Well-Known Member
Right when ya think the NCAA can't look anymore foolish....
Heisman and the NCAA are not the same entity. The NCAA has nothing to do with the Heisman.
The kid said he didn't do it. Bring proof or it didn't happen. What is this? Some sort of witch hunt? I understand all haters throwing stones but most of this garbage is coming from the world wide leader of sports.
ESPiN reporter asking about the Aggie Honor Code is their way of saying "We think he's lying, even though we can't prove it and since were too far into this hole to dig our way back out we need some bullshit that we can spin and loop it on sports center for the next 24 hours." Personally. I think it's a big "Fuck You" directed to TAMU.
Here is what is really odd about the press conference. Here are the Cliff's notes:
Sumlin "We're not answering any questions about JFF or the investigation."
ESPN Reporter "What about JFF and the investigation?"
Sumlin "Again, we're not answering any questions about JFF or the investigation."
ESPN Reporter "What about the Honor Code? If he said he didn't do it could you suspend him for lying?"
Give me a fucking break!
can't believe I spent the whole day arguing corruption in the Politics Forums and missed arguing corruption in College Football...fucking eh...I gotta get my priorities straight. ennyway...
if the NCAA has called their investigation quits without any proof or evidence to show...why's Johnny have to sit out the whole first half?...why the suspension at all?...he's 'innocent'...right?
Haven't seent it.