You forgot butchering his name. Spelling his name wrong completely changes everything. I guess if a recruit commits to Peterson the rule is void.And he can go on an OV to another school. Or If Peterson doesn't use proper grammar that excuses the loophole so he can pursue committed @the typical Wiz response. "No one agrees with me, so I'm going to hit them with a convoluted wall of text claiming that everyone else is stupid/butthurt/whining/trolling/carrying on for page after page."
It's this simple: he won't try to flip any other schools recruits except for those schools that haven't publicly stated that they have the same rule he does. It's simply coincidental that most other schools don't have that rule, leaving him quite a large number of schools that fit into his self created loophole.

IMO other coaches should just start tweeting him saying they don't want him pursuing their commits. Apparently he doesn't know.I thought that was common sense. However I would prefer other coaches maintain the the professional approach. And follow the recruiting process through.By supporting their commits rather than giving them ultimatums. While demonstrating practices that contradict ones own policy.That just seems sketchy.
Recruiting has changed over the years. Especially with the rise of social media and other venues. But I believe the one constant is hard work by coaching staffs.Without these gimmick recruiting practices used to pressure kids. Does show a lot and garners a lot more respect from these student athletes. When making one of the biggest decisions in their lives.