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Thee offical Nebraska VS BYU thread.


New Era Huskers
Sep 23, 2010
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I actually had some supper with Bo back in the day ---we ate at the Red Fox
all he ever talked about was his cat and how he had the cat trained enough to flush a toilet without opposing thumbs ???
and he did stick me fer the bill ta boot and tip
In that case let me invite you out to dinner, your treat!


and thats all I have to say about that
Dec 26, 2009
Smack dab in the middle of a great state Nebraska
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In that case let me invite you out to dinner, your treat!
this sounds good --good sir
but right now I'm gonna watch some kind of wild program about naked midgets soaked in peanut oil wrestling for a large buretto --they are all wearing a bonnet and some sort of butt feathers
I shall report the out come as soon as I can


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Damn guys.........Bo Pelini really did a number on you poor bastards.

We are fine. We took steps forward today. Most of the guys wearing red today aren't even used to experiencing what they experienced today.......which was not letting a quality team blow them out once the opponent got the ball rolling.

We made adjustments at half time and came out and dominated the 3rd quarter. There are obvious signs that the players still have to shake the Pelini days off, but it will come with time.

We didn't roll over and die today like we've been used to seeing the past couple of seasons. It took a hail mary to beat us. Sucks that it worked out for them, sucks that we were in that position........but at least we were in that position and not sucking hind tit in embarrassing fashion.

Remember when UCLA came here a couple years ago? That UCLA team was about as good as the BYU team we faced today. Similar situation, except this time we made adjustments and didn't get blown out.

Thank you!!!!!!

Seriously have we forgotten the blowouts the team quitting no adjustments. This lost hurt but you can't deny with couple better plays and calls we win. You can't deny tommy looked like a new qb. The dline had its moments we missed rose today but overall I saw major improvement. Yes there was bad aka dB's, turner looked awful but just imagine if we had DPEL all is not lost but the staff got a good wake up call

If you miss bo don't fret YSU isn't that far follow him there.


¿Cómo está usted?
Jan 11, 2010
Lincoln, NE
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The front 7 really took it to another level there in the 2nd half.

It was fun to watch those guys have their way up front as opposed to what we saw in the 2nd quarter.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I saw vast improvement in a lot areas offense looks fun but they need to work on screen game and run game.

Defense the secondary needs to attack your gonna be man to man so u might as well be hungry and attack. Davie got worked.

Special teams we need a kicker

I love the adjustment gotta lower the big plays but BYU wasnt effective much outside the second qtr.


Jan 9, 2010
Lincoln, Nebraska
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I see the vitriole was in top form today..

What a great football game and lots to be hopeful about in the future..

R_A talking recruiting gives me the heebies


New Era Huskers
Sep 23, 2010
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If TA can cure his normal 2nd quarter drop off, we will be fine.


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
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I see the vitriole was in top form today..

What a great football game and lots to be hopeful about in the future..

R_A talking recruiting gives me the heebies

What recruiting was I talking about?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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OL - needs major improvement. much better in 2nd half, but still not great and they were helped by BYU's starting Nose Tackle and LB being knocked from the game. Didn't anyone see any rotation? It looked to me to be the same 5 the whole time. i'd have liked to have seen some rotation just to spell those guys and talk to the guys getting beat in the 1st half as opposed to waiting for halftime. i mean if the competition was so close at each position, why wouldn't you play the backups more?

QB - Tommy was good in spurts and bad in spurts. pretty much typical tommy. some of it was on the OC not putting him in the best position. Also on the OL for not protecting better there in the 2nd Q. would have loved to have seen more running from him. oh and still needs to work on touch passes. oh shoot one more, a WR screen should never be incomplete unless the WR flatout drops, missing one high or outside or whatever is not good.

RB - horrible. i now saw what the writers were seeing in fall camp. too me, an untrained eye, they just looked too hesitant, i understand patience waiting for a whole in a zone blocking scheme, but there were also times where the hole was there and it just seemed like whoever it was would take a stutter step and then be late hitting it, thus getting 2 or 3 when he might have gotten 5 or 6. A lot was on the OC too, i didn't think he gave enough opportunities for it to succeed. I also thought a toss sweep or something outside would have been there, but never saw one of those.

WR - good. not much to say, a lot of injuries this fall, but everyone looked good to me and thought they played well. oh and this is on the OC, but Turner on the Jet Sweep is something i never want to see again. heck Turner in general, in the 1st half they tried throwing him a WR screen and he didn't come back for the ball and it was incomplete.

DL - ok. it is clear we need better DEs. someone that can actually beat an offensive lineman. thought they played good against the run on known running plays. lost a lot of contain on Hill during pass plays, but i also thought the refs were half out to get us because i saw a lot of holding. also that one TD of hills that they called hands to the face on Maurice, that was clearly on the BYU OL.

