If Tebow was compared to Jesus, in a CFB way, then to what do we compare Winston??
A farm animal wearing a clown wig?
If Ray Rice can be taken down for domestic violence and Adrain Peterson for child abuse does anyone really think FSU will not face backlash for JW?
It sure seems like the times they are a changing.
'Put up with this crap?'
He yelled 'fuck her right in the pussy,' which is from a viral video. He's a college student. Sure he's an idiot, but take away the Heisman for swearing?
the communists have officially won.
I'm just glad my school hired who, it looks like so far, is the only coach in America who wont put up with this shit.
My 17 year old showed me this Fred guy. He is like famous for his "f her in the p***y" hit n runs on the news.
And he keeps doing it.
It is like a thing for HS and college students.
If I find out my boy says it or watches that vid, no car for a month.
If it looks like a duck.....
A black guy I work with hates Winston and Nick Marshall, he says every time they speak on tv they set black people back 30 years.
He's just another example of the culture a lot of these kids were raised in. Minimal language skills, poor social skills and damn near no education to speak of. They drift through the school systems getting passing grades when they can't read or write. Their athletic abilities are their only saving grace. Did you see Adrian Peterson's spelling in his messages? Embarrassing. No wonder they act like animals when they are controlled by urges that are barely tempered by rational decision making skills. r*pe, assault, stealing, dope, flunking out, rude behavior --- it's all tolerated because of political correctness by too many adoring fans if the dumb bastards can score touchdowns or hit 70% from the 3-point line.
If I had a daughter on campus it would terrify me with these scumbags running around on campus.
Winston has no moral compass. "F her in the pussy" over and over at the top of his lungs.
I don't condone violence, but that makes me want somebody WITH a moral compass to knock that jackass out.
It has nothing to do with political correctness, but everything to do with money. Star athletes bring huge bucks to their schools. The money to pay the coaches, the university president, and the administrators has to come from somewhere.
For an alleged rapist to go down this road is baffling.
Let's assume he didn't do it.
Wouldn't that accusation have most all men walking the finest line possible in regards to making comments that berate women?
Oh no; political correctness has a lot to do with the problem. The majority of these goofballs are black and to say otherwise is not being truthful. I say deep six the idiots whether they are black, white, brown, yellow or lavender. All schools are guilty of chasing the almighty buck and they all ignore some issues to be sure they are politically correct.