Well-Known Member
Oh neat... They got positive attention. Mason was 7 games over .500 for his 10 year career. It's like he was the Marvin Lewis of college football. Jerry Kill was .500. Minnesota is a great destination for coaches that love being average.
Why will Fleck leave? Money. Same reason other good coaches leave and go somewhere else. Unless you have other information, I'd say that Minnesota is not in the top 20 in total revenue from their football program. That's (at least) 20 other schools that could come calling with money and resources. You can call me ignorant or call me names. And no, I can't prove anything...... But I'd say history is on my side - Coaches leave when money comes calling. If you don't think there are better programs and destinations for college football and basketball in this country, I think you're naive.
Sorry to pop your bubble, but UMn is easily Top 20 in total revenue. Have been for decades. Maybe not every single year, but on average for sure.
Last chart I saw, regarding recruiting spending/budgets, UMn came in #15 in recruiting spending for football at $1,081,075.
UC came in #52 at $374,630
UMn just gave Fleck something like a million dollar raise, he's up to something like 4.6 mil a year, which puts him among the Top 20 highest paid coaches in cfb right now, and his bonuses this year were near the highest of anyone, Top Ten for sure, at $375,000 I think?
His wife just took a position with the board at the local Ronald McDonald House. Word is she LOVES it here in Minnesota. They have a house on Lake Minnetonka. I've been there, I know he's digging it. He's a midwestern boy, and claims coaching in the B1G has been his ultimate dream job. And since we all know the whole RTB/Culture stuff he's so into would never work in the NFL, the only other option is a northern non-Big School, so Notre Dame? He's not Catholic, so we just might be safe and may have Fleck for a very very long time.
Maybe you have never been to Minnesota? It's hard to get people to move here, but once they do, it's even harder to get them to move away. I'm not even kidding, there is statistical data to prove this is a fact.
UMn, at one point, was the largest university in the world, sometime back in the 70s. It's still Top Ten I believe, so that is a shitload of alumni. Couple Billionaires among them. Lots of very right millionaires. UMn has been quite on the sports scene for awhile so those people weren't very activated, but we still did manage to come up with the money to build a football stadium, a new baseball stadium, a brand new practice facility/student village, among other things, and that was BEFORE we landed a hot young coach who quickly vaulted us up the rankings into the Top Ten.
So we have the top notch facilities, the hottest young up and coming coach, our academics are top notch, our big city metropolitan location is top notch for players who want that kind of an atmosphere, tons of Fortune 500 companies near buy, to either hire our graduates, donate money to the University as many of them do, and finally, and probably the least important factor of all, is we have a glorious history that some young kid just might want to become a part of.