jim rome knows zero about sports.
I journalise on the SportsHoopla everynite with no pay
and I'm a fine riter
Everybody who has no real talent ot ambition goes into journalism.... they think its easy... chuck more power to ya if ye turn into the next rome.... but denistry is probably a better life choice son...
my dream job is to work maintenance at the arch.
are you making fun of me ??
jim rome knows zero about sports.
Jim Rome just knows what his writers put on the prompt..
he IS Ron Burgandy.
False... he knows more than anyone on this board... he doesnt know specific sports very deep but he has a basic knowledge of every sport you can nam.. dan is better, but im just trying to tell chuck he is a fucking idiot... id be a better sports writer even after jhe spends 4 years in college
far from it pops, ye seem to have the perfect American life down pat.
I would never mock a plorsters profession, and don't care mech about money meself...
well unless you're a journalist
I know that stool -- actually I may be landing another jerb thats in my field
this was just a to do jerb :popeye:
what's yourn field?