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The Tragedy of Allen Iverson


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,000.00
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Iverson has money in accounts. His financial demise has been greatly overstated. Plenty of savings.

Some people just love the narrative of athletes going broke. I said "people," but "scumbags" is a bit more accurate.

Yeah, Iverson and people close to him, said he's not broke. Maybe he's "broke" compared to the money he used to have, but he is still richer than the average American and is living comfortably.

DJ Fieri

Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Still stuck here in Nashville
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$ 15,643.05
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Both sad and as others have pointed out, sadly predictable. Too bad. He sure was fun to watch though. I wish leagues and teams did more to help these guys as far as getting them hooked up with reputable financial advisers, etc. Maybe they do. In the end, though, a financial adviser can only advise. These are still grown men and can do what they want with their money.

It seems that the biggest drain or downfall for them is all of the people they try to take with them when they make it. They're made to feel that they "owe" all of those people something.

My wife used to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians when Lamar Odom was married to Khloe. She showed me part of an episode where Khloe was going over Lamar's finances and it was amazing to me the number of people whose rents he was paying, car payments he was making, or just money he was giving them for their bills, startup business, etc.

He's only 36. That's old in the NBA, but I wonder if he could go overseas and make some money playing. I know Kobe (also 36) has talked about playing in Italy when his NBA career is over. I know there have been several older NBA players who have played overseas for a few years when their NBA career is over.
Marbury is balling & making bank. He has won a title also.