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Aug 2, 2011
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Ok, now we're getting somewhere! There are a TON of people who rarely / never agree with me who by no means resemble a troll. Dodub is a good example of this. I don't think I've agreed with the guy once in my life (see the Bradford thread). We've had heated debates & I'm sure I've stuck many a nerve. But he doesn't troll the board.

This is where we disagree. Toby intentionally hijacks threads about football and tries to stir up an argument. He does it all the time. I'm completely fine with a debate about racism, religion & politics. That's part of life. But hijacking a thread about Ricardo Lockette by saying he's gay & Kaepernick is gay or hijacking a bunch of threads and making them arguments about racism qualifies as intentionally trying to ruin the board.

If he said that Kwame Harris is gay in a thread about Kwame Harris, that's fine. Saying Kaepernick is gay in a thread about Ricardo Lockette is trolling. And it never stops.

Toby is like a someone who's taking during a movie. I'm not going to run to the manager the instant I hear a peep out of some guy. I'll put up with whispering & comments from people. The occasional "Don't go in there!" But if he's on the phone for 15 minutes, many people have asked him to take it outside and he tells 'em all to fuck off & then answers his phone 3 more times during the movie... at some point I'm going to ask an employee to make him leave.

So don't let him hijack the thread. As has been said a few times, you can ignore him. The reason that the Lockette thread turned into a "Kap is gay" thread is because he made a comment and everyone felt the need to weigh in on that. That suggests people were much more interested in discussing Kaep's sexuality and "indicators" that someone may or may not be homosexual than they were in discussing Lockette's place on the team.

The Aldon Smith thread where Toby called him a stupid "baboon". . .

he called him a baboon in post #194 at 3:26 on 9/21. No one said anything about it until post 202 five hours later. You even quoted the post without commenting on any potential racist nature until 3lb brought it up. Toby then addressed it in a single post. His next post was discussing whether or not Aldon should remain on/with the team. At no point did he bring up race. However, that thread spent roughly a page with non TobyTyler posts discussing racism. He actually brought it back on topic.

As for your suggestion that he was subtly referencing race in referring to Aldon as a baboon. . .

a few days later he supported Herm Edwards and called Mike Ditka a baboon.

It seems to me that because he has a different perspective than the majority of us on society, there are posters here who look to start shit with him as much as anything else.


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Aug 3, 2011
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Well if all of that doesn't qualify as trolling in your opinion, then I guess SportsHoopla has never had a single troll. Hence the sarcastic Statue of Liberty poem.

You welcome what a bunch of people here have called trolling for years. Dully noted. I don't.


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This is pretty much my approach. When contentious civil/non-football issues come up and discussion ensues I will participate until I feel Toby (or anyone else) makes enough comments to render the discussion no longer worth participating in.

The only people that I will ever hope to see banned are those who are flooding the board with troll, or troll baiting posts to the point where the board becomes unnavigable (like Cazic did on ESPN). If Toby were constantly starting new topics exclusively to anger/annoy/frustrate then I would want him banned. But he's not. The board is no different if you simply ignore his posts. Frankly, the only time Toby's posts ever annoy me are in the game day thread with his Chicken Little disease (which many posters seem to have contracted this year).

Just because Toby has a different perspective on life than I do doesn't mean I want him silenced.

When you put it like that, it seems kind of evil to want him banned, doesn't it?

Also, I will never support the call for a banning from someone with 45 posts, the majority of which seem to be complaining about a poster. Post counts really aren't that important, but I don't particularly care if someone that doesn't participate in the board doesn't like the board dynamics. That would be like Starbucks changing the house soundtrack for someone that visits twice a year.

Listen to you being the voice of reason. Well said, sir.


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Well I tried. If the mods are content with low-brow bull shit CONSTANTLY hijacking otherwise good discussion, then so be it. I'm not exactly quick draw McGraw. I overlooked t for years, but TT's gotten to the point of absurdity.

imac's standard is that trolls are welcome as long as their post counts are low enough. Well, then I guess trolls are welcome to SportsHoopla. Come on over trolls! The bigger jackass you are the better!

Give me your annoying, your incendiary / Your huddled masses of shit stirrers yearning to ruin fun and civility so that we can freely breathe the stench of your bull shit.


You are one strange cat, Sickness.


