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tOfficial NFL Hokies Thread


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Apr 24, 2011
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I feel like I, along with every other person who follows the NFL or has played franchise mode on Madden, could run a team better than Dan Snyder. Not to rip on Eddie or Josh, but why would you replace your mediocre wide receivers with more mediocre wide receivers? Also, why would you trade your entire near future to get an unproven rookie QB to play on a terrible team. By the time he gets good, they will just be starting to rebuild. Why would you pay a fat slob with character issues the largest guaranteed contract for a defensive player?

I'm a Ravens fan so I love to see the Skins fail. But honestly, it's not even fun anymore; Snyder is just too stupid.


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Jan 31, 2012
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with all due respect, you don't know much about football. at least not pro football. It isnt trading our entire future when we would not have said future with rex grossman at the helm.
RG3 is going to be AMAZING! i would much rather have him than andrew luck.


Be strong.
Jul 1, 2011
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No he is right. You gave up wayyyy too much to move up just 4 spots. You know the Rams would have taken far less for that pick from the Skins. One person doesn't make the team. Even if RG does turn out to be AMAZING, thats still 1 good player on a team full of pretty poor talent. Terrible move by the Skins.


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Jun 23, 2011
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I personally believe RGIII will make a big difference for the Skins, if not immediately, then certainly beginning in year two. RGIII is smart, highly mobile, and has a very strong/accurate arm. That will make up for a lot of deficiencies for the Skins on the offensive side of the ball. Grab a few good WRs and shore up the offensive line and I think the Skins may have a very serviceable offense.

The Skins defense was better than average last season...we'll see how they perform when they know they have an offense that can put points on the board.


Jul 28, 2010
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No he is right. You gave up wayyyy too much to move up just 4 spots. You know the Rams would have taken far less for that pick from the Skins. One person doesn't make the team. Even if RG does turn out to be AMAZING, thats still 1 good player on a team full of pretty poor talent. Terrible move by the Skins.

Not only that, but the contract they gave Garcon is just ridiculous. 42 mil, 21 guaranteed. Garcon hasnt even had a 1000 yd season yet. If it was me, I would have tried to go for Steve Smith(Eagles, not Panthers), Mike Wallace or Plaxico Burress.


4 ACC Championships
Jul 27, 2010
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I agree that the Skins gave up too much to move up for RG3. For what the Skins gave, they MUST get an elite franchise quarterback. This isn't the case of needing one player to be great. This is a team that needs to build, and needs to improve across the board. The investment that the Redskins are making demands that RG3's talent leads this team into the future.

The kid was an incredible college player, but that rarely translates to the elite of the NFL. It's not to say that RG3 can not be a top notch quarterback and the centerpiece for the Washington franchise. His talents and athleticism are incredible assets that will need to be developed, but the NFL has a poor record of maximizing those talents. Should the Skins succeed, they'd have a unique weapon to build around and lead the team to tremendous success.

The guys at the top better be certain that RG3 is a rare "can't miss" prospect. Anything less will make this deal a failure.


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Apr 24, 2011
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with all due respect, you don't know much about football. at least not pro football. It isnt trading our entire future when we would not have said future with rex grossman at the helm.
RG3 is going to be AMAZING! i would much rather have him than andrew luck.

With all due respect, you are a fool with poor forum manners who constantly makes bold statements with nothing to back them up. Someone's been watching too much Talladega Nights.

Believe me, I know a pretty good amount about the NFL. The only people that would disagree with me about my RG3 comment are optimistic Skins fans. I am not doubting that RG3 was a good college player, but the ESPN hype machine has totally blown his NFL prospects out of proportion. He played in a spread offense against the shittiest defensive teams in the country. More often that not, QBs like this don't translate to the NFL.

If you were to trade for Andrew Luck, then I wouldn't be as critical because he is pretty much a sure thing. Or even better, the Redskins should have just started a "suck for Barkley" campaign because he is extremely good and will surely be the top pick next year.

My comment was more regarding the overall manner in which the Redskins operate. Like a lot of others are alluding to, the Redskins paid wayyyyy too much to get Pierre Garcon, who is at best, a slightly above average receiver in the NFL. Instead of getting 3 mediocre players, pay big for one elite receiver. While football is a team sport and you need more than just one talented player, having an elite wide receiver opens up the field and also provides the playmaker the Redskins lack.


Captain Spaulding
Apr 21, 2010
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Royal and Morgan to the skins?

Damn it, i was perfectly content hating everything about the redskins


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May 15, 2010
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the RGIII trade is a big reward, bigger risk trade.. he could absolutely end up being a superstar and if that ends up being the case, the skins will come out winners in the trade too(the rams are already winners in my book)..

but its a bigger risk because they gave up a hell of a lot for a QB who has all 3 'big flaws' that the talking heads use when describing qb's coming out of college.. 1. he was a run first QB when he started.. 2. he played a spread.. and 3. he played in the big 12.. the big 12 has churned out 4,000+ yd passers like the ACC has churned out mediocre teams the past 10 years..

its a risky trade for sure.. but if RGIII does pan out, its a good move for the skins.. i just wouldn't have risked that much unless he was more of a sure thing, which i dont think he is

he seems like a good guy though, and he's definitely exciting, so i'll be pulling for him to succeed.. certainly moreso than i want cam freakin newton to succeed


