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The Official 2014 Recruiting Thread


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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One day we will have a little discussion and talk about all those fictitious "championships" that Alabama has won.

What the hell, let's do it now.
1978: USC. Alabama won the AP vote and could reasonably claim this one, but for the fact that USC finished with an identical 11-1 record and beat Alabama in Birmingham in September.
964: Arkansas. The reason the AP moved back its final vote, and thus the reason Alabama won its 1965 title, was the debacle of '64, when everyone picked the Tide as champions only to watch Alabama lose to Texas in the Orange Bowl.
1941, the two-loss Tide finished 20th in the AP poll but went on to win the Cotton Bowl and be recognized as champs by exactly one selector,
And in Alabama's alleged title years of 1964 and 1973, Bear Bryant's teams actually lost their bowl games. In '73, Alabama won the coaches' poll before losing the Orange Bowl—to the undefeated Irish, the consensus national champ.

Next time you call someone clueless, you should at least get the asshairs out of your face first.

You do realize that it was a sports magazine that gave out the 1941 NC based on a math formula that has been used for many other claimed championships of other teams as well?

That the AP poll was only formed in 1936 and was one of the most biased and worse polls of the time?

Alabama beat more ranked teams in 41 than any other team. Meanwhile the AP polls had teams with worse records against worse teams ranked ahead of Alabama.

And prior to 1964 the bowl games never counted. That it changed "because of Alabama" had more to do with politics of the time than anything.

Alabama claims 15 of the like 19 or 20(I lost count over recent years, maybe it's 21 now) total now that the NCAA recognizes.


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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
Hoopla Cash
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Lets talk about those Michigan titles from 1901,1902,1903 and 1904! What they do; go like 3-0 and win it all? LMAO :laugh3: I find it comical that you get your tail caught between your ass and you turn it into another one of those Alabama title claims! I'm so glad you took the time to look up any and all discrepancy with any of the titles Alabama has won. It's not like there are a million other titles that could have gone other ways as well. Are there jalopy? Are there? Are there any other titles that could have gone other ways with other teams or is it just Alabama? Again, we're talking about you saying Saban is Alabama and I show you he's not and you get sidetracked cause you have nothing else and start talking about Alabama's titles. Why didn't you mention the times Alabama has been screwed out of a title? Try to stick to the subject next time or keep your mouth shut!

Your debating skill are skin to a 5-yr-old (and one destined for a SEC education). I say that Saban resurrected your program from obscurity and you bring up garbage about mythical national titles. Where does the University of Michigan come into play?
Saban is Alabama. He took a program that was floundering and made you guys national champions. You didn't show anything that comes close to proving anything different. I didn't say that Alabama didn't have a history, only that without him, you wouldn't have a program that could compete for championships.
You talk big and hurl insults easily but I can only hope that your southern brethren recognize you for the fool that you are. I truly hope your reasoning doesn't reflect an education from the institution whose teet you suckle on.


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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
Hoopla Cash
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You do realize that it was a sports magazine that gave out the 1941 NC based on a math formula that has been used for many other claimed championships of other teams as well?

In 1941, the two-loss Tide finished 20th in the AP poll but went on to win the Cotton Bowl and be recognized as champs by exactly one selector, the Houlgate System, a then-prominent mathematical formula; 13 other polls and subsequent computer models have picked undefeated Minnesota or 8-1-1 Texas over the Tide for that season.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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In 1941, the two-loss Tide finished 20th in the AP poll but went on to win the Cotton Bowl and be recognized as champs by exactly one selector, the Houlgate System, a then-prominent mathematical formula; 13 other polls and subsequent computer models have picked undefeated Minnesota or 8-1-1 Texas over the Tide for that season.

It's not a claim that other teams don't take, and it's a claim that is recognized by the NCAA. Calling it mythical is nothing but sour grapes.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
Hoopla Cash
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A good support group means the child will have more success. I would tell the child to think about the subject before making a decision. If they decide using the criteria you mentioned, I would accept their decision.

AFA coaches go, you can never know what is going to happen. Coaches go and even die without prior notice.

