Ask your lady, she likes.
Not taking your avatar demotion very well, are you?
This one doesn't take away from my high grade handsomeness...
Not taking your avatar demotion very well, are you?
Which was about 10% as childish as non-stop, weeks-long juvenile ranting about oppression from the mods, which we've tolerated 1000x better than some of you guys have us asking you nicely to just make an avatar SFW.
and even more pluralizations....
what am i chopped liver
no idea what jeffro was trying to accomplish
Eh pretty quiet over there....it's really just a back up plan for when we got no where else...
If you guys think we're going to sit around and let you use us for a staging ground for your next migration, you're wrong. We're not here to humor you.
If you guys think we're going to sit around and let you use us for a staging ground for your next migration, you're wrong. We're not here to humor you.
So when you're good and done bending us over the table and fucking us in the ass, you'll move along, right?
If you guys think we're going to sit around and let you use us for a staging ground for your next migration, you're wrong. We're not here to humor you.
So when you're good and done bending us over the table and fucking us in the ass, you'll move along, right?
You don't really care if we stay or go, but you don't want us talking about where we'd go if we're kicked out? Odd.
Which was about 10% as childish as non-stop, weeks-long juvenile ranting about oppression from the mods, which we've tolerated 1000x better than some of you guys have us asking you nicely to just make an avatar SFW.
Nobody wants to migrate anywhere else...at least I don't.
And the guys who were the biggest pain in your ass, the guys who we said were pains in the ass the minute we got here by the way, are gone.
Relax. We got snookered this morning. It's over.
rock your lesbian pictures where over the top........you will be on a 3 day vacation
what a nice blanket youve tossed on all of us
I'm with Kate
I'm not bouncing around because some act like children
I'm with Kate
I'm not bouncing around because some act like children