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This Year's AFCE


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2023
Hoopla Cash
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All makes sense - if you live in Florida.
I'm not much for perennial excuses!
I’m a Falcons fan. And I’m not making excuses, the Fins have made the playoffs the last two years, I don’t think you can call your season a failure if you make the playoffs. My Falcons haven’t made the playoffs since 2017. And it’s true that the Fins have had a lot of injuries the last two years towards the end, I think with a healthy Tua they would’ve beaten the Bills in the 2022 Wild Card game, and last year they had a lot of injuries down the stretch and had the misfortune of having to go to KC in the playoffs. I think it’s kind of ridiculous to say “it’s not working” for the Fins when they’ve made the playoffs the past 2 seasons.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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I’m a Falcons fan. And I’m not making excuses, the Fins have made the playoffs the last two years, I don’t think you can call your season a failure if you make the playoffs. My Falcons haven’t made the playoffs since 2017. And it’s true that the Fins have had a lot of injuries the last two years towards the end, I think with a healthy Tua they would’ve beaten the Bills in the 2022 Wild Card game, and last year they had a lot of injuries down the stretch and had the misfortune of having to go to KC in the playoffs. I think it’s kind of ridiculous to say “it’s not working” for the Fins when they’ve made the playoffs the past 2 seasons.
So you are a Falcons fan living your life vicariously through the Flippers?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2023
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So you are a Falcons fan living your life vicariously through the Flippers?
I’m a Falcons fan period. How am I living my life through the Fins? Jesus fucking Christ, I say that I think the Fins will win the division and that their last 2 seasons weren’t failures and you act like I’m biased and being ridiculous. The only one being ridiculous here is you - are you just bitter because the Fins are clearly in better shape than your Pats?


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
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$ 500.68
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I’m a Falcons fan. And I’m not making excuses, the Fins have made the playoffs the last two years, I don’t think you can call your season a failure if you make the playoffs. My Falcons haven’t made the playoffs since 2017. And it’s true that the Fins have had a lot of injuries the last two years towards the end, I think with a healthy Tua they would’ve beaten the Bills in the 2022 Wild Card game, and last year they had a lot of injuries down the stretch and had the misfortune of having to go to KC in the playoffs. I think it’s kind of ridiculous to say “it’s not working” for the Fins when they’ve made the playoffs the past 2 seasons.
Every NFL team has injuries every year. You cannot give a team any grace because they can't keep their team healthy. Injuries are a normal part of the league and most teams cannot survive them because they spend on starters and have piss poor depth. The one thing you can never fault Bill Belichick for, is not having back ups almost as good as starters. No one except the Patriots have ever made it to the AFC or NFC Championship nine years straight, injuries and all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2023
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Every NFL team has injuries every year. You cannot give a team any grace because they can't keep their team healthy. Injuries are a normal part of the league and most teams cannot survive them because they spend on starters and have piss poor depth. The one thing you can never fault Bill Belichick for, is not having back ups almost as good as starters. No one except the Patriots have ever made it to the AFC or NFC Championship nine years straight, injuries and all.
I hear you, but it’s still a fact that the Fins almost beat the Bills with their 3rd string QB in the 2022 wild card game, and that they probably would’ve won the division if not for key injuries last year. I’m just explaining why I’m picking the Fins to win the division this year - I think they are the most talented team in the division and I don’t consider their last 2 seasons failures. Just my take.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.68
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I hear you, but it’s still a fact that the Fins almost beat the Bills with their 3rd string QB in the 2022 wild card game, and that they probably would’ve won the division if not for key injuries last year. I’m just explaining why I’m picking the Fins to win the division this year - I think they are the most talented team in the division and I don’t consider their last 2 seasons failures. Just my take.
Almost................................hate that word.

I almost talked my father in law to loaning me $10,000 in 1974 to invest in opening stock offer. 1000/$10,000. He almost gave it to me, but he hated anything to do with computers. Believed that they were a scam. In 1988 those 1000 shares were worth $13,800,000. He missed a chance to split those 1000 shares of Microsoft.

Almost....................doesn't count for shit except in horseshoes and hand grenades.

The man spent two years as a POW in WWII, had a great jobs on the Maine Central RR. Was extremely well read and educated.

Would never allow a computer of any kind in his home because of his miss with the chance to become a multi-millionaire..


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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Take a close look at the Patriots' D. The Jets finished high because they had the CBs that could cover, but couldn't stop a high school run game.
Dolphins and Bills were lower than the both the Patriots and the Jets.

Jets' D will be good again but their O is completely and totally dependent on a 40 year old QB who tore an Archille's tendon and then against MD's orders, didn't wear his boot like he was instructed. The Jets lost a few of their front seven, as did the Fins and Bills. Patriots O is an unknown and we won't know what they can do until September.

You should be going to church and saying prayers for your old QB, Cousins.

Spot on BK. What you didn't mention, and I know you and the rest of us Pat fans know, is their D did it without Judon and Gonzalez. The D kept them in most games. Had the offense not been so pathetic it would've been a different story. Barmore, Uche and Tavai may have break out seasons with Judon back if he's healthy.

Yankee Traveler

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Almost................................hate that word.

I almost talked my father in law to loaning me $10,000 in 1974 to invest in opening stock offer. 1000/$10,000. He almost gave it to me, but he hated anything to do with computers. Believed that they were a scam. In 1988 those 1000 shares were worth $13,800,000. He missed a chance to split those 1000 shares of Microsoft.

Almost....................doesn't count for shit except in horseshoes and hand grenades.

The man spent two years as a POW in WWII, had a great jobs on the Maine Central RR. Was extremely well read and educated.

Would never allow a computer of any kind in his home because of his miss with the chance to become a multi-millionaire..
I remember the day I was in Barnes and Noble talking about Amazon going public the next day.

An online bookstore? Blah, what a scam. I'd rather invest in popcorn farts....

What a change my life would have taken.
I had the $1000 back then. Or a few thousand.

Which would be a few million now.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.68
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What a change my life would have taken.
I had the $1000 back then. Or a few thousand.

Thing is, my FIL had the cash and more. His father had been a VP on the Boston & Maine RR and had left a pretty hefty endowment to his five kids.

Like most depression kids, my FIL just didn't trust anything that was flashy. Be it a Thunderbird, tight Levis on girls or a son in law that he called, "The most bullheaded, belligerent son of a bitch I've ever met." Twenty five years later, that son of a bitch was still married to his daughter and every one of the other four had been divorced at least once. Too bad he's not around to celebrate his daughter's 50th anniversary with that bullheaded, belligerent son of a bitch.

If we all had a chance to do it over............................


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I remember the day I was in Barnes and Noble talking about Amazon going public the next day.

An online bookstore? Blah, what a scam. I'd rather invest in popcorn farts....

What a change my life would have taken.
I had the $1000 back then. Or a few thousand.

Which would be a few million now.


Thing is, my FIL had the cash and more. His father had been a VP on the Boston & Maine RR and had left a pretty hefty endowment to his five kids.

Like most depression kids, my FIL just didn't trust anything that was flashy. Be it a Thunderbird, tight Levis on girls or a son in law that he called, "The most bullheaded, belligerent son of a bitch I've ever met." Twenty five years later, that son of a bitch was still married to his daughter and every one of the other four had been divorced at least once. Too bad he's not around to celebrate his daughter's 50th anniversary with that bullheaded, belligerent son of a bitch.

If we all had a chance to do it over............................
But how many times have you had those same thoughts and the opportunity went nowhere? I regret that time I was asked to buy shares of a time machine company. If I had they would had the resources to finish it and I could go back and buy apple and Nvidia at their lows.

Yankee Traveler

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But how many times have you had those same thoughts and the opportunity went nowhere? I regret that time I was asked to buy shares of a time machine company. If I had they would had the resources to finish it and I could go back and buy apple and Nvidia at their lows.
I also received a letter one day a bout 20 years ago, not sure how they got my name...

How would you like to own the rights for all DVD rental Kiosks in your area?

WTF is this shit?

A year later Redbox kiosks started popping up at all the Walgreens and grocery stores.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I also received a letter one day a bout 20 years ago, not sure how they got my name...

How would you like to own the rights for all DVD rental Kiosks in your area?

WTF is this shit?

A year later Redbox kiosks started popping up at all the Walgreens and grocery stores.
What's a DVD?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
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I remember the day I was in Barnes and Noble talking about Amazon going public the next day.

An online bookstore? Blah, what a scam. I'd rather invest in popcorn farts....

What a change my life would have taken.
I had the $1000 back then. Or a few thousand.

Which would be a few million now.
What a good memory. I shopped at Kepler’s, and many other book stores. You can find gems in many places.
I remember exactly when. That was visiting on West Coast, and before the Amazon thing. Kindle saved my life. I read too much.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.68
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But how many times have you had those same thoughts and the opportunity went nowhere? I regret that time I was asked to buy shares of a time machine company. If I had they would had the resources to finish it and I could go back and buy apple and Nvidia at their lows.
You understand that going back in time and doing anything changes the entire world's history going forward. Even if you went back a hundred years and picked up a penny off the street, the ripple effect coming forward is enormous.

One of my books deals with being able to go back to 1943 and changing the second world war. What happens if we go back in time and defeat the Japanese two years earlier? All those dead men come home alive and all of their girlfriends marry them.............so what happens to all of the families that were created between 1945 and 1946 When those girlfriend went on and married someone else because their boyfriends died. Chances are 80:20 that none of us alive today would have been born. Cannot fuck with history.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You understand that going back in time and doing anything changes the entire world's history going forward. Even if you went back a hundred years and picked up a penny off the street, the ripple effect coming forward is enormous.
Did you really need green font to pick up the sarcasm? There is no possibility for time travel since time is a measuring tool and not a physical dimension.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Upper Indiana
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I remember the day I was in Barnes and Noble talking about Amazon going public the next day.

An online bookstore? Blah, what a scam. I'd rather invest in popcorn farts....

What a change my life would have taken.
I had the $1000 back then. Or a few thousand.

Which would be a few million now.
I loved shopping for books at Borders........................almost 13 years ago.