Given that I graduated from Texas, I would hope that they would want to attend the same school. If they chose a&?, I would shake my head and keep my mouth shut.

That support group, in this case, is not just his peers....but some very suspect trainers and 7on7 coaches that have been pushing kids to different places based upon their personal preferences and personal gain. And one of the peers in that "support group" was arrested on his official visit last year to UVA.

The coaches argument you pointed out is the exact reason I don't think they should be basing their college decisions on the coaches and friends who play for a specific team. The business is too fickle, and you never know if any of them are going to be there from year to year. If you are going to base it on a coaches....base it on someone known to be loyal to a school or someone just starting at a school. That way you know that they should be there for awhile. And no I am not talking about VT in that argument. Brown was never coming to VT and I excepted that a long time ago. There is no butt hurt or sour grapes because of that like you are probably expecting from a VT fan. There is a team closer to Brown's area that has similar academics, a better football program, a coaching staff that is more likely to be around his entire career, a history of producing elite d-lineman recently, and who he admittedly claimed was his childhood favorite.....and that is not VT.


Aug 14, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,833.33
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You guys know that Michigan claims 5 titles before 1920? Hell, 10 of them came before 1950! That's insane.

Why do I hear all this talk about Nebraska's dynasty and Alabama's dynasty, but no talk about the Michigan dynasty from 1901-1904?


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Agree 100%, for a good 20 years. But don't forget who Alabama is, Saban brought Bama from a bad period, but don't think for one second he made this program.<<<RollTide14

Unless you are referring to that guy in the checkered hat, I would have to disagree. Saban IS Alabama. <<<Jalopy

Then I wrote:
So Gene Stallings, from 1990 to 1996, won an average of 10 games, a National Championship and played for the SEC Championship by winning the west 4 times, doesn't count? or Frank Thomas , 1931 to 1946, went 115-24-7 and won 2 national championships or Wallace Wade who went 61-13-3 and won 2 national championships as well.

Even in the dark years of 2000 to 2007, Alabama won 10 games in 2002 and 2005.

Some of you posters are clueless! :L

Then you wrote:
One day we will have a little discussion and talk about all those fictitious "championships" that Alabama has won.

What the hell, let's do it now. <<<then you go on to discuss each year you think is tainted!

Your debating skill are skin to a 5-yr-old (and one destined for a SEC education). I say that Saban resurrected your program from obscurity and you bring up garbage about mythical national titles. Where does the University of Michigan come into play?
Saban is Alabama. He took a program that was floundering and made you guys national champions. You didn't show anything that comes close to proving anything different. I didn't say that Alabama didn't have a history, only that without him, you wouldn't have a program that could compete for championships.
You talk big and hurl insults easily but I can only hope that your southern brethren recognize you for the fool that you are. I truly hope your reasoning doesn't reflect an education from the institution whose teet you suckle on.

Try to read the above quotes real slowly. I bet with your B1G education you can realize why my post. You can't be that slow! The second quote is yours in response to something Rolltide14 said. Let me repeat again for your slow brain; "Unless you are referring to that guy in the checkered hat, I would have to disagree. SABAN IS ALABAMA." The means other than Bear Bryant if it wasn't for Saban Alabama would be just like the school Brown chose. I then showed how wrong you were by showing 3 other coaches that basically covers Alabama's history from the 1920's to today and how there are more than just Bear and Saban! Understand yet? YOU WERE THE ONE WHO BROUGHT THE TAINTED NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS INTO IT, OUT OF THE BLUE MIGHT I ADD, THEN ASK ME WHAT MICHIGAN HAS TO DO WITH THIS? Go look up hypocrite please? Wait, you certainly know what that means with your great education. You mention insults but all I did was put you in your place, which isn't difficult, without making insults. Then you came back, again, with irrelevant mumbo jumbo hurling insults about SEC education, me being a fool and then added how I breast(using another stupid attack on the south by saying teet) feed off the school I pull for. Oh wait, I did say some posters are clueless. Sorry to be so insulting!

