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USC vs. Bama in 2016

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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Or could it be that we should not have to answer such a ridiculous question to someone that clearly doesnt deserve the answer. I am curious as to your qualifications and need to have such a question answered, can you provide them to my satisfaction.

you have been told on numerous occasions that certain teams get asked to play in these Marquee games, yet you feel that an Arkansas would warrant a marquee match-up? Please tell me you didnt just say that. Actually how a team chooses to play its OOC should not be the concern of another teams fans, unless that teams fans think they are being slighted in some way. Tell us how you as a fan of USC you are being slighted by Alabama playing a neutral site game against a power 5 school to start a year and not a home and home with say Hawaii or Fresno? Inquiring minds want to know.
I'm going to put my two cents in. I could be wrong, but I think "Trojanfight" was saying that at least USC plays a "Home and Home" against teams like Hawaii and Fresno State (which was pretty good last year). I think he (and me), wants to know why Bama doesn't play more or any Home and Home series. I realize you can't answer for Bama's scheduling department, but damn it should would be nice if Bama would schedule some Home and Home series, like other SEC teams do. We can discussion this Home and Home issue until the doomsday bus come in and we will never get an answer.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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I'm going to put my two cents in. I could be wrong, but I think "Trojanfight" was saying that at least USC plays a "Home and Home" against teams like Hawaii and Fresno State (which was pretty good last year). I think he (and me), wants to know why Bama doesn't play more or any Home and Home series. I realize you can't answer for Bama's scheduling department, but damn it should would be nice if Bama would schedule some Home and Home series, like other SEC teams do. We can discussion this Home and Home issue until the doomsday bus come in and we will never get an answer.

Why does it matter to you who Alabama schedules, how they schedule and where outside the game this thread is supposed to be a topic about.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm going to put my two cents in. I could be wrong, but I think "Trojanfight" was saying that at least USC plays a "Home and Home" against teams like Hawaii and Fresno State (which was pretty good last year). I think he (and me), wants to know why Bama doesn't play more or any Home and Home series. I realize you can't answer for Bama's scheduling department, but damn it should would be nice if Bama would schedule some Home and Home series, like other SEC teams do. We can discussion this Home and Home issue until the doomsday bus come in and we will never get an answer.

And you and i have seen eye to eye on this so far(after a few scrapes):lol:

My thinking is that no one deserves to have an answer of this magnitude from a fan base. Want this answer, contact any school who you feel is not doing what your school is doing and ask it of the people who make the schedules, not the fanbase. My guess is you will not get the answer you like there as well, so all this puffery equates to butthurt and childish behavior on the part of fans who cannot have their way, so they whine about it. Why not let the games be played and lets enjoy the seasons, not discount every little thing based on what is most assuredly "expert level opinions" based on the very intelligent questions that are being asked of FANS.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Why does it matter to you who Alabama schedules, how they schedule and where outside the game this thread is supposed to be a topic about.

Even you have to be able to connect the dots that these ancillary items are going to be discussed in this thread, and all over the internet, leading into this game because it wasn't a home/home, but another neutral site game far closer to home for your team than the 'road' team.

The topic of scheduling is very much a part of that conversation then.

Instead of getting so defensive over it maybe it would help your stress level to employ the Oregon model of handling these things and either tell everyone they are 'jelly' or put sun glasses on and tell them to 'deal with it'.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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Why does it matter to you who Alabama schedules, how they schedule and where outside the game this thread is supposed to be a topic about.
What??? It does matter to me as a football fan, what teams Bama schedules, just like it matters to me what OOC game Texas, Florida, UCLA, Ohio State and FSU schedules every year. Hey, we all have an opinion, so don't get your panties in a bunch.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Or could it be that we should not have to answer such a ridiculous question to someone that clearly doesnt deserve the answer. I am curious as to your qualifications and need to have such a question answered, can you provide them to my satisfaction.

you have been told on numerous occasions that certain teams get asked to play in these Marquee games, yet you feel that an Arkansas would warrant a marquee match-up? Please tell me you didnt just say that. Actually how a team chooses to play its OOC should not be the concern of another teams fans, unless that teams fans think they are being slighted in some way. Tell us how you as a fan of USC you are being slighted by Alabama playing a neutral site game against a power 5 school to start a year and not a home and home with say Hawaii or Fresno? Inquiring minds want to know.

