AZ Sun
Sale is basically another Corbin, we don't need a lefty in the rotation. We need a couple arms in the bullpen and a solid right handed starter. Our rotation is already lefty heavy.
Sale is basically another Corbin, we don't need a lefty in the rotation. We need a couple arms in the bullpen and a solid right handed starter. Our rotation is already lefty heavy.
What about Del Gato?Also worth mentioning that the DBacks think Bradley and Skaggs are untouchable. If we make a deal it won't include them according to Gambo.
What about Del Gato?
Can I repeat what I have been saying for more than a month now? The dbacks do not need another #3-4-5 SP & will not trade for a #2 SP that requires giving up any upper tier pitching prospects. BP arms are what KT is & should be focusing on.
Chances are that we will acquire 1-2 "B" BP arms rather than an "A" or "A+" arm. Those guys just cost way too much at this point. It would be better to just wait till mid to late August & grab a good BP arm through waivers when more teams fall out of contention.
I hope its not the Dodgers.
Most likely the Dodgers. They are trying to get to $250 mil before the season ends so that $300 mil won't look like that big of a jump next season.
JIM BOWDEN (@JimBowdenESPNxm)The Rangers - Cubs...Matt Garza deal will get done and Neil Ramirez will be center piece according to source
5 mins ago.
I really wish we could embed twitter posts here![]()
This is what the offer from the Rangers is according to Fort Worth Star Telegram Insider:
3B: Mike Olt
SS: Luis Sardinas
P: Neil Ramirez
P: CJ Edwards
Taken from MLBTR poster.
That seems like too much to me.
This is what the offer from the Rangers is according to Fort Worth Star Telegram Insider:
3B: Mike Olt #1 Ranked Prospect
SS: Luis Sardinas #2
P: Neil Ramirez #14
P: CJ Edwards #15
Taken from a MLBTR poster.
I would take this deal & run if I were the Cubs. I know they are trying to hold out for better arms like Jackson, but this is a good haul.