Also, for the record, Saban benefited from sanctions that were being felt for years going away when he got here, so Alabama being Alabama, would have still rebounded nicely. We might not have beat Michigan's ass quite as bad without him but we would have still kicked it back to Ann Arbor. Good luck in your team finding someone who will make your team relevant. Not sure Coach Fat ASS is the man. I doubt you will win the number of National Championships the rest of your history that we won the last 4 years but that's ok. No on expects it from Michigan. Besides your early 1900's national championship and that shared one in 1997 no one really notices you...except that team that seems to beat you every year, OSU! Yes, I insulted this time! :laugh3:


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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
Hoopla Cash
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<Yawn> Why your fascination with Michigan? Is it because they are the all-time leader in wins or because they have the highest winning % in all of college football?

Regardless, recruits just don't view your storied history in the same light as you. They know PBB but he has no influence on their decision. They come to 'Bama to play in the NC and for the pipeline to play on Sundays. That was created by Saban. He did it at LSU and now he is doing it for Alabama. You are relevant now not because of the storied tradition of Alabama Football, but because of the head coach that you hired. That is the impetus behind my "Saban IS Alabama" statement.

10 years ago, "Alabama being Alabama" for much of the country meant buying football recruits and skirting NCAA rules before Saban changed that. You might have rebounded from that or you might have become the next SMU.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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<Yawn> Why your fascination with Michigan? Is it because they are the all-time leader in wins or because they have the highest winning % in all of college football?

Regardless, recruits just don't view your storied history in the same light as you. They know PBB but he has no influence on their decision. They come to 'Bama to play in the NC and for the pipeline to play on Sundays. That was created by Saban. He did it at LSU and now he is doing it for Alabama. You are relevant now not because of the storied tradition of Alabama Football, but because of the head coach that you hired. That is the impetus behind my "Saban IS Alabama" statement.

10 years ago, "Alabama being Alabama" for much of the country meant buying football recruits and skirting NCAA rules before Saban changed that. You might have rebounded from that or you might have become the next SMU.

Bama was a top 5 program historically before Saban. This is like sayign Brian Kelly built ND if he goes on to win a couple titles in the next 5 yrs. Saban has Bama running at full throttle, but it is unbelievably short-sighted to say Saban is Bama. There is a reason the people still were those ridiculous houndstooth hats..


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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<Yawn> Why your fascination with Michigan? Is it because they are the all-time leader in wins or because they have the highest winning % in all of college football?

Regardless, recruits just don't view your storied history in the same light as you. They know PBB but he has no influence on their decision. They come to 'Bama to play in the NC and for the pipeline to play on Sundays. That was created by Saban. He did it at LSU and now he is doing it for Alabama. You are relevant now not because of the storied tradition of Alabama Football, but because of the head coach that you hired. That is the impetus behind my "Saban IS Alabama" statement.

10 years ago, "Alabama being Alabama" for much of the country meant buying football recruits and skirting NCAA rules before Saban changed that. You might have rebounded from that or you might have become the next SMU.

The current coach is a reason for the current success?



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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
Hoopla Cash
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The current coach is a reason for the current success?


Exactly! Not really a novel concept. Please explain this to your cohorts. This is especially true in the Saban case because he pretty much had to rescue Alabama from the scrap heap (same thing Hoke is attempting at Mich.)


Aug 14, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,833.33
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Exactly! Not really a novel concept. Please explain this to your cohorts. This is especially true in the Saban case because he pretty much had to rescue Alabama from the scrap heap (same thing Hoke is attempting at Mich.)


Any idiot can tell you're changing your stance after looking like a douche.

I said to you, "Nick Saban didn't make Alabama", and you responded with..

Unless you are referring to that guy in the checkered hat, I would have to disagree. Saban IS Alabama.

No need to explain anymore...


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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
Hoopla Cash
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No need to explain anymore...

..yet I have an infinite amount of patience so I will try.Let's say Saban left Alabama after this year (and another NC). The next coach is pretty much guaranteed to have residual success regardless of how poor of a coach he is. It would be pretty hard to say that so and so IS Alabama because he will be riding the coattails of his predecessor. Saban didn't have that. In fact, he had to reverse the culture and build from scratch (I'm not saying he had zero talent). There is some legacy effect from the Bryant (and others) era but it is minimal compared to, say, what Stallings inherited when he took over.