LB - liked what i saw, got better as the game went on. Rose-Ivey being back will definitely help

DBs - better in 2nd half. 1st half i think the height of BYUs guys was getting in their heads. they have a lot of work to do to get up to an MSU level. as someone else said, they just didn't seem physical enough. not sure if Rose returning helps that much, hopefully.

ST - major blow with Foltz, guy is good. brown hope he figures it out, can't believe he pulled the 2nd kick after the 1st one. if anything seemed like it should have went the other side. punt return was tough with the wind so not sure on that.

refs - man did they seem bad to anyone else? just seemed like they missed a bunch of calls. i mean at least flag the guy for taking out Sutton's knees, i mean that was a clear dive and wasn't necessary at all with the pass being way high.

Coaching - it was okay. i thought the double timeouts at the end of the game were bad. i understood the 2nd one more than the 1st. OC play calling wasn't great, some ill timed plays in my opinion, not enough option. DC was pretty good, needed more pressure in the 1st half and better contain on Hill. hopefully both figured some things out in the 1st game.


The Dirty sponge
Jan 11, 2010
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Lol idk I'm still shocked and in disbelief


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Jan 10, 2010
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Okay, I guess I'll put mine out here since it is clear that as a Husker fan seeing one game I should know what an utter failure Mike Riley is going to be. With that said I saw a lot that made me cringe, still missed tackles, still weak o line and a couple plays that just didn't make since from Langsdorf but hey he might of saw something I didn't I understand I've been a Husker fan a lot longer than him so what I think should go but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since he's worked with Eli.

Tommy? He tried to go into meltdown mode and it appears like a halftime talk AND SOME OFFENSIVE ADJUSTMENTS brought him out of it. That was a first.

Defensive, a couple starters out so I will withhold judgment but but right now I think our secondary needs to grab their balls and answer the man call.

And maybe I am missing something but on the hail mary why didn't we just put everything we had on Tanner. He needed time to let them get down there. He had the wind so if he did get one off he needed to do it as fast as he could. Yet we let him do stretches in the back field while their receivers went down field. This right here was probably my greatest concern followed closely by Langsdorf going into Tim Beck mode when Tommy was off. He came out of that so I am optimistic that he learned a little about Tommy.

Finally I expected to lose this game and the fact that we were in it until the final play is big to me. If we had DPE in there to give us a few returns or a kicker who could have put a few points on the board we have a completely different outcome.


New Era Huskers
Sep 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Did you guys see Danny Langsdorf say the Huskers need a better short yard package - understatement of the season so far.


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Jan 10, 2010
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One last thing.
I came on here and looked at this thread during the game and I will not do that again. I find it absolutely shameable the open rooting against Riley that was going on and I will not let this ruin any game for me.

I was one of the top naysayers against Pelini but when the clock started ticking I was rooting for Nebraska to do well at all times regardless of how ridiculous Pelini and his puppets made us look. I can not fathom taking joy in seeing the Huskers get pwned no matter who is at the helm.


New Era Huskers
Sep 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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One last thing.
I came on here and looked at this thread during the game and I will not do that again. I find it absolutely shameable the open rooting against Riley that was going on and I will not let this ruin any game for me.

I was one of the top naysayers against Pelini but when the clock started ticking I was rooting for Nebraska to do well at all times regardless of how ridiculous Pelini and his puppets made us look. I can not fathom taking joy in seeing the Huskers get pwned no matter who is at the helm.
Just to add to this, NOW we don't have to be embarrassed by the off/on field antics of our Head Coach anymore. One less thing to bitch about for the fans. It has been a long time since we Huskers fans were proud of our Head Coach. We have actual coaches that earned there places as leaders (no more Poopys as DC). I know I saw Riley with anguish on his face after the Hail Mary and that tells me he cares for his players. I think the offense played fairly well considering they are running a new system hybrid. The Cougars were the best first game team I remember us playing in a long time and they had continuity of coaching and system. It will be a tough season since the B1G west teams look good, but I don't think we should hang our heads or call for the coaches heads.


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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No, I didn't say loses......I said loses by 3 TD's. In blowout fashion.

Nebraska = BYU talent-wise.

As sad as it is to say. Currently, with where our players are at from Bo-days, they are just equal to BYU.

2 very very similar teams. We have a bit more upside and have potential to get better.....that's the only difference.

You should probably take that up with JJM as I was merely agreeing with him. BYU (although now independent) is a mid-major program.

Sorry if I don't serve Kool-Aid like JJM.


The Dirty sponge
Jan 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Who was rooting against MR?.

To make it clear I am not rooting against the staff I will support this team no matter who is at the helm. I an just extremely disappointed in the outcome of the game there was a lot of sloppiness including 10+ penalties that needs to get cleaned up