IS anyone here "qualified" to ask or answer said questions? I never said Arkansas deserved any marquee matchups. I simply pointed out even as they have had bad seasons they still have more balls than Alabama in scheduling texas tech on road. Hawaii and fresno are exaggerations and you know it...but hell you already lost to Hawaii once...that might be another loss.

I think some of the problems you guys get as being Alabama fans on here is that you don't give any other schools credit but want the same credit for your own school...example southern cal doesn't play any fcs teams...ever. instead of applauding that typical Alabama fans say oh well they play fresno and Hawaii those are the same as western Carolina. for years it was said in pac 12 by sec fans. oh they don't have any defenses with their high scoring shootout....when that happens in SEC oh well our defenses are still the best.

most bama fans I have came across in person will admit things you guys don't care to on here. Alabama scheduling or lack of scheduling has just as much to do with their winning on the field. Alabama will play anyone ...just not anywhere


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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This would be a valid comment if I were not a lifelong Alabama fan and an Alumni of the school. My span of games seen predates the 1970's, so to make a claim that I am accustomed to them not playing these games, no matter the time frame is simply not true. I have in the last few years watched them play Duke at Duke and also traveled to PSU for the last time that they played Penn State. So I have seen them play on the road in just the last several years myself.

And what is funny is that you keep throwing the backhanded comments that Bama wont play teams in their home stadium, when this simply is not true as they have on plenty of occasions. They just have not gone out of their way recently due to not having to with the newer model of neutral site games and them being asked almost every year to be in one of those games. Sorry if your team hasnt, but maybe that will change now that they are back off of probation and might be back on the upswing again. Playing Alabama certainly wont hurt that uptick any, unless you get blown out of course. Actually I have yet to see why it twists your panties that Alabama wont play a home and home except that some people have to find anything they can to be upset about and it appears that you may be one of those people. Good luck with that, maybe you and socaljim can start an awareness group together.

LOL. Great you pick out two of three road games they played in TEN years. You must be so tired from all that traveling.LOL. Good lord you bama fans are pathetic in your defense of the pussy scheduling Bama does.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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IS anyone here "qualified" to ask or answer said questions? I never said Arkansas deserved any marquee matchups. I simply pointed out even as they have had bad seasons they still have more balls than Alabama in scheduling texas tech on road. Hawaii and fresno are exaggerations and you know it...but hell you already lost to Hawaii once...that might be another loss.

I think some of the problems you guys get as being Alabama fans on here is that you don't give any other schools credit but want the same credit for your own school...example southern cal doesn't play any fcs teams...ever. instead of applauding that typical Alabama fans say oh well they play fresno and Hawaii those are the same as western Carolina. for years it was said in pac 12 by sec fans. oh they don't have any defenses with their high scoring shootout....when that happens in SEC oh well our defenses are still the best.

most bama fans I have came across in person will admit things you guys don't care to on here. Alabama scheduling or lack of scheduling has just as much to do with their winning on the field. Alabama will play anyone ...just not anywhere

If you're a non SEC team Alabama wont schedule you at home unless you have to move tractors to practice on your football field.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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And you and i have seen eye to eye on this so far(after a few scrapes):lol:

My thinking is that no one deserves to have an answer of this magnitude from a fan base. Want this answer, contact any school who you feel is not doing what your school is doing and ask it of the people who make the schedules, not the fanbase. My guess is you will not get the answer you like there as well, so all this puffery equates to butthurt and childish behavior on the part of fans who cannot have their way, so they whine about it. Why not let the games be played and lets enjoy the seasons, not discount every little thing based on what is most assuredly "expert level opinions" based on the very intelligent questions that are being asked of FANS.
Yeah, you're right. If we want an answer, we will have to contact a schools scheduling department. If I have a question about who USC schedules in the future, then I should contact the school myself.


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Jul 22, 2013
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4 down was right, what the fuck are you even talking about. I was clearly calling Ohio St and Nebraska quality opponents. It was the rest of your shit that I was saying sucked.

Lol, if you think that Notre Dame has been a quality opponent for the last decade, that is your kool-aid.