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Dec 13, 2011
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about rg3/luck...yes..i'm a skins fan...but i try to look at it in an unbiased light. i myself would rather have rg3 than luck simply for the deep ball. if you watch rg3..he has one of..if not the best deep ball of any qb in college.AND his comp % is up there with any of them. luck..is good..don't get me wrong...but he is a check down type qb. rg3 fits the redskins offensive system to a t...he is mobile/athletic..and he can zing it. sure...we may have paid a hefty price to get him...but really....there were no other options...peyton..nope..said he wouldn't play against eli...so there goes any free agent fixes.. and the suck for barkley...wouldn't work...if shanny did nothing..and had a horrible season...you could go ahead and kiss him goodbye...dan snyder would not let that slide. now i do think there will be some growing pains with rg3..but they are definitely putting the pieces in place to help him out. and again...the skins really had no other choice.


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Aug 13, 2011
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I am a skins fan and I'd rather have RG3. We've never had a capable QB, let alone a capable, charismatic black QB in Oreo City (delicious chocolate surrounding a soft white center).

McNabb fails to qualify for the above statement as it includes the qualifier "capable". Doug Williams doesn't qualify as he's also shaky on the "capable" side as well as the "charismatic" element. These are peripheral or intangible benefits to RG3 over Luck, but I think they're important when you're talking about the Quarterback position. He's the face of the franchise. RG3 has more of the "it" factor than Luck, especially so for DC's demographics.


Supporting Member Level 69
Aug 9, 2011
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As a non-skins fan, I don't understand how any of you can say "unbiased, I would rather have RGIII over Andrew Luck" :crazy:


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Dec 13, 2011
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As a non-skins fan, I don't understand how any of you can say "unbiased, I would rather have RGIII over Andrew Luck" :crazy:

pretty sure i gave some pretty valid points to my opinion. rg3 fits the system better, is more athletic (which is key, because the line has a tendency to not play to potential) , and throws a better deep ball. i don't care what team your a fan of..if a certain player fits your system better...why wouldn't you rather have him?


Ut Prosim
Aug 4, 2011
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I am a skins fan and I'd rather have RG3. We've never had a capable QB, let alone a capable, charismatic black QB in Oreo City (delicious chocolate surrounding a soft white center).

McNabb fails to qualify for the above statement as it includes the qualifier "capable". Doug Williams doesn't qualify as he's also shaky on the "capable" side as well as the "charismatic" element. These are peripheral or intangible benefits to RG3 over Luck, but I think they're important when you're talking about the Quarterback position. He's the face of the franchise. RG3 has more of the "it" factor than Luck, especially so for DC's demographics.

What about Campbell? I always liked him and thought he was pretty good. It didn't help his cause that we've had mediocre receivers for YEARS now and, while he was here, one of the worst offensive lines in the league. I was sorry to see him go to the Raiders when we picked up McNabb and hope that he'll do well in Chi-town.


Jun 2, 2011
Royal Oak, Michigan
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As a non-skins fan, I don't understand how any of you can say "unbiased, I would rather have RGIII over Andrew Luck" :crazy:
I'm not a Redskin fan, but I could see how Redskins fan might want RGIII. RGIII carried Baylor. Luck did not carry Stanford. In addition to having a pretty good defense, they have a pretty good power run game. Luck got to make a lot of easy throws off of play action. Watch the game we played against them in the Orange bowl and see what I mean.


Supporting Member Level 69
Aug 9, 2011
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pretty sure i gave some pretty valid points to my opinion. rg3 fits the system better, is more athletic (which is key, because the line has a tendency to not play to potential) , and throws a better deep ball. i don't care what team your a fan of..if a certain player fits your system better...why wouldn't you rather have him?

"rg3 fits the system better" - RG3 played in a spread, zone option offense in college. I'm not sure how exactly that translates to the skins

"is more athletic" - highly arguable. Sure RGIII runs a 40 a little faster, but Luck looks a lot more like Aaron Rodgers out of the pocket than he does Carson 'cement shoes' Palmer

"throws a better deep ball" - I agree RG3 throws a great deep ball, but again, very hard to say if his is that much better. Stanford really had zero deep threats this year due to injury and Luck was throwing to a WR corps that was more or less a glorified group of TEs. It just wasn't part of their offense

Maybe I am just missing the boat on what 'system' it is that the Skins are running, but I don't see how a guy from a spread fits directly into a Pro Style.

Also, I think Luck's mechanics are better.

He is going to be a great player, no doubt, but being in an ACTUAL unbiased position (ie my team hasn't given up our draft future), I would rather have Luck.


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Aug 13, 2011
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What about Campbell? I always liked him and thought he was pretty good. It didn't help his cause that we've had mediocre receivers for YEARS now and, while he was here, one of the worst offensive lines in the league. I was sorry to see him go to the Raiders when we picked up McNabb and hope that he'll do well in Chi-town.

Maybe an over-simplified argument, but 24 (well technically 25 since we trade into that spot to get him) passed on him. We're paying the Eli Manning/Drew Brees tax for a shot at RG3. Lot's of folks are calling him a generational talent. It's a completely different skill set and situation.

This could all backfire, but right now you've got to be excited if you're a Skins fan.