Well-Known, and Feared, Member
No worse than MI and the coke tickets to get fake "sellouts"
At our rock bottom at least you had to buy the cokes
No worse than MI and the coke tickets to get fake "sellouts"
Hey ou and Texas fans.
What's fucking dumber-that rapelor is the most elite job in the country or that OKST was in the top 5 at one point? I'll homer the shit out of my school there is no way in hell we were a top 5 destination for a coach.
not really i said the over under set by whoever sets those said 4 wins I said I could see that but I could see them getting a bowl. barely. and if I remember correctly they had to beat WSU in the final game of the season to get to 6. I said their schedule set up horribly for them. and it was a tough one. Next year it sets up much better and I could see UW going 9 or 10 wins. I had Oregon at 10 or 11 wins and they were close as only one loss was a blow out. Next year I see Oregon at 10 again.
When is the job going to open back up? Gundy has done a great job and will be there as long as he wants. Does he stay another 20 years?
I read down this list and found myself saying...
1. Baylor- Slimy borderline dirty program. Wont be surprised to see them be the focus of a NCAA investigation soon..
2. Ole Miss- They are already being exposed as a cheating/dirty program. Lost scholorships are in their future imo.
3. TCU- Not too bad now but recently had to suspend around 347 football players over a sting operation that netted a bunch of players for drugs.
4. Louisville-sweet baby Jesus where do I start here? Rick "coat hanger" hooker provider Pitino?
Harley Bob Petrino? Cheatin Charlie Strong and his rule breaking buddy Clint Hurtt? Just a matter of time, probation is in their future for sure.
5. Michigan- Ok Ill buy some of this, Michigan wont have to do THAT much to be "much improved". You Got Urban and Dantonio then.... They should be fine. Harbaugh is already stirring it up in the southeast recruiting grounds so.. Michigan prob WILL make a small move upward and do it relatively clean.
UT- Love my EER brothers but, foul smell coming out of Knoxville recently.
Washington- ok...maybe
Miami- Oh my... is this the part where we are supposed to say that "The U is back"?
I admit, I am interested in seeing what Richt can do down there and I think he will run a clean program for Miami.
Duke- Cut is a fantastic coach but.. I think Duke has went about as high as they can go under him.
Maryland- I agree there is potential here but, imo they needed a coaching hire with a lot of "pop" to really tap into to it and.... they swung and missed again.