I can only marvel at your statement that the rest of the SEC and the rest of the country are playing these amazing road schedules. Please pass the 420, because you must be high as shit. Kudos to you Trojans on your 2015 OOC schedule, your bravery shames us all.

you also made the comment about kissing feet. implying that it wasn't that great of a teams. and Notre dame is still better than all these Colorado st, duke teams. just look at the future schedules of texas a&m, LSU, and auburn. arguably the marquee teams of sec outside of Alabama. why can they play tough road games and not bama?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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What??? It does matter to me as a football fan, what teams Bama schedules, just like it matters to me what OOC game Texas, Florida, UCLA, Ohio State and FSU schedules every year. Hey, we all have an opinion, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

And there in lies the word of what this thread over the last many pages is all about. Bunched panties over who schedules who and where. That is all its about, unless it reverts to sandy vagina's and then it gets really serious.

I have attempted to slow the thread with different attempts and the bunched panty crowd keeps bringing it back around. Yet when this thread finally ends it will be Alabama fans with the bunched panties, when that is not the case this time. One side asking another side about its scheduling(which is done by the University) if the equivalent of the other side wanting to know why that fans mother didnt sleep with a smarter man to create them(neither can be accurately answered by the person being asked the question and both will most likely start and altercation)

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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Even you have to be able to connect the dots that these ancillary items are going to be discussed in this thread, and all over the internet, leading into this game because it wasn't a home/home, but another neutral site game far closer to home for your team than the 'road' team.

The topic of scheduling is very much a part of that conversation then.

Instead of getting so defensive over it maybe it would help your stress level to employ the Oregon model of handling these things and either tell everyone they are 'jelly' or put sun glasses on and tell them to 'deal with it'.
Very good!!!

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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And there in lies the word of what this thread over the last many pages is all about. Bunched panties over who schedules who and where. That is all its about, unless it reverts to sandy vagina's and then it gets really serious.

I have attempted to slow the thread with different attempts and the bunched panty crowd keeps bringing it back around. Yet when this thread finally ends it will be Alabama fans with the bunched panties, when that is not the case this time. One side asking another side about its scheduling(which is done by the University) if the equivalent of the other side wanting to know why that fans mother didnt sleep with a smarter man to create them(neither can be accurately answered by the person being asked the question and both will most likely start and altercation)
Yep!!! That's about it. It all started with a comment about a "Home and Home" series.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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IS anyone here "qualified" to ask or answer said questions? I never said Arkansas deserved any marquee matchups. I simply pointed out even as they have had bad seasons they still have more balls than Alabama in scheduling texas tech on road. Hawaii and fresno are exaggerations and you know it...but hell you already lost to Hawaii once...that might be another loss.

I think some of the problems you guys get as being Alabama fans on here is that you don't give any other schools credit but want the same credit for your own school...example southern cal doesn't play any fcs teams...ever. instead of applauding that typical Alabama fans say oh well they play fresno and Hawaii those are the same as western Carolina. for years it was said in pac 12 by sec fans. oh they don't have any defenses with their high scoring shootout....when that happens in SEC oh well our defenses are still the best.

most bama fans I have came across in person will admit things you guys don't care to on here. Alabama scheduling or lack of scheduling has just as much to do with their winning on the field. Alabama will play anyone ...just not anywhere

And this is where you lump me in that pisses me off pal. I have on several occasions stated my feelings, yet you have incessantly continued with the childish barrage of ignorant questions to a group of people that cannot accurately answer anything. I will not admit anything to a soul that has not earned my respect by reading my posts in earnest and taken into account what i have stated in this thread. You simply have not earned that respect from me because you keep coming with the same shit while not reading what has been stated over and over.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Why does it matter to you who Alabama schedules, how they schedule and where outside the game this thread is supposed to be a topic about.

in the situation we have today where every team cant play one another than that results in other fans analyzing who said champion played. example last season Alabama lost by that FG return. if that doesn't happen they likely go on to defeat Missouri in the sec championship game with a schedule that was said to be horrible from even Alabama fans themselves. this season really isn't any different. a west Virginia team that one 2 conference games last year. and they likely will coast through bad sec teams till they play LSU.

so this is the reason why schedules of contenders matter to me. on paper everything doesn't look to be on a level playing field when it comes to schedules.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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LOL. Great you pick out two of three road games they played in TEN years. You must be so tired from all that traveling.LOL. Good lord you bama fans are pathetic in your defense of the pussy scheduling Bama does.

