgia is in the heart of the Southeast where the talent far exceeds any other geographic region in the US. There are so many more kids down there that teams want. They have to compete with schools in their own conference, but even going at 4 outta 20 (2% of the top 20 in 2012) they are going to get some really good athletes eslewhere. They are probably get 2-5% of the top twenty in the rest of the SE states to go with that. When all is said and done in the SEC, most of the teams are going to have kids from Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Bama and Louisiana. All of these states have talent pools as deep (or in most cases deeper) than in Virginia. I think that the fact that Virginia Tech is getting around half of the top 20 kids within this state is a testament to what they have become on the National Stage. For whatever reason or another foozball, some top notch kids are going OOS every year. That doesn't mean they aren't impressed with VT or vice-versa, it just means they don't fit or they want something different. There isn't a program out there that is going to get 75% of their kids..While everyone wants this school to be in the MNC conversation every year, we are not there yet..getting there, YES..but not there yet. I think Foozball, MattB, and some others have set their expectations A LITTLE too high...let the program get there on its own without criticizing it too much. Be a bit more patient..

That's my point. GA is more talent rich than VA, but VA is a top 10-15 state if not higher in football recruiting, so it's going to be tough to lock down every player. I'd like us to do better recruiting the top talent, but I think we are doing a much better job now than we were earlier. But we've also down a much better job recruiting OOS talent, which has helped overcome any problems in state. I also think we're going to do very well in 2014 in state.


New Member
Feb 6, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
In 2013 this is a list of VA players who have already gone elsewhere or probably will: Levenberry, Allen (does anyone expect VT to win out over Florida and Alabama and who knows who else), Green (top 3 only), Mizzell, Harris, Teller (is actually considering UVA which is unbelievable), Parker (at the very least favors UVA over VT), and Rolin. Almost all of these are either defensive players or RBs which are VT strengths. It's pathetic. I would like to at least feel some sort of confidence in getting a defensive player or RB from VA with a huge offer list. But I don't and that's a problem


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Apr 11, 2012
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We don't have to pull in the top CB and RB recruits every year though. We get the recruits we need and we do what we need to do. We had such a huge haul last year with RBs that getting Green this year would just be icing on the cake. It's not a life or death situation if we get him though


New Member
Jun 23, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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In 2013 this is a list of VA players who have already gone elsewhere or probably will:...

This is the 2014 thread....please try to at least post your doom and gloom posts in the proper thread.



May 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
In 2013 this is a list of VA players who have already gone elsewhere or probably will: Levenberry, Allen (does anyone expect VT to win out over Florida and Alabama and who knows who else), Green (top 3 only), Mizzell, Harris, Teller (is actually considering UVA which is unbelievable), Parker (at the very least favors UVA over VT), and Rolin. Almost all of these are either defensive players or RBs which are VT strengths. It's pathetic. I would like to at least feel some sort of confidence in getting a defensive player or RB from VA with a huge offer list. But I don't and that's a problem

They're still uncommitted. Right now, I'd say Teller and Mizzell go to UVA, Parker has to prep, and Rolin to USC. Allen and Green are actually are two best shots and are very high on VT. It's going to be a battle, but we have a great shot. Teller and Rolin may surprise us too. It's easy to complain, like it's easy to stay optimistic, but the point is we don't know where they're going to go so there's no reason to get too high or too low and even those committed may change their mind. If you're going to get upset, then you're going to hate recruiting in general from a VT perspective.


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Dec 13, 2011
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We are stocked at RB so this isn't the best recruiting year, so it isn't unacceptable at all. And we recruited well on defense last year so playing time is not all that abundant at all positions on D. I hope you're not this negative about everything in your life foozball.

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
Old Dominion
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$ 500.73
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They're still uncommitted. Right now, I'd say Teller and Mizzell go to UVA, Parker has to prep, and Rolin to USC. Allen and Green are actually are two best shots and are very high on VT. It's going to be a battle, but we have a great shot. Teller and Rolin may surprise us too. It's easy to complain, like it's easy to stay optimistic, but the point is we don't know where they're going to go so there's no reason to get too high or too low and even those committed may change their mind. If you're going to get upset, then you're going to hate recruiting in general from a VT perspective.

Agreed. I think we have a shot at Allen (think we will be in last 2 or 3). Same goes for Teller and Rolin. As long as we stay in their ear of the VA kids..we will have a shot until late in the process IMO. Will we end up with all of them?? No. But I think the fact that the powerhouse schools are coming into VA and trying (and succeeding in some cases) in pulling these guys OOS shows that the talent is quite deep in this state. If we get half of the top 25. I would say we are doing pretty well.


Dec 20, 2011
Washington, DC
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Has everyone forgotten the fact that we play football between now and NSD. Want the best defensive recruits? Beat FSU in Lane, shut down Clemson at their place, and spank UVA again while fielding a top 5 D. Ask Gayle, Maddy, and Fuller if they think we have a chance to do all that this year (and similar next year).


Jan 16, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
It should be mentioned that the kids leaving the state are usually going to programs that are historically better (FSU, Michigan, Ohio State, Bama, UF). These schools tend to get the players they want, and while it's annoying when someone like Kirven picks Bama, you can't fault him.


New Member
Jan 31, 2012
ATL Atlanta, GA
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I think Foozball, MattB, and some others have set their expectations A LITTLE too high...let the program get there on its own without criticizing it too much. Be a bit more patient..

I am very optimistic about our program. I RARELY EVER CRITICIZE the program. maybe a bit impatient at time, though. We have been just a few inches away from a national title berth (f*ck you matt ryan) and a title game vs ohio state which would have likely been a win. do i have high standards? yes. am i overly critical? no.