Decaf only .30 cents in former eastern bloc but they call you little girl and give you iPod mini.I think he should switch to decaf.
No, we don't have the Subway pizza subs (nor lungs). The ingredients are fine, I just laugh at the layer on top of the don't have Subway pizza subs down there??????
(I had to try one - you're not missing much)
also, with our free health care, you just get new lungs* if you need them.
* limited offer, while supplies last. 18 month wait period may apply. oops you're dead.
you don't have Subway pizza subs down there??????
(I had to try one - you're not missing much).
^really long way to go just to post a picture I think is erotic.
Edit - I posted a picture I think is funny, a mod must have changed it
Are there no good guys with guns there?
Nothing but good guys with guns there.
Well, apparently not *all* good guys.
Or maybe there were too many good guys with guns and they had no clue who the bad guy with the gun was.Good guys with guns would have prevented this from happening, is what I keep hearing. So there must not have been enough good guys with guns there.