Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Bump. Goodness this dude makes Olivo and Montero look like serviceable catchersIt’s insane how much Torrens is costing this team behind the plate. Misses a foul tip third strike and the guy reaches, then misses a blockable ball allowing a guy to get to 3rd and score on a ground ball. I don’t care how Raleigh hits even, his defense will
make him massively better
Honestly Zunino or Narvaez would be fine but they literally just gave them away so they wouldn’t have to pay themhow long has it been since this team has had an actual catcher
I didn't hate Zuninio. At least he could catch, call a game, and didn't have pass balls going between his legs. Still, a serviceable catcher that can hit at least 235 isn't that tall of an order and this team hasn't had anything even that pathetic in some time.Honestly Zunino or Narvaez would be fine but they literally just gave them away so they wouldn’t have to pay them