It didn't help their entire class from a few years back transferred lol
Lyle was ok. Horrible ball handler tho
But yes I agree with you
You really went off on a weird tangent. You tried to claim the Pac has looked better than the SEC. I show how they haven't. You rebut. Somehow you got upset that I was trying to prove you wrong but you weren't doing the same even though we were just two sides of a coin in the same debate.
Fucking horrible shot selection![]()
Alright then. I love debating, don't get me wrong, but don't just throw your hands up in the air and say "fuck it."When you noticed I wasn't going to just bow down to you and agree with you, you started with the whole "I don't know many people that would agree with you" and "How do you expect to be taken seriously" type shit to try and highlight how wrong you think I am. I don't like that shit. If you disagree, that's fine, but don't try and make me look stupid. Now, I've politely tried to end this conversation. Please take the hint.
Not a bad foul actually