Who was defending anything? I stated I went to those games, did you take that as defending anything? Comprehension not a strong suit huh? Like I stated before, we will continue to play our "teams without a pulse" anywhere the game is scheduled to be played over the next two years including the opener in 2016.

When I can change that, I will let you know, till then no need to get back to us, your obvious feeling and sandy vagina are on record.:nod:


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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Why does it matter to you who Alabama schedules, how they schedule and where outside the game this thread is supposed to be a topic about.

Isn't every team playing for the same title at the end of the year? Shouldn't there be some sort of rhyme and reason to scheduling? Conferences are up and down and you can't predict how good your conference will be but you do get to pick your non conference games. So forgive us if we just shake our heads when teams have played 10 or 11 games and have a shot at playoffs or at least BCS games and see that while they are playing a rival Alabama has Chattanooga at home as their 10th game.
What if the 49ers decided to play Cal Berkley before the playoffs and counted it as a win? Would that be an advantage? of course it would.
Teams like USC, Michigan State, Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma, UCLA, Georgia,TOSU, Michigan and others try to schedule reasonably good teams and sprinkle in other major power teams for home and homes. Not all the time and you never know if they will be good that year or be down but you take that chance. These games could possibly mess up one of those teams season but they still schedule them. TOSC was ranked #2 I believe when USC played and beat them at home. UCLA beat a texas team at home that was #7 that year. these things happen. But Bama plays is safe ( cowardly) and doesn't play any games like this. You play the Western Carolinas and only at home. If you don;t see why it's pathetic then it's because you're a blind homer.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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you also made the comment about kissing feet. implying that it wasn't that great of a teams. and Notre dame is still better than all these Colorado st, duke teams. just look at the future schedules of texas a&m, LSU, and auburn. arguably the marquee teams of sec outside of Alabama. why can they play tough road games and not bama?

Not being asked to play in the matchups to start the year? stadiums all booked already with lesser matchups? grass or turf not ready on the field so they need to play another day somewhere else? any of these work or do you just want the same answer that has been given before.

Tell you what. Create a letter that you would like me to forward to the AD at Alabama. I know Bill from past meetings and will see him in a few weeks at a party that is being thrown. I will put that letter in his hands with all your questions and concerns and maybe he will get back to you. My thought is he will most probably laugh, but I will take the letter right to the man himself. Would that make you happy? Or will you just continue for the next two years no matter what the answers would be? My guess is the latter.


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Jul 22, 2013
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And there in lies the word of what this thread over the last many pages is all about. Bunched panties over who schedules who and where. That is all its about, unless it reverts to sandy vagina's and then it gets really serious.

I have attempted to slow the thread with different attempts and the bunched panty crowd keeps bringing it back around. Yet when this thread finally ends it will be Alabama fans with the bunched panties, when that is not the case this time. One side asking another side about its scheduling(which is done by the University) if the equivalent of the other side wanting to know why that fans mother didnt sleep with a smarter man to create them(neither can be accurately answered by the person being asked the question and both will most likely start and altercation)

like it or not the refusal to discuss the schedule in an adult manner appears to show that if it doesn't benefit your argument of how great your team is then lets say oh it doesn't matter. why do you care? if the situation was reversed think it would be interesting discussions.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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Isn't every team playing for the same title at the end of the year? Shouldn't there be some sort of rhyme and reason to scheduling? Conferences are up and down and you can't predict how good your conference will be but you do get to pick your non conference games. So forgive us if we just shake our heads when teams have played 10 or 11 games and have a shot at playoffs or at least BCS games and see that while they are playing a rival Alabama has Chattanooga at home as their 10th game.
What if the 49ers decided to play Cal Berkley before the playoffs and counted it as a win? Would that be an advantage? of course it would.
Teams like USC, Michigan State, Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma, UCLA, Georgia,TOSU, Michigan and others try to schedule reasonably good teams and sprinkle in other major power teams for home and homes. Not all the time and you never know if they will be good that year or be down but you take that chance. These games could possibly mess up one of those teams season but they still schedule them. TOSC was ranked #2 I believe when USC played and beat them at home. UCLA beat a texas team at home that was #7 that year. these things happen. But Bama plays is safe ( cowardly) and doesn't play any games like this. You play the Western Carolinas and only at home. If you don;t see why it's pathetic then it's because you're a blind homer.
Good comment and that's the way I see, you just stated it better than I ever could.