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and they aren't little pussies offended by someone with a different view point than their own.

And I think they pride themselves on the fact that they run a board where you can come and post your true feelings (within reason). One of the better aspects of this board IMO.


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Oooooooooh, you got me. I enjoy spending hours on here discussing two polar opposite social views as part of my cover. Not only am I a retired member of US armed forces, I'm also a Canadian high school teacher.


Just to be clear, you have now accused Ray, Clyde and I all of being Toby alts. If I was a lesser man, I would think thou doth protest too much.
Fortunately for you, I'm not an idiot.

Ha! Maybe we should ban him for that! I didn't know you were a teacher. pretty cool!


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Ahh. Maybe Clyde or HammerDown would do it if you got their vote. I don't think Ray agrees right now and was deferring the question/action.

As for me, I just ignore posters or topics I don't want to spend time on. I know people do the same towards some posts or threads I'm involved in. It makes sense.

And that is why you are respected for your opinions here. You don't make it personal


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I love this Kiffin Smilie...

Anyways, don't they have an ignore a poster feature on SportsHoopla? Why not just ignore the guy?


I don't care for a lot of what Toby says, and I've been quite irritated by him at times, but you can block him or not talk to him if you don't like what he says. I've blocked a few people, too, so it's not like Toby is forcing his views on you when you choose not to block him. If he gets banned, cool, but that's up to clyde. Even so, if Toby was banned he could come back as an alt (even with an IP ban) so it's sort of pointless to ban him.


Aug 4, 2011
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I would advise not going to another team board and talking shit. It will get you in hot water. If another teams guy comes on this board and is trolling just report the post and we will take care of it.


Sorry for the brutal honesty.

What a load of shit.

You guys have shown so little backbone that now Regent Denali has finally built up the courage to start posting on this forum again, I'm sure his full blown ESPN trolling will soon follow. Why? Because the word is out, you guys are cowards and too fucking stupid to realize how much these Seattle trolls from ESPN hate the 49ers and every single 49ers fan... their only intention here is to troll.

Shit, you as 49ers moderators only need to look at their post history and come to the same conclusion, some of them proudly boast about how much they hate the 49ers and their fans. Some of them are so aware that you're dickless bitches that they call 49ers fans WHINERS on this board. They know you won't do shit so they don't hold back.

What have they seriously added to any discussion? Oh, wow... I'm a full blown Seattle homer and my players are the best ever and the 49ers suck. How does homerism add to a 49ers discussion?

Your crown jewel of cowardice and incompetence is that you continue to allow an asshole with the name DunceKaep to troll this board. This is the guy I referenced as someone who proudly boasts about how much he hates 49ers fans. I mean really? This motherfucker doesn't even hide it... and you still don't act. Grow a fucking pair.

Pull your heads out of the sand. Mackdown, Calikid, and Cazic have been replaced by these Seattle Trolls. Its rare when a thread is not disrupted by a Seattle troll now... because how dare we 49ers fans talk about 49ers football on a 49ers forum. FUCK THAT SHIT!!! A 49ers fan should NEVER be allowed to be a 49ers fan on a 49ers forum!!! That motherfucker needs to be set straight!!

Let me ask you something Ray. When did this stop being a place where 49ers fans could talk with 49ers fans and turn into a place where 49ers haters can troll 49ers fans without any fear of being shut down?

I wasn't wrong about Seahawksfan234, and I'm not wrong about SonnyCID, SeattleOspreys, DunceKaep, or RegentDenali. You guys need to stop acting like bitches and drop the fucking hammer. When I recently flagged SonnyCID the bitch fled the board the second I flagged him because he knew he was trolling... but when you let him off he came back with a vengeance the next day and doubled his trolls because he got the message, you're bitches. SeattleOspreys is so comfortable with your cowardice that his now openly started calling 49ers fans whiners on this board. DunceKaep speaks for itself and if you let Regent Denali go he'll start fucking shit up too.


Troll Hunter
Dec 2, 2010
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This board is clearly inundated with Seattle trolls. </sarcasm>

You having an issue with any Seahawk fan posting on this board does not make them a troll. You report so many posts of guys clearly just talking football. Report something that is actually a problem and the mods, not just myself, will do something about it. Up to this point you have been a drama queen. Chill the fuck out and don't call me names.
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