Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
They should have hired Mike Kennan
Dubinsky left practice early on hearing the news of the Torts hire - He was not happy.
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Friday, February Fifth (oooh, alliteration night) Flames at Jackets - Also known as the Don't Push Me game.
Hmmm, C-Bus is about a 5 hour drive from here. Sounds like a good one to attend.
All kidding aside I actually think this is a good move. Oh sure eventually it will end horribly but that may be a couple years away.
Hmmm, C-Bus is about a 5 hour drive from here. Sounds like a good one to attend.
I've tried to adopt the Jackets as a 2nd choice to my Wings after I moved down here...except of course when they're playing the Wings.
Torts? No.....just no. This will set the team back years after awhile, IMHO. Frankly, I've been surprised Junior hasn't tried to sell or move the team. I don't believe his heart is in bleeding $$$, that his father didn't mind doing.
Friday, February Fifth (oooh, alliteration night) Flames at Jackets - Also known as the Don't Push Me game.
OK @dash , you got me. The Bus is in Calgary that night. A leetle more than a 5 hour drive for me.
Jan 21 is the magic date in Ohio. Heh heh heh.
Wow, there ARE a lot of seats available.
When wasn't the arena empty? CBJ averaged 15,511 (85%) last season and that was their highest attendance since 2006-07.With the Arena deal, they aren't bleeding money anymore. They are actually moderately profitable.
When the team is gutted in a year and a half and the arena is empty again.... yeah.
So who will become the next Blue Jackets head coach?
So who will become the next Blue Jackets head coach?
So who will become the next Blue Jackets head coach?
So who will become the next Blue Jackets head coach?