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Tom Thibodeau officially fired

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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He's behind Pop and Carlisle and that's it IMO. The Bulls roster is very overrated, and Rose is the modern day Sam Bowie, great player..... for the few games he plays a year. Someone's gonna get a Hell of a Coach. Meanwhile, in Chicago, I think the inmates will be running the asylum.... no playoffs

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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He's behind Pop and Carlisle and that's it IMO. The Bulls roster is very overrated, and Rose is the modern day Sam Bowie, great player..... for the few games he plays a year. Someone's gonna get a Hell of a Coach. Meanwhile, in Chicago, I think the inmates will be running the asylum.... no playoffs
I disagree for this year. Last year I would've definitely agreed that the roster is very overrated because nobody could create their own shot other than rose and he was always injured. This year that all changed though. Butler grew to become a great 2 way player that could create his own shot. He replaced Deng who was a very good 2 way player that was much worse on offense. We replaced boozer, who was a short, yet crafty offensive power forward with Pau who is much better offensively and a little better defensively due to his length. Mirotic didn't really hit his stride for most of the year, but he is just an added piece that could become a huge weapon. The squad the Bulls have is probably top 3 in the East behind the Cavs and their place with the Wizards is debatable. The problem this year wasn't offensive talent. Even with Thibs predictable sets, they were able to score pretty efficiently.

Oh, and the only think Sam Bowie and Derrick Rose have in common is injuries. Sam Bowie when healthy was a role player. Derrick Rose when healthy is a star player. If the Bulls could make the playoffs with the likes of Hinrich, Ben Gordon, Luol Deng, Tyrus Thomas and Joakihm Noah starting, they sure as hell can make it with this team. No playoffs in the east? Now you are just being ridiculous. The next place Thibs goes is going to start having injury problems as well. He will have the team winning a lot of regular season games though.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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I disagree for this year. Last year I would've definitely agreed that the roster is very overrated because nobody could create their own shot other than rose and he was always injured. This year that all changed though. Butler grew to become a great 2 way player that could create his own shot. He replaced Deng who was a very good 2 way player that was much worse on offense. We replaced boozer, who was a short, yet crafty offensive power forward with Pau who is much better offensively and a little better defensively due to his length. Mirotic didn't really hit his stride for most of the year, but he is just an added piece that could become a huge weapon. The squad the Bulls have is probably top 3 in the East behind the Cavs and their place with the Wizards is debatable. The problem this year wasn't offensive talent. Even with Thibs predictable sets, they were able to score pretty efficiently.

Oh, and the only think Sam Bowie and Derrick Rose have in common is injuries. Sam Bowie when healthy was a role player. Derrick Rose when healthy is a star player. If the Bulls could make the playoffs with the likes of Hinrich, Ben Gordon, Luol Deng, Tyrus Thomas and Joakihm Noah starting, they sure as hell can make it with this team. No playoffs in the east? Now you are just being ridiculous. The next place Thibs goes is going to start having injury problems as well. He will have the team winning a lot of regular season games though.
So the Bulls have TONS of talent and it was the coach bringing them down......OK


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree, Hinrich needs to go and to be honest its time to make a big move by trading either Gibson or Noah. I hope we can draft a PG who can be a good back up for us. Trade either one of them and either get a good role player or a draft pick. I would like to land a good SF who can play D and hit 3's. Dunleavy needs to be a bench player.

Honestly, I think Jimmy Butler is that SF and belongs there since he is guarding the strong 3's anyway.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So the Bulls have TONS of talent and it was the coach bringing them down......OK
I never said that either, but keep putting words in my mouth if it helps your argument.

Just wait, Thibs will run his next team into the ground. I've wanted him gone for a couple years to be honest. He's a good coach, but his flaws are glaring ones that every great coach doesn't have and they will ultimately keep him from winning anything significant. I'd laugh if he went to New Orleans because half of that roster is already injury prone.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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$ 1.36
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I never said that either, but keep putting words in my mouth if it helps your argument.

Just wait, Thibs will run his next team into the ground. I've wanted him gone for a couple years to be honest. He's a good coach, but his flaws are glaring ones that every great coach doesn't have and they will ultimately keep him from winning anything significant. I'd laugh if he went to New Orleans because half of that roster is already injury prone.
He's a great coach. The Bulls franchise player couldn't stay on the court. If MJ, Magic, Bird or LeBron were always on the shelf, their teams wouldn't have won titles, and guess what Bro.....that ain't on the coach


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
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So Lebron is also a big pussy for taking a month off and coming back to dominate afterwards? He doesn't allow his players to rest so they are beat up for the playoffs. Rip Hamilton said Thibs is the only coach where players had to ice their knees after every practice. That shouldn't be happening at all...

By the time Rip got to the Bulls, he needed to ice his knees after a walking up a short flight of stairs.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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You are probably right that he had "run his course" in Chicago. His style is abrasive and can't be a long-term solution. But the Bulls will win less games next year and for the next couple, as well, as a result.
They might win less because we will lose players. I really think we are going to some what blow this up or Front office might let this team go for 1 more run with a new HC and then blow it up.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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While Lebron is in the East, I am not sure what the Bulls are expecting from their next coach.
They should of won this year. They were up 2-1, Gasol gets hurt and we then fall 3-2. Bulls front office wanted a Win this year against LBJ. What happen was he didn't make changes to his rotations. He let the same group who would blow it in the 2nd Q every game. This was the year to beat LBJ. When he was on the Power team(Miami) no chance.

