This is a term widely used by people with a lesser then ideal intellectual score.... and for those who possess an inferiority complex, thus making them feel better, stronger or part of the popular group.
OK, I read somewhere in here that I needed to add an additional urnal for husker SportsHoopla...
I can't see how they won't need to go back to 12 teams....The problem for them though is where are a couple marquee or at least quality teams in the region that will bring some more good matchups.....
I thought TCU would be good for them, good team and fits regionally, but now that's not gonna happen.....Where are they gonna go? New Mexico? Colorado St? BYU just went independent I doubt they would want in a new Big 12...Utah St? Wyoming?.....There are Houston and SMU.....I don't see anything special there......I'd be absolutely shocked if they somehow picked off an SEC west team so expansion to the southeast ain't happening....
If as the article speculates, tv revenue for the conference starts to fall off in the future, I really think Texas may just go independent.....although with their own network, their tv revenue won't take as big a hit, if any, as the rest of the teams.....
We as Husker fans have lived through a year where the
tail (Texas) was wagging the dog and yet we survived. No, we did
not win the Big 12, but we were formidable in all accounts, even
with some of the constant itch powders that the owner (Dan Beebe)
threw on.
What does this mean...? Nobody knows for sure but it looks like it will
get a lot tougher for the Dog (Big 12) before it gets better... and do not
be surprised if the Dog Catcher (Television networks) turns the corner to
make their way to a neighborhood with dogs that have more bite then bark!
The tail in this case (Texas) may find themselves in a kennel all by them self
barking and wagging yet not getting the love they thought they would get.
I kind of feel sorry for the remaining hounds, as many of them will become
stray's and will be in search of a new place to call home.
Kudo's TO....Bo and team... don't look back... and congrats to the Big Ten
for being smart enough to recognize a purebred when they seen one...
The disney/Longhorn deal was in the works before the "reformation" of the Big 12.
I call it reformation because I do believe the big 12 was dead but Texas kept it together because that deal had not been finalized. It will die now in the next couple of years. I feel sorry for the Kansas programs and Iowa St.
I don't feel bad for Mizzou because, well its MIzzou and I don't feel bad for any other school because they were not in the big 8.