I can't imagine what it is like to live in a world where you need to use illusionary self congratulations to feed your ego and harvest the need to use petty insults in a virtual conversation.


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Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No need to explain anymore...

..yet I have an infinite amount of patience so I will try.Let's say Saban left Alabama after this year (and another NC). The next coach is pretty much guaranteed to have residual success regardless of how poor of a coach he is. It would be pretty hard to say that so and so IS Alabama because he will be riding the coattails of his predecessor. Saban didn't have that. In fact, he had to reverse the culture and build from scratch (I'm not saying he had zero talent). There is some legacy effect from the Bryant (and others) era but it is minimal compared to, say, what Stallings inherited when he took over.

I can't imagine what it is like to live in a world where you need to use illusionary self congratulations to feed your ego and harvest the need to use petty insults in a virtual conversation.

that is utter crap. Hoke goes to Michigan and his first recruiting class is rated 6th in the country. That was a direct result of him going to Michigan. He does not get the 6th rated class at San Jose State. Even Shula could recruit at Bama. I am not saying anyone can come in and kill it at Bama, but there is a good chance if Bama hired me I could bring in a top 25 class. Stoops did the same thing at OU. Mack at Texas. It is much easier to turn around a sleeping giant than to bring a nobody into the primetime. For some reason you thing that 5 bad yrs wiped out 50 yrs of tradition.


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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
Hoopla Cash
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that is utter crap. Hoke goes to Michigan and his first recruiting class is rated 6th in the country. That was a direct result of him going to Michigan. He does not get the 6th rated class at San Jose State. Even Shula could recruit at Bama. I am not saying anyone can come in and kill it at Bama, but there is a good chance if Bama hired me I could bring in a top 25 class. Stoops did the same thing at OU. Mack at Texas. It is much easier to turn around a sleeping giant than to bring a nobody into the primetime. For some reason you thing that 5 bad yrs wiped out 50 yrs of tradition.

One big fact you left out. Alabama ain't Michigan. The academic reputation of the university (and B1G) is a touch superior and so is the alumni association. In the 90's and 00's 'Bama routinely got out-recruited by the Florida schools and others in the region (LSU, and that other school in your state.

Michigan had been a very solid team year-in, year-out from the late 60's thru 2007 before a short hiccup interrupted that run and that has been corrected.

5 bad years? How many losing season has 'Bama had in the last 30?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Exactly! Not really a novel concept. Please explain this to your cohorts. This is especially true in the Saban case because he pretty much had to rescue Alabama from the scrap heap (same thing Hoke is attempting at Mich.)


There is a difference in him being responsible for the current success and the entire history of the program.

There is no denying Saban has built a monster at Alabama currently. But if you think he started with nothing, you are out to lunch.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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One big fact you left out. Alabama ain't Michigan. The academic reputation of the university (and B1G) is a touch superior and so is the alumni association. In the 90's and 00's 'Bama routinely got out-recruited by the Florida schools and others in the region (LSU, and that other school in your state.

Michigan had been a very solid team year-in, year-out from the late 60's thru 2007 before a short hiccup interrupted that run and that has been corrected.

5 bad years? How many losing season has 'Bama had in the last 30?

Wrong, Alabama is currently doing extremely well academically. Currently ranks #32 among all public universities nationally.

You'll have to find another stereotype.

Quick Facts: Did You Know? - The University of Alabama


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Been around the block more times than the mailman
May 12, 2013
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It's not a claim that other teams don't take, and it's a claim that is recognized by the NCAA. Calling it mythical is nothing but sour grapes.

They are ALL mythical, due to the fact they were never won on the field only in a popularity contest!


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
Hoopla Cash
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Wrong, Alabama is currently doing extremely well academically. Currently ranks #32 among all public universities nationally.

You'll have to find another stereotype.

Quick Facts: Did You Know? - The University of Alabama

Alabama gets it shitty academic rep because it is extremely easy to get into. The academics really aren't bad at Alabama, but almost anyone of above-average academic standing can get accepted.