It was time for a change.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2013
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it is pretty simple. management asked him to do things and he refused to do it. if u aren't winning titles then u better start listening to your boss. the offense has always been a problem. management asked him to bring on an offensive minded assistant coach. thibs refused. it started there and went down fast


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Thibs is a good defensive coach. But this team quit on him. So he had to go.

No idea where the disconnect was, but I know the FO had issues with him as well. He did a good job with Rose out for 2 years, but his rotations against Cleveland in the playoffs were pretty bad.

And his man love for Kirk Heinrich was borderline Hammerdown/Beaver Shaver type shit. :lol:


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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So was getting rid of Phil. :lol:

Reinsdork has an ego no doubt. He basically said good-bye to MJ too. I hate it when management thinks they did all the work.

Wonder who we're going to get?


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Yeah he really did get the most out of that team IMO. They have always had some nice pieces but they were always bit by injuries (mostly to Rose).

Averaged 51 wins over a 5 year span. Most coaches couldn't have done that with that squad.

While playing Heinrich and Dunleavy at the same time in the playoffs? Both can't play defense inside the 3 pt arc and both don't really do a lot inside the arc period. Both can't doing anything offensively besides spot up and shoot it and if a hands in their face..?

All while Tony Snell was on the bench. Much better defender and can shoot it as well, but can go to the hole too.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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While playing Heinrich and Dunleavy at the same time in the playoffs? Both can't play defense inside the 3 pt arc and both don't really do a lot inside the arc period. Both can't doing anything offensively besides spot up and shoot it and if a hands in their face..?

All while Tony Snell was on the bench. Much better defender and can shoot it as well, but can go to the hole too.

Yeah, Snell should have been used, but you are not really making much of a point since the cavs killed the bulls with the three point shot since they were getting open looks. Butler was doing enough to drive LeRoy nuts, but instead of keeping the defense on the three point shooters, he decided to bait and switch giving LeRoy open passes to open shooters to hit open shots. All they needed to do was man up on the three point line with players that were able to do that, they just could not get there from the paint.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Yeah, Snell should have been used, but you are not really making much of a point since the cavs killed the bulls with the three point shot since they were getting open looks. Butler was doing enough to drive LeRoy nuts, but instead of keeping the defense on the three point shooters, he decided to bait and switch giving LeRoy open passes to open shooters to hit open shots. All they needed to do was man up on the three point line with players that were able to do that, they just could not get there from the paint.

And you are going to help on Lebron with Heinrich and Dunleavy? Lebron is going to command attention when in the paint and the guy can dish. As far as coaching against it, it's difficult obviously.. But having those 2 guys on the floor together is a liability on defense. And Thibs rotations were not good. Pretty simple


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And you are going to help on Lebron with Heinrich and Dunleavy? Lebron is going to command attention when in the paint and the guy can dish. As far as coaching against it, it's difficult obviously.. But having those 2 guys on the floor together is a liability on defense. And Thibs rotations were not good. Pretty simple

I am just saying I agree with you that those two guys cannot guard inside, did more to get into Butlers way than to help on LeRoy, so it made no sense to leave Shumpbert, JR and the little auzzie prick with wide open looks when that was what was beating you.

Jimmy was holding LeRoy to 30% shooting until the help came. LeRoy was not beating the bulls by himself.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I am just saying I agree with you that those two guys cannot guard inside, did more to get into Butlers way than to help on LeRoy, so it made no sense to leave Shumpbert, JR and the little auzzie prick with wide open looks when that was what was beating you.

Jimmy was holding LeRoy to 30% shooting until the help came. LeRoy was not beating the bulls by himself.

Oh hell no it was a team effort by the Cavs I agree. How many second chances did Tristian give them? They hit the shots, we didn't. They got stops, we didn't.

Cavs had great ball movement and played pretty dam good. Our bigs were not better than theirs even with Love out. You need to have a better defensive rotation than what Thibs put on the floor at times.

The way to beat Cleveland is to match up with James and help around the rim. Not do what ATL did and bring 3 guys at him when he got to the paint. And you have to go at Mosgov and get him in foul trouble. He's really all they have a center and he's been playing well in the paint on both sides of the ball.


Esteemed Colleague
Apr 18, 2013
Laguna Beach, CA
Hoopla Cash
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So Lebron is also a big pussy for taking a month off and coming back to dominate afterwards? He doesn't allow his players to rest so they are beat up for the playoffs. Rip Hamilton said Thibs is the only coach where players had to ice their knees after every practice. That shouldn't be happening at all...

You're right. That's the evolution of every sport basically; to rest guys more and more. It kind of sucks, but the trend won't stop now. I just don't think firing the guy helps the Bulls become more successful in any way.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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If a coach loses his players in the playoffs, they ain't coming back to play for him the next year.