Who cares if he was out drinking and hungover the next day? t.u. fans sure like to chime in but would be defending him if he were a t-sip. I hope he has another big year and shuts all the critics up.
Yeah, that's who he was with on Friday night. And both the mannings(Peyton and Eli).
There were pictures.
I dunno about saturday night.
I can picture AJ buying him shots and saying stuff like "it's cool if you wanna sleep in tomorrow""you'd probably play better after a Friday night binge" "come on, Johnny, quit being a pussy and drink more"
Since when did anyone see the biggest person in the city, a national name, and not take a picture of the guy to "prove to buddies you met him". Even if he isn't posing with you, someone would still have taken a picture.
And I'm the naive one?
No way man, AJ has a tat of Jesus on his chest. He wouldn't do that!
What would Jesus do?
Drink drink drink drink drink. One more Johnny!
It's kind of funny. We had two starters on defense charged with assault and suspended but the nation is fixated on JFF's tweets and partying like a 20 year old college kid. Thank God summer is over. Media days starting soon and I'm sure the majority of the questions thrown at him won't be about football.
Practice starts soon Johnny, time to get back to work.
-Manziel doesn't make it through the season without some major troubles. I bet Sumlin thanks God every night that passes where he doesn't get a phone call that Johnny is lodged in jail.
Who is more likely to be lying? Numerous college kids with no real incentive to lie, or one college kid with a ton of incentive to lie?
He's guilty of being a rich douche bag? Here's a news flash - Colleges are full of them.
It's been a hell of a summer. Almost every day we are hearing about players being arrested, charged with assault, charged with sexual assault, DWI, suspensions, kicked off teams and shit like that hardly gets mentioned.
But every day:
Johnny drank champagne at a party.
Johnny got court side seats.
Johnny has rich parents.
Johnny took online courses.
Johnny went to the Superbowl.
Johnny tweets too much.
Johnny got a parking ticket.
Johnny gets booted from football camp.
This kid is out of control!!!!![]()
"dehydration and illness" = a hangover.
That is exactly the cause of a hangover, dehydration. The alcohol in your body soaks up the fluids and it dehydrates you causing you to be sick.
That is why an IV is an instant hangover cure. You use the IV's until you have to pee, and when that happens your body becomes hydrated.
Intravenous IV Hangover Cure | Hangover School
Drinking alot of water will do the same thing, it's just harder to stomach, and near impossible to stomach in the same quantities.
So that is the only cause of dehydration?I could post the exact same thing you did for a number of illnesses.
Look, is partying and being hungover out of the question. No freaking way. It is likely even. But everyone saying that he definitely was hung over and partying are basing all of that off "internet sources" and one chick on twitter who wasn't even there.![]()
-So that is the only cause of dehydration?I could post the exact same thing you did for a number of illnesses.
Look, is partying and being hungover out of the question. No freaking way. It is likely even. But everyone saying that he definitely was hung over and partying are basing all of that off "internet sources" and one chick on twitter who wasn't even there.![]()
Seems more reasonable than believing he apologized to the Mannings and the University, because he got a stomach virus.
-He said he was going to try to lay low and stay out of the spotlight, which is why he stopped tweeting. Now he goes out and gets in the headlines and fails to finish something he signed up for. I would have apologized to both, even it was because of some illness outside of my control. That is just the adult thing to do.
Again, he might have been hungover. But I'm not going to criticize him as if I know he was hungover off of a second hand tweet and some anonymous, unquoted sources